The evildoers Heaven's Chosen who besieged Lin Chen are very strong, terribly strong!

They are all strong players who rank around 6000 in the enchanting list!

But at this moment, they have tricks but they can't do it!

Because of Lin Chen's'Rune of Slowness', stronger!

5000 points of top rune energy, equivalent to 500 billion points of advanced talisman energy!

The strongest Rune of Slowness played by Lin Chen from the Holy Prison is 1,060 billion points of advanced talisman energy.

In other words, the Rune of Slowness used this time is almost half the power of the Holy Prison!

That is enough to seal the entire mortal world continent for several years, and even the Holy Mind can seal Rune of Slowness.

Even though there is only less than half of the formidable power of the last time this time, it is not a problem at all to seal the ordinary star state, let alone a group of condensed realm evildoers!

Not on the same level at all!

"Brother Chen...difficult...Is he Lin Chen?"

"He is the monster from half a year ago! My God, how can I provoke this guy... …"

When many evildoers recognized Lin Chen, their scalp numb!

How the hell is Lin Chen!

Qiyu asked Dao Palace about half a year ago and caused a shocking change. Within Grade 7 sect, well known!

Someone challenged the authority of the evildoer list, the Law Enforcement Group of the evildoer list personally dispatched, and finally even the Great Influence of Sword Domain various sects, Divine flame palace and other aspects were involved!

They didn't know Lin Chen, but time passed. In addition, Lin Chen had been lurking in the Holy Prison for more than half a year. The Holy Realm lacked his news that's all!

"Wow, Lin Chen big brother, I don't know that you are the one who asked the old man Xuanyuan to cast the Holy Artifact, you let me go..."

Bang~! Lin Chen punched the enchanting evildoer who was begging for mercy, slammed his brows sharply, and didn't give them a chance at all!

"Not good! Save Young Master!"

"It turned out to be Lin Chen, why is this evil star!"

I was still besieging him a moment ago The Life and Death Realm Elders of Heavenly Prison, rushed frantically at this moment!

"Go away. It's not your turn yet, none of them will run away later!"

Lin Chen sneered, shaking his palm, and another Rune of 9000 points of top rune energy Slowness exploded!

All Life and Death Realm Saints were intercepted out of thin air, and the entire Green Cloud City was around hundreds of thousands li, and the actions and thinking of all creatures became extremely slow!

Tear and pull~! The Sacred Dragon was dispatched, and the bloodline divine ability was fully promoted. The raging sea rolled the sky, the water prison covered the sky, and the four heavenly prisons, the Heavenly Prison, shrouded all the Life and Death Realm Saints!

Sacred Dragon, transformed into a human form, was gripped in the palm of his hand, the cage shrank rapidly, and the 7 trillion dragon power was like space collapsed and compressed. Those Saints who had time to use defensive methods in the future were all pinched to flesh and blood, and wailed. Everywhere!

Boom! boom! boom!

One Life and Death Realm Saint exploded blood mist and was crushed on the spot, exploding a lot of attribute light balls!

Crack~! Bang~!

A few super evildoers, with the life-saving space Holy Artifact, finally automatically protect the Lord before dying, and tore the void abscond!

"Want to escape? Jump out and robbery, but I want to run, but this handsome guy wants to run. How can there be such a simple thing in the world, come down to me!"

Lin Chen smiled evilly , The palm is held out of thin air.


A jade green brilliance is like a star embellishment, when it descends on Heaven and Earth, the moment it embellishes the space, this world changes into a gray space of nothingness!

【Consume 110,000 innate talent points, and ingest 11 hostile targets of crystallized crystals into time and space, time and space duration: 23 hours and 59 minutes. 】

Those evil spirits who think they are saved are instantly complexion stiffened!

"This...Where is this?"

"I can't break the space here, this place is not the holy world? Even the plane created by the star realm is not so strong. !"

All the evildoers were wailing, Lin Chen smashed his body and it was a violent fight, bloody, and the attribute light ball went crazy!

These evildoers, this time I came to visit or invite Six Fingers Xuanyuan Chushan Casting. They have a lot of good things on them, and Lin Chen accepts them all as they are ordered!

It just so happens that the attribute value he lacks most now is the essence of the suit!

From the outside world, Lin Chen and the remaining evildoers seem to disappear without a trace after being irradiated by a jade green rays of light!

But in the infinite time and space plane, Lin Chen does not stay, cut weeds and eliminate the roots, the six avatars and the body all the way to blast all the evildoers Heaven's Chosen!

At this moment, the list of enchanting evildoers quickly dimmed 23 names like the sun at high noon, shining with glazed light, like the falling of stars and the dim disappearance.

Flower Field Autumn Rain Palace.

Impermanence Sect of Thousand Domains.

The four phases of the Yan domain Tianyan Sect.

Nangong Family!

In Grade 7 sect and Grade 7 Aristocratic Family, there are many powerful people who all stood up in shock, or were awakened from retreat, or were shocked from managing affairs, or were in action. Huanshi was so scared that Shuoyang had to take out the list and check again!

"What's the matter? Daoqing is dead?"

"My Ling'er is a talented person who has expanded his acupuncture points more than 400 times in ten times. Life and Death Realm is also impossible to kill him. Ah!"

"Who, who the hell is! Dare to kill the people of the enchanting list, dare to kill the people of my Nangong Family!"

The distant plane of the void, a dark ancient tower .

In the secret room, three elders opened their eyes at the same time.

"The enchanting list actually fell 23 people at the same time? What's the matter?"

"Where is the place of death?"

"...Qiyu ."

The three old men were taken aback!

Odd domain? How the hell is Strange Domain again! !

This... wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Is it that little bastard again? How long has this gone!


Biyun City, the Tower of City Lord Mansion.

When a dozen Saints once again witnessed Lin Chen's ghost-like appearance, he was the only one left!

All the evildoers are gone!

"23 evildoers...that's it, no more?"

"My God, it's too cruel! This kid is much more cruel than the legendary!"

"Fortunately we didn't go up just now, otherwise...Fuck! He is coming to us!"

Swipe~! Lin Chen descended to the Tower of the City Lord Mansion. The Biyun City Lord in a yellow shirt pretended to be calm and a polite cup one fist in the other hand.

"My little friend is really Heavenly God, I'll wait and worship..."

Lin Chen narrowed his face and said, "Aiya, you are the City Lord, right? The words are really nice. "

After that, Lin Chen and City Lord hooked up their shoulders and laughed like a simple child just broken.

"City Lord, you said, I put on such a wonderful performance for you, how come I have to charge a performance fee, otherwise I will let you prostitutes for nothing, and I will not feel good about it. Right."

The Jasper City Lord was frightened!

What are you doing? Listen to his tone, what's so special... Mingqiu, this is going to be!

"Little...Little friend, this is a little bit of my care..."

Biyun City Lord took out a blue ring, rays of light flowed, Lin Chen quickly pushed back.

"Aiya, City Lord, where did you think of it. Are we that kind of person? It’s too polite, I’ll take it back soon."

After all, Lin Chen really Na Jie pushed back.

Seeing this, other Saints sighed in relief, they really thought this kid was going to grab it!

Well, it seems that they misunderstood him. This should be an honest child of if others didn't offend me i will not offend others.

Next sentence, everyone was almost vomiting blood by this'honest child'!

"I heard that there are many treasures in the City Lord Mansion City Warehouse in Biyun City. My child from the mountain wants to take a look."

Lin is serious:" Well, there is no other meaning, I will take a look, I will definitely not do it."

Biyun City Lord: "..."

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