Tie Xiaosheng, the interim prisoner of 17 layers, served as the deputy of the 16th-layer prisoner. He made outstanding achievements and was temporarily promoted to the 17 layers interim prisoner.

At this moment, when Tie Xiaosheng led the eighteen powerhouses around Jian Wuji, he suddenly found a young and evil Demon Race standing in front of the seventeen prisons.

His mouth is smiling, evil, enchanting, and white jade-like face resembling Heaven's Chosen of Human Race, making Tie Xiaosheng and other powerhouse complexion greatly changed!

"Demon Race? A Demon Race actually sneaked in!"

"Damn thing, I will kill you first!"

Two Nastars The prison guard powerhouse in the realm is so angry that he uses his finger as a sword, and one finger tore the void, like a Qianlong flying in the sky, pointing directly at Lin Chen!

"Not good! The nine shackles in the prison are gone!"

Tie Xiaosheng narrowed his eyes and felt bad. With a wave of his hand, he was about to lead the team away. The formation, the space ripples, like a group of vortex strangling, violently twisted, the two's lore is crushed by the sky!

"Oh? Tie Xiaosheng, I haven't seen him for many years. The little Maotou of the year is now in the sacred state of mind."

The chilly laughter echoed, two figures one From left to right, Lin Chen appeared next to him.

Sword Domain·Fang Ling, Sword Domain·Langfanyun!

When seeing the Holy Force fluctuation, which is rare in the holy cave of the two of them, Tie Xiaosheng looked terrified and reacted swiftly. He swallowed a medicine pill suddenly, making him 71 holy caves. Inspire the more terrifying Holy Force!

They actually broke through! Moreover, even the holy cave has recovered a little!

Even though he was seriously injured, this was also the supreme powerhouse based on the Peak of the times. A little carelessly, it was him Tie Xiaosheng who died!

"Everyone listens to the order, fights to the end, must stick to the support of the 16th-layer! If we escape here, we will face punishment even more terrible than death!"

Tie Xiaosheng and the others are waiting for the battle, holy light ten thousand zhang bursts in all the holy caves, like gradually raised stars, hanging in the sky!

Everything is a star-level super powerhouse, instantly opening the imposing manner, like a row of Sun, Moon and Stars in front of Lin Chen and the others, the imposing manner is enough to crush countless people. Order Saint!

The corners of the two's mouths rose up, with a hint of disdain.

Lin Chen opened his arms and turned into the world Demon King, laughing awe-inspiring!

"From now on, call me, fiercely!"

bang! bang! bang!

In the darkness, ten holy light blooms, Like the sun and menstruation, the mountains and rivers are turned upside down, completely opening up the entire dark empty space of 19 layers!

one after another A silhouette with strong aura, coming out of the holy light, or with picturesque eyebrows, personable, like thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in hand, like a king overlord, leader personally bringing troops into battle!

Or the immortal posture is beautiful, flawless, with a smile of peerless grace and elegance!

Or Yuan Zhen Yueli, with closed eyes, there is the natural phenomenon of Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect, suppress the demons!

Or back of a tiger and waist of a bear, the blood is as strong as an ancient relic, between exhalation and breathing, it is like a cosmic storm coming, one after another storm-like air current crushes the void.

Or divine poise and sagelike features, the appearance of transcendence hides the suppressed killing intent for a long time, turning over the hands like thousands of thunder, every move, every move, provokes Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the road roars, the wind and cloud Discoloration! !

Tie Xiaosheng’s pupils shrank slightly and his heart trembled!

Thousand-field misty scarlet saint "Fei Wushuang", spiritual realm white jade Fairy "Xiao Linger"!

Battle Domain Immemorial Dragon respects'Dragon Nine Mountain', the old man of Blood Domain Immemorial'Ji Wuchen'!

The strongest Prediction Master'Jiang Taixu' in the history of the Shenji Pavilion, the "Twelve Dao Palace" in the ice field, "The Purple Thousand Sorrow!

Sacred Domain Good-Fortune Pill Saint "Wandering to Rebirth", Heaven Sacred Domain destroys the twins of "Cinder of Heaven" and Earth Destruction!

There is also Flame Domain Burning Heaven Arrow Saint'Qi Feiyan', Huang Domain's'War Madness' Shangguan is invincible!

Coming out!

It's all out!

Those who have been composed of Legendary by countless Saints and admire them as legends are all dispatched!

Except for Tie Xiaosheng, all the Star-Navigating Prison Guardians trembled all over and couldn't help taking a step back. What's more, the cultivation base almost even started to foam at the mouth. Almost fainted!

I was scared and vomited directly!

The cultivation base of the star realm is definitely not a weak one! To be a powerhouse in the star realm, a person with great opportunity, great perseverance, and great destiny without discomfort!

If Lin Chen does not use the War God three-piece suit and fights alone, he will not be able to defeat any Saint of the Star Realm!

However, the opponents faced by this group of prison guards simply do not exist on one level!

These dozen or so people, at the peak period, any one of them will be able to slap all their prisoners to death when they turn their hands!

Even if the body is severely injured, and the strength is inexhaustible, the tiger is still a tiger. Can the ants be able to challenge it?


a sabre light sword glow split the darkness, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun took the lead!

"If you have a fight, you can rush the fastest, save some opponents for Lao Tzu!"

Long Jiushan laughed so loudly that the wind and thunder shook, and the palm of his foot smashed into the void, crushing thousands of miles of space, Such as Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, rush to all the prison guards!

Fei Wushuang and Xiao Ling'er looked at each other, and the clear shadow flashed like a white rainbow into the sky!

Tie Xiaosheng bit his tongue and brace oneself led everyone to fight forcibly!

An epic battle begins in an instant!

Jiang Taixu, dressed in sackcloth, sat down, holding a jade cup in his hand, pouring freshly warmed tea, said with a laugh: "Fortunately, the lord brought a lot of good things. I miss man very much."

When the fragrance of tea filled the void, Jiang Taixu tasted a faint smile, sound transmission said: "After two breaths, the two on the east side will fight back to death. Brother Long Jiushan will relax. It’s not good to add injury to injury."

"After a breath, Tie Xiaosheng will burn the holy cave desperately, and Lord Lang Fanyun’s sword force must not be too aggressive. In other words, it’s a holy state of mind. Give some face. ."

"After three breaths, the four people in the south will start the Fighting Formation at the same time, input the power of blood essence with the specific blue Yinbao Qi, to temporarily increase the Holy Force Holy Force, looking at the white jade Fairy and The Scarlet Sage is involved in them, and it’s okay to play a little protracted battle."

Since the sound transmission stopped, it didn’t take long for Jiang Taixu to say that the whole battle trend was perfectly clearly understood by him, and it was not bad at all. ! !

His old eyes are shining with a sharp sharp edge, deep and long, looking through the farther and deeper mystery.

Lin Chen is breathtaking!

This is the battle of Peak Saint, it's not a crushing battle at all!

In all fairness, his seventeen servants, the newly recovered cultivation base, are far from even the Sacred Mind, let alone dragging the seriously injured body, and the simple battle strength barely reaches Na The level of the stars!

Even so, Lin Chen has not mobilized everyone's power to let them fight more with less, and still fought a full-scale crushing battle!

The same power can display completely different formidable power in the hands of people who are not the same realm!

But when Jiang Taixu looked towards Lin Chen, it was more mysterious and solemn!

He saw a longer probability!

A group of lonely, proud, powerful tigers are not terrible. They are alone, regardless of each other, powerhouse is the same.

The terrible thing is that this group of tigers has a leader! When a joint operation is carried out with the will of the leader, an unprecedented threat will erupt!

Not to mention, this is not as simple as a group of tigers, this is a group of true'legendary monsters'!

The battle of the holy prison begins at this moment!

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