A crying bloody roar was submerged in the wave of the Demon Race. Although the criminals in the sanctuary here had a strong cultivation base during their lifetime, they could be in the holy prison. Don't save one.

Even if you get the short-term right of action, the speed of restoring the Holy Force is extremely slow. Facing the slightly stronger Saint Demon King Legion, you will lose in a long battle.

The battle lasted for four days and four nights. Lin Chen stayed lurking and did not easily approach the entrance of the Fourth Layer without permission. Although the hidden method of the little shadow is brilliant, if you are in the vortex of battle, it is very likely. Natural phenomenon and weak spot will appear.

"This time I killed the 2102 Saint Demon King, so so-so. More than 500 died. It's really a bunch of waste. Can I bring some useful things to Lao Tzu's level in the future, my mother? !"

The sky island in the center is relieved of its heavy Formation. The yellow robe fatty with a big belly is holding two beautiful ladies, flicks with the finger, and a ray of light like a shooting star cuts through the Third Layer of the Holy Prison. .

The nine-sharp seal on the eyebrows of those released criminals in the holy realm was activated again, and their holy cave was sealed again by imprisonment!

Many Saints who have survived by chance, have not had time to enjoy the'wonderful moments' of owning Holy Force for a while, and then returned to their previous state, with annoyance and regret on their faces!

"It's hard to have Holy Force for a while, damn thing!"

"How about next time we all join together and attack that prison island?"

"Old Li, save the time. Do you have Holy Force in your holy cave? Our net worth has been stolen. Not to mention there is no Holy Force. Even in our heyday, we are not the opponent of those people. The only probability is self-destruct."

"Ai, I don’t know how many old friends will die next time it is turned on. Do we really have to die here..."


When many Saints were downcast, more than a dozen prison guards came, and everyone was silent immediately, and returned to the cells of each marked obediently and honestly.

There are far more criminals in the Third Layer of the Holy Prison than this time. This battle is both work and fun for the prison guards, and Saint’s life is like a waste.

Lin Chen looked at a dark hole in the distance. The more Demon Races eliminated, the smaller the hole.

"so that's how it is, the holy prison is cast in the space of a certain Demon Race, and every Demon Race that appears can only be within the range of the space channel..."

Use the extra power of criminals to eliminate a large number of Demon Races regularly. This coolie is really ready.

"The battle is over, clean the battlefield!"

Lin Chen, once again swept the Third Layer!

[Get 120,000 rune energy, 2 billion high level essence, 120,000 Fire Element Energy, 2.5 billion high level vitality...]

The entire holy prison Third Layer, there are attribute light balls everywhere!

Lin Chen just collected the attribute value and stole the attribute value, it took another four days!

Lin Chen’s attribute value has ushered in an unprecedented hurricane! However, his holy cave was sealed independently, and all the high level Qi and Blood Energy belonged to the Sacred Dragon, so that he did not let anyone notice the opportunity of a breakthrough.

Entering the ninth day of the Third Layer, Lin Chen seized the opportunity and concealed the entrance to the Fourth Layer. It worked perfectly with the little shadow, so the technique was repeated and sneaked into the Fourth Layer!

Holy Prison, Fourth Layer.

Entering the Fourth Layer, it is sun shone brightly, full of spring. The mountain range is lush everywhere, and the ups and downs are like the outside world, making Lin Chen wonder if he is in the wrong place!

However, Lin Chen, who is sure he is still in the holy prison, is still cautiously.

Lin Chen walked all the way and came to a green square. Here, three stone statues were carved out, the blue face evil evil spirit, the Three Heads Six Arms, like Asura.

"What is the situation, there are tens of thousands of criminals from the Holy Prison!"

Lin Chen's heart was shocked. Many criminals from the Fourth Layer of the Holy Prison were actually concentrated here. .

While he launched the'Omen of theft' to steal the attribute value, he watched the changes.

In front of the stone statue, there is a kind old man with a benevolent face. He is dressed in Purple Gold veil. His eyes are permeated with the vicissitudes of life, but there seems to be something else in the depths of his eyes... …

"Please devote yourself to worship, don’t be evil in your heart..."

The old man walked slowly in front of a prisoner of the holy prison and said calmly: "The law crosses all beings, Have you realized it?"

The criminal was trembling all over. He definitely didn't have the grace of Saint, and some just faced the fear of death!

"I, I realized it!"

The old man shook his head: "No, you didn't."

Swipe~! Bang~! ka ka click~~!

The old man slapped down with a sharp palm, and smashed the top of the head of the criminal with a palm, and even smashed his sacred bones into pieces, so he couldn't die again!

This scene makes Lin Chen feel extremely weird!

All Saints present, such as the falling ice cellar, are biting cold glow, for fear that the elderly will ask themselves next moment!

The old man shook his hand with one hand, and the Saint's remains slowly dissipated and turned into a vibrant mountain range!

"This...this mountain range is turned out to be the body of Saint..."

Lin Chen is a little shocked, if so, this is full of vitality throughout the 4th layer of the Holy Prison , Isn't it piled up like a mountain of sacred corpses!

"This place shouldn't stay long, this old man is too weird..."

Lin Chen didn't care to sympathize with the prisoners here, and after stealing the attributes, he immediately went away. Fortunately, that The strange old man summoned a large number of holy prison criminals, and for the remaining criminals, Lin Chen completed the theft of attribute values ​​in less than a day.

Next, he found the entrance to the 5th floor.

The sword Wuji that Lin Chen is looking for is on the 5th floor!

"I heard from several Old Seniors from Sword Domain that Jiuzhai Nails may be in the Sixth Layer. As long as Jian Wuji is rescued and the nine Niuzha Nails are found, the operation is complete!"

Lin Chen's spirits lifted, and the little shadow urged the bloodline divine ability. He closed the seal again and opened the giant door of space!

In this period of time, the attribute value stolen by Lin Chen has reached a more terrifying number, even more terrifying than when he was in the tower before, second only to the later Law Enforcement Group battle.

If you keep sneaking down, the attribute value Lin Chen gets will definitely take off!


Holy Prison, 5th floor.

Compared with before, the 5th floor of this holy prison looked like a plain of blood, and cells were cast everywhere. Lin Chen just arrived and felt a strange breath.

Lin Chen approached one of the cells, and found that in the cell, two upright and handsome criminals were a little withered and hollowed out!

"I...I really don’t have a drop..."

"I’m going to be cut off. Quickly kill me with a single sword, this Ghostly Old Feng, I don’t want to stay anymore! I feel so sick when I see a woman now!"

The two wailed in a different way, making Lin a little bewildered!

What's the situation? Look at the appearance of the two Old Brothers, like just after the fact!

When Lin Chen finished stealing the attribute value and cautiously approached the center of the 5th floor, he seemed to find that the pink palace was built in all directions, all permeating a beautiful atmosphere.

From time to time, criminals in the holy prison were pulled into the palace in groups, and many criminals crawled out of the palace with trembling legs and feet!

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly. The prison masters and guards at this level are actually a group of women with a murder weapon!

"It's too fierce, who can stand it!"

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