"It's terrible, these great powers really gave their lives to this little fellow..."

Jian Wuji shook his head and exclaimed, if the news spreads , I am afraid that the entire Holy Realm will have an unprecedented earthquake!

These seventeen people are the ones who have touched'that level'!

This group of powerful people who were imprisoned by the holy prison to go crazy, and paired with a fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth Lin Chen, then, is the beginning of the madness!

In all fairness, even if Lin Chen releases the seventeen of them, based on the reality, the probability that the seventeen of them can really get out of the holy prison is infinitely close to zero!

Holy Prison 10 9th layer, many prisoners are not to be trifled with. If they are at the peak period, they will naturally not be concerned.

But nowadays, they are different. They don’t have the same strength. To put it bluntly, many of the seventeen people have a lot of great powers, and they intend to die in this battle!

Even if you can't kill, at least you have to pull a few backs before you die!

So they see very openly, what about entrusting their lives, they can exchange for a fight before death, and no longer groggy and imprisoned in prison, this life is enough!

"Very well, it seems that everyone is very open. Although life and death are indifferent, you can do it if you refuse to accept it, but I will not let my people go to death in vain."

" Our goal for this action is not First Layer. Just hit the Second Layer and I have a special space channel. As long as I can get back to the Second Layer, I can lead you all people away."

Lin Chen shocked the stormy sea!

Second Layer has a secret passage to leave the holy prison?

This news has undoubtedly ignited all hope of rebirth!

"Lord...Lord, are you true..."

Fei Wushuang's eyes flickered with tears, and he couldn't even believe this fact!

"This commander never lied to himself, first restore the Holy Force in the holy cave!"

Lin Chen waved his hand, all the air luck planting sacs were opened, all around the void , The golden-yellow'Guangyu' came down one after another!

All gold coins! The number is more than one million, totally more than ten million gold holy yuan coins, piled up like a mountain in front of seventeen people!

Saint holy cave, the direct way to restore Holy Force is to absorb a large amount of gold coins!

Lin Chen has been prepared for a long time. His air luck planting sacs have cultivated a large number of'pseudo middle grade' air luck spirit plants, and the gold sacred yuan coins produced have long surpassed the background of Grade 6 sect. Comparable to Grade 7 giants!

"This amount of gold sacred yuan coins...It seems that the lord has come prepared!"

"hahahaha! It seems that this time I can have a good fight!"

All the powerful hearts were ecstatic, urging the dry holy cave, such as the sea filled with rivers, and the top of each person's head was like one after another vortex, all of which included a large number of golden sacred coins, turned into golden brilliance and refined into the holy cave !

Among them, a white-haired youth and a purple-eyed youth looked at each other, and there was waves in their hearts.

This immature and young lord can be described as crude in most matters, but subtle in some. If they previously refused to implant spiritual imprint, they might not know that their Second Layer will have a space channel to leave.

By then, they will still be dead end!

This child can be said to be testing them all the time! As if warning them, convinced him Lin Chen is the most correct choice!

This lord is worthy of recognition!

"Don't worry, based on your previous background, these tens of millions of gold coins are nothing..."

Lin Chen released Jian Wuji again, and everyone looked at each other. , Can’t help being surprised, there is still a sword saint from Life and Death Realm Perfection following the lord?

"Jian Wuji senior, I trouble you to protect the law. The guards may not come so soon, but the nearby Demon Race will be handed over to you."

Lin Chen is free Said with a smile, Jian Wuji waved his hand: "little fellow, you are polite, this little thing is worthy of your life-saving grace despite your orders!"

Jian Wuji stepped on a sword light , Flashing thousands of miles, the sword qi that enveloped the Star River was released all over, protecting the vicinity of the seventeen prisons.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~!

Just as everyone is wondering, space fluctuation, one after another Yun Zhengxiawei's dazzling Danxia is so powerful, multi-colored, rays of light surge, the holy ring enveloped the sky, amazed everyone!

"This is... a holy pill?"

"At least Grade 4 holy pill, lord, can't it be said?"

When the seventeen people were ecstatic, Lin Chen said indifferently: "I am a Grade 6 Saint Level alchemist. I am here for you at first. There are only so many medicine pills I can prepare, and how much I can recover depends on yours."

Grade 6 Saint Level?

The expressions of the powers are extremely wonderful!

Grade 6 Saint Level Alchemists, this grade, when they were in the Peak period, did not even have the qualifications to talk to them!

However, Grade 6 Saint Level alchemists who are in their twenties like the lord, are simply beyond common sense!

Six Paths phantom divine light is coming, Lin Chen's side, when the six Avatars come, all the powers are even more shocking!

Avatar type of cultivation technique, with the experience of the seventeen mighty people, they have seen a lot of them, they have never seen this kind of mysterious technique!

It's exactly the same! From blood to bones, and even Spiritual Fluctuation, it is perfect, just like the body!

If there is no Divine Consciousness Sea's weekly Life and Death Seal, they can't tell who is the Avatar and the real body!

"As expected, I dare to singlehanded and enter the 9th layer of the Holy Prison. We seem to have worshipped a terrific lord..."

Lang Fanyun licked his tongue, his expression fiery Excited!

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Next, I will use Avatar spirit strength to control the spiritual Life and Death Seal in your Spirit Source to help you refining medicinal power faster. The medicine pill I prepared is the highest However, for Grade 6 Peak, there is not much time. You can recover the Holy Force and absorb the medicinal power at the same time!"

After that, Lin Chen and the six avatars have printed their hands, like a heaven overflowing giant wave spirit. When strength swept through seventeen people and injected their essence into the Divine Consciousness Sea, hundreds of holy pill suspended in the sky flew into the bodies of different powers!

Looking at the appearance of the seventeen people, they didn't have too many injuries. In fact, they were already full of defects!

The higher the realm of Saints, the less likely they are to be injured, but at the same time, once they can really hurt them and want to recover, it is extremely difficult. These are also the six major criminals who escaped that year and will become the Nine Provinces continent pseudo One of God's sake.

These healing sacred pills are the sacred pills made by Lin Chen exhausting all the resources produced by the pseudo-middle grade spirit plant. In addition, when the little shadow picked up and missed the Myriad Treasures Secret Realm, some top rare worlds The medicine ingredient is refined.

In the past, he used the spirit strength of the Great Accomplishment stage of entering the Holy Realm, and he had to gather all the Avatar's abilities in order to reluctantly refine the Grade 6 Holy Pill.

But after he has included a large number of refining recipes from the Elder Council of the Elder Council, plus his spirit strength, he has reached the Holy Realm Perfection.

Moreover, he also has the +15 orange-level handprint "Eight Extreme Profound Sage Seal" to suppress the formation. Compared with the refining background when he participated in the Tianxuan Conference, the current Lin Chen refining skill uses the The difference between Heaven and Earth is not an exaggeration!

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