When the Ye Family door was blasted open, a team walked into the lobby, swift and decisive, aggressive!

It is the person from Zixia Wanggu!

Ye Family many powerhouses immediately got up!

The VIPs showed a smile even more playfully. Watching the excitement, naturally I hope that the more excitement the better!

"Oh? Is it finally here, Zixia Wanggu."

Ye Lixue was not surprised, she expected Zixia Wanggu to come.

However, the only thing she was surprised by was the teenager who led the team up ahead.

She has never seen this person. There is no impression. Looking at the talents within Grade 8, she knows everything, but this child, she has no impression at all.

"Oh? Is anyone going to smash Ye Family's place today? Come on, fight, must fight!"

The unearthly girl waved her little pink fist in excitement, The white clothed youth shook his head helplessly and looked over, instantly dumbfounded!

He has seen this boy!

Yue Xin'er stood up, stared at the front, muttering to herself: "Can someone save you at this juncture, Ye Qingwu..."

" Qing Wu, come home with us!"

"Yes, you don't need to be afraid this time, we are all here, you don't have to beg for everything!"

"Father, this time I will let you carry everything by yourself again, let's go home!"

The Purple Heavenly Tiger and the others shouted at the Little Demon Empress.

Lin Chen walked straight into the great hall, and when he looked around the audience, his eyes finally fell on the Little Demon Empress, Ye Lixue and Zhao Mingyu!

The Little Demon Empress said anxiously: "What are you bringing everyone here! Go home soon!"

The kindness of Lin Chen, the Little Demon Empress instantly understood.

The two know each other too well, but the Little Demon Empress must not let him mess around, this is ruining him!

Grade 8 forces and Grade 7 sect have as different as heaven and earth! Lin Chen's behavior this time is equivalent to trying to put Ye Family's face on the bright side.

even more how, there is also a Zhao Family, with the background of the two families, even to destroy a Grade 7 sect, it is only a matter of a few words!

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Little fairy, you know me well. I won't do things that are uncertain."

Zhao Mingyu raised his brows: "Very Understand?"

Lin Chen slightly smiled: "Yes, I understand very well, she knows my strengths, and I know the kind of understanding of her strengths."

The Little Demon Empress still has time to do so in the future. Persuading Lin Chen, Ye Lixue waved.

"My Ye Family does not need such an impolite guest, come and see off!"


Twenty full Life and Death Realm, ten Ye Family powerhouse appear out of thin air great hall, this hand is a bit depressing even for many people, Ye Lixue is early Be prepared!

When thirty powerhouses caught the void, the space rippled violently, as if they were about to remove everyone in an instant, a gray-white talisman fell from the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, bursting instantly!

All the powerhouses in the great hall felt that the space became stagnant for an instant, very strange!

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Chen turned into a series of afterimages, a blast kick, and all the unsuccessful Life and Death Realm and Na Xingjing all blasted off !


Many evildoers Heaven's Chosen suck in a breath of cold air!

In an instant!

At that moment, twenty Saint 6th-layers and ten Saint 7th-layers flew like this?

This is too damn fake! Do you put this acting?

Even some powerhouses from Grade 8 can't help but change their complexion slightly!

If Lin Chen were some old monster-level powerhouses, they would not be surprised at all. The previous ten Saint sevenfolds, at most, included the Star Realm Early-Stage, with 61 holy caves in full bloom.

But he is a youngster like the enchanting list!

Even the people who are within the top 5000 of the evildoer list today, can be counted on one's fingers, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns!

"Oh? The youngster of Interesting, but if you want to ruin my Zhao Family's happy event with this ability, I am too overbearing!"

Boom~! The space is trembling and squeezing away!

Patriarch Zhao’s half-step-opening heavenly power is like a shining sun, crushing on Lin Chen, trying to suppress him!

However, Lin Chen not only remained unaffected, but even took the initiative to take a step forward!

Lin Chen looked directly at Patriarch Zhao, who narrowed his eyes!

This boy is not a bluff!

"Little fairy, tell the truth about you, there is no need to wrong yourself, I promise, with me, no one can move Zixia Wanggu!"

Lin Chen's gaze Looking straight at the Little Demon Empress, "If you have a sweetheart who wants to marry, I will not blink my brows, but if you are forced to commit to your happiness, I can’t stand idly by. If you still regard me as a good friend, you will be treated. Speak from the heart."

"Qing Wu, the entire Zixia King Valley will be on your side. This time Dad is here to take you back! The grievances of the predecessors should be over long ago. You shouldn't be responsible for it."

The Little Demon Empress's expression turned dark and bright, "I..."

When Zi Mingyue spoke, Ye Lixue's expression was extremely cold.

"Zi Mingyue, your words represent the full-scale battle between Zixia Wanggu and my Ye Family."

Ye Lixue’s Holy Force fluctuates and shatters the void. , Her cultivation base is only inferior to Patriarch Zhao, who is only half-step to open the heavens, and she is also a Sacred Heart Peak! 80 holy caves in full bloom

shua! shua! shua!

A stream of light is coming, Ye Family dispatched more powerhouses, all surrounded the entire great hall!

"The youngster nowadays has a little bit of ability, so I want to make trouble."

"My Ye Family hasn't been born for too long. Is it a soft persimmon by others? This is not good. Ah..."

The silhouette of Ye Family Three Great Elders is like a ghost-like emergence, and they are three powerful powerhouses of the Holy Spirit!

The people of Zixia King Valley are waiting in full battle, the atmosphere is drawn with arrows, and if there is a big difference, they will start fighting!

"Everyone, don't be so irritable, I have a word, please listen to it."

At this moment, Supreme Elder of the Wanyan Palace in the Flame Region smiled After all, it is another powerhouse of Sacred Heart Perfection!

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Are you from the Yanyu Wanyan Temple?"

The Supreme Elder startled, kindly said with a smile: "Why, little friend Know the old man? Any advice?"

Lin Chen shakes his palm and shoots a stream of light into the old man's hand without saying a word.

He took it very tiny, and when he opened his palm, it was a fiery-red sharp arrow blade fragment, which stopped the kind smile on his face abruptly, and his expression was gradually shocked to horror!

bang! bang! bang!

At this moment, the space directly above Ye Family roars with endless waves of fire vortex! Enough to show how great the waves in Elder's heart are!

Everyone wondered, what exactly did this kid give to make the old man, who has always been calm and dealing with people and things, into such a shaken appearance?

Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind in a flash. After a breath, Wan Elder Huo trembled: "What is your relationship with that adult?"

Lin Chen is slightly smiled, confident and free. "Master and servant, I am the master and he is the servant."


Wan Elder Huo knelt on the spot, and his Senior said excitedly.

"life-saving grace, great grace to regain the palace, unforgettable! As adults worship Young Master, then my old bones are also the head of Young Master! Today Young Master wants to make trouble, I Ten thousand fires follow to the end!"

Everyone scalp exploded!

What's the situation? Grade 8 Supreme Elder, just kneel down like this?

Mother, didn’t you come out to be a peacemaker! You knelt when you came out, why are you suddenly joining them?

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