Seeing Lin Chen's return, the old man Wan Huo asked anxiously: "How, are those people embarrassing you?"

His experience is extraordinary, enough to see The person who was looking for Lin Chen just now is not a casual person.

Open Heaven Realm, there are also strong and weak points, the same is Open Heaven Realm, if the drunk old man compares with those three great powers, the difference between Heaven and Earth!

"Hehe, there is an Old Senior who relieved me, it's okay."

Lin Chen tone barely fell, an angry murderous aura faintly aimed in his direction, he Turning around suddenly, looked towards the direction of Ling Moon Pavilion.

It is Zhao Mingyu!

Lin Chen laughed and said nothing. Now, even if he doesn't use a series of killing moves, he can still let this Zhao Mingyu drink a pot!

In the Spirit Moon Pavilion.

Ye Lixue looked at the direction of Zixia King Valley and the others, with a calm expression hiding some waves.

Total expansion points are 31513 times! Such an achievement, the evildoer is unparalleled!

Even if he was the most common enchanting list standard when he was promoted to Transition Realm, the growth he brought was also the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down! The stronger the foundation, the higher the limit!

"Lin Chen, really is an invisible man..."


At night, everyone gathered in the private room of Yunding Building.

Lin Chen simply ignored the many winds and rumors from the outside world.

In the box, Yue Xiner leaned over and wanted to apologize--

"Lin Chen Young Master, I..."

"Cheers from Class 66! "

Everyone clinked glasses, Lin Chen ignored Yue Xin'er and laughed with everyone in Class 66.

"I said the squad leader will make them round and round!"

"When the time comes, the squad leader went to participate in the ladder game, just say, sorry, I am not with you Those who have expanded their acupoints less than 30,000 times, surrender yourself, hahahaha!"


The Little Demon Empress smiled and patted the stunned Yue Xin'er, fascinated by said. with a smile: "The things he doesn't want to care about, no one can care about it. Don't try to try to figure him out. In this world, no one can guess him."

"Miss Qingwu...he, Has it always been this way?"

Yue Xin'er bit her teeth.

The Little Demon Empress smiled without saying a word, staring at Lin Chen quietly.

Tonight, everyone gets drunk and then rests.

In the middle of the night, under a lake, the surface of the lake was sparkling.

Lin Chen and Leng Yueqi are sitting by the lake, on the beautiful lady's beautiful jade face, faint smile said.

"Let you chase a great beauty again, right."

Dashuai Lin forced his hand to surrender and blushed with shame, "Sister Yueqi, I don’t have one. My little fairy and I have a pure friendship."

Leng Yueqi’s eyebrow raised, a smile appeared on her glamorous and beautiful cheeks, “A pure relationship? You are called a human fairy, and she is so big, Don't you like it."

Lin Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, and he blurted out: "Sister Yueqi's is not too small..."

Leng Yueqi Staring at him, Puchi smiled after a long time, like Heavenly Immortal descending to the world, unparalleled.

She lay in Lin Chen's arms, her glamorous face dyed with a faint red glow.

"I have broken through the 2nd layer of the Holy Land, and the core method is also Perfection..."

Lin Chen trembled and hugged the beautiful woman.

Sacred Dragon emerges, releases Heavenly Prison, blocks the surroundings, and when the breath is covered, kisses the beautiful woman in his arms.

[The host triggers Dual Cultivation acacia, and starts feeding the Dual Cultivation object and the host’s cultivation base...]

Lin Chen’s first feeling is that it’s cold, but abnormally sour Cool.

A spring scene was reflected, and no one was able to watch it nearby.

Only the pretty face of the white Qianqian in the Lin Chen Qi Luck Implant Pouch is flushed, cheeks are burnt, and the roots of the ears are red, with delicate hands covering the eyes, and can't help but peek through the gaps between the fingers...


The next day, when Leng Yueqi and Lin Chen reappeared, the beauty’s cultivation base went from the 2nd layer of the Holy Land to Perfection, which made the Bingxin Palace’s daughter Elder was stunned!

When all elders sensed her breath, they smiled knowingly.

Using Lin Chen’s current terrifying expansion of the cultivation base, launch the [Dual Cultivation 合欢] innate talent, which can feed back more cultivation bases to your female relatives.

But he himself will not be affected, and he can even get a high Water Element energy attribute value from Leng Yueqi. Why not?

The next day, Scarlet Fairy found Lin Chen.

"Remember my agreement with you."

Brim Fairy blinked.

Lin Chen was surprised: "It shouldn't be serious, right?"

Brim Fairy covered her mouth and chuckled: "Of course your servant is serious."

After finishing speaking, she held up Lin Chen's palm, the pink holy light was suspended, and Lin Chen's palm was carved with a peach blossom-like mark.

"I Crimson Fairy, I would like to be the Master of Lin Chen Young, and I will only recognize one master."

When Crimson Fairy spreads out his palms, there is a relationship between the two. A kind of spiritual connection.

Crimson Fairy once bluntly said that if Lin Chen can expand his acupuncture points more than a hundred times in a single time, he will dominate him. Now, Lin Chen has exceeded her requirements long ago, and she has truly fulfilled her promise!

The moment the two established contact, Lin Chen was shocked!

He finally knows the true identity of Scarlet Fairy!


Even Bai Qianqian ran out of Lin Chen's air luck planting sac, his snow-white tail flicked, his slender hand shook Lin Chen's arm, and said excitedly.

"Master, this elder sister is..."

Lin Chen was shocked, and some did not come back to his senses, "This elder sister, I will follow me in the future ......"

Bai Qianqian was jumping for joy, "Wow! The master is amazing! Elder sister Hello, my name is Bai Qianqian."

Fairy Scarlet's heart is slightly shaken, I can't think of it. There is a legendary beast beside Lin Chen!

She lightly said with a smile: "Hello, little Swiss beast."

Lin Chen knew that Scarlet Fairy's identity was the spirit plant, but he didn't. t expect, her background is so terrifying!

high grade spirit plant? No, more than that!

Lin Chen has never seen a real high grade spirit plant, which is the peerless treasure that Grade 7 sect can hold.

But the feeling that Crimson Fairy gives him is more than just a high grade spirit plant!

Crimson Fairy smiled: "By the way, you broke the compensation for Heavenspan Pagoda, your servant has already done it for you, so feel free to participate."

Lin Chen startled, but Reminiscing about her identity, I sighed, I'm afraid this wyvern city can find people richer than Scarlet Fairy, maybe there are not many!

"Thank you, then, when the dust settles, I'll give you back."

Lin Chen grinned and Crimson Fairy chuckled, "your servant, don’t want anything in return." , As long as you become stronger with peace of mind, it will be the best return to me."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed. When he left the building, the Little Demon Empress had been waiting outside Yunding Building for a long time.

"Lin is really handsome guy, the beauty is in her arms, don't you remember to participate."

The Little Demon Empress smiled charmingly and teased Lin Chen.

"Cough, of course not, there is still a tough battle waiting for me."

Lin Chen laughed and flew into the air with the Little Demon Empress.

The enchanting list ladder competition officially begins!

In the Dragon City space gate, everyone teleported in.

The Ladder Tournament is held in the special plane of Dragon City, the Three Purities plane.

The Three Purities plane is divided into space stacks, and there is an exclusive space for contestants to fight.

If not, the Heaven's Chosen Saint of the enchanting list will start a battle, and the ordinary battle plane can't contain their fighting power, only a unique plane can be opened up to accommodate!

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