"For a long time, I heard about the scarlet Fairy name, and I saw it today. It is as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal. The guest behind us pointed out that we want this kid's life, and you must not bring about one's own destruction."

The old man with a cane standing in the black mist gave a smirk, and the scarlet Fairy was calm. "Stop talking nonsense, today I protect this child, none of you can touch him!"

"Then learn Fairy's brilliant tricks!"

"Friends over there, ours The goal is the same, stop this woman first, and then grab Lin Chen!"

The three killers Captain sound transmission, the dark giant condensed into a black robed man, with a cold face, like an eagle owl.

He ignored the three Captains at all, and moved towards Lin Chen and caught them!

Five fingers swept across the void, smashing the entire sky. The strength of the three Captains was shocked!

"The generation of demons and monsters, get out." With a wave of the crimson sleeve robe, the moonlight is like a wave, and the shadowy breath of the void is cut off across the air!

[Successful initiation of the omen of theft, consume 8993 innate talent points, steal attribute value: 30,000 high level dark energy, 50,000 Heavenly Dao, 50,000 rune energy, 30,000 cultivation technique essence. 】

Lin Chen just launched the “Omen of God’s Steal”, Crimson Fairy grabbed his shoulders, and when he left, the lady sounded transmission to Lin Chen——“Don’t forget our cooperation, and stand against you today. You owe me this favor."

Yuzhiyin light flashed, Lin Chen and Han Yizhi disappeared suddenly!

"I want to see what abilities you have to come here to catch people!"

The scarlet Fairy drew up with a slender hand, the exquisite red light enveloped the sky, and the crimson rose from thousands of miles around. Se Yuehui makes all enemies look solemn!

"The terrifying strength of this girl...exceeds our expectations..."

A great battle broke out!


Southern boundary, Qinghai. This place is away from the red moon platform several tens of thousands of li, Lin Chen and Han Yizhi were sent here.

Lin Chen's eyes were a little dignified: "The killer of the Nine Shadows Organization should be sent by the overcast. What is that dark thing, a bit like the shadow clan..."

"Be careful, monitor!"

Han Yizhi's five fingers crossed the void, and the palm print was in the sky!

Shih~! peng~ peng~!

The two Divine Palm seals collided in the sky, causing the sea to churn and hurricane waves.

"Crimson Fairy really sent you out. After all, I still have to let this Young Master deal with you."

The void splits and Long Yijing steps slowly It appears empty, indifferently said with a smile.

He hasn't left yet!

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows: "It turns out that you spread the news."

Although Lin Chen performed heaven-shaking, earth-shattering in the mountain range of the burial saint, it was also exposed. There are a lot of secrets, but the vastness of the holy world is like the Universe Starry Sky. It’s not so easy to get the news to some real supreme powerhouses, let alone rush to the southern world so quickly. Some of these powers are indispensable. People contribute to the flames.

"Lin Chen, I know that you are a hard bone. This Young Master is not going to die with you. If you know you, give me the arm guard you used in the mountain range of the burial saint. This Young Master can let you go, otherwise you will have more troubles in the future. As long as I want to use the power of the enchanting list to stare at you, there will be countless powerhouses coming to my door."

Dragon Yijing talked and laughed, as if pinching Lin Chen's vitals.

Suddenly, Lin Chen's way is as plain as water.

"Long Yijing, you touched my bottom line. Originally I didn't want to care about you, but now I have changed my mind. I will accept your dog's life!"


The blue moon is born, Lin Chen has a knife in his hand, domineering wild!

"Joke! Just because you want the life of this Young Master, refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit dog." Long Yijing sneered, the space fluctuation behind him, One more person appeared!

"I already said that this kid is a guy who doesn't know the current affairs. It's the right thing to run him to death. Talk to him nonsense."

The person who came has a sword, His eyes are dazzling and sharp, his face is handsome, he wears azure clothes like a Pianpianjia Young Master, but there is a strong murderous aura between his brows!

Han Yizhi's eyes changed slightly!

The enchanting list, Xiao Jing!

Today actually came two enchanting list, peerless enchanting? Just for Lin Chen, a genius list, this kind of battle is hard to see for thousands of years!

"Han Yizhi, hand it over to me, you will concentrate on Lin Chen."

Xiao Jing smiled indifferently, suddenly drew his sword, and the sword roared like a dragon shaking the sky, piercing the sky!

Four people are opposed, Han Yizhi sound transmission to Lin Chen——"Squad leader, you concentrate on breaking through, I have my own way to get out, I will delay one. Then I will create opportunities for you, and there will be no more than ten years of Holy War. In seven months, as long as the squad leader becomes a candidate for the enchanting list after you participate in the Holy War, they will have nothing to do. Don’t reveal their whereabouts until then."


tone barely fell, Han Yizhi has a pair of star-like bright eyes glowing with powerful spirit strength, and he raised his cultivation base to a new height, and he swiped it, pointing to the light!

Xiao Jingji waved three feet azure edge, and the sword light Huiruhua Moon Wheel cut off, cutting off Han Yizhi’s spirit strength!

The battle between the two is on the verge. On one side is the enchanting list, and the other is the first in the genius list. In addition, Han Yizhi completely crushes the previous genius list, and even Xiao Jing cannot be separated in a short time. Win or lose.

"system, nirvana!"

[Activate blue-level high level nirvana: Hell burn Heavenly Fire, lock target: 2 people. 】

The fire cloud is rolling, and the scarlet fire is like a storm connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, sweeping from the top of the two people's heads!

Long Yijing and Xiao Jing had to mobilize the Holy Qi defense, and Han Yizhi's fighting pressure was slightly reduced.

"The 8th layer changes and the ultimate moment."

Holy phoenix wings unfold, Lin Chen enters the state, all holy caves Holy Splendor are entangled, full of vastness, long and deep, flashing all over Seven different crystals made Long Yijing's mind condensed!

"In just a few days, the holy energy of this kid's holy cave is not only completely filled up, but also refining an extra crystal. What kind of growth rate is this evildoer!"

The battle of Saint is purely about burning resources. After the last battle, even his current state of Long Yijing is only 90%, and he has not reached the peak state.

shua! shua! shua!

Five streams of light are emerging, and Lin Chen Avatars are coming out!

"Do it quickly, don't give him a chance!" Long Yijing's shoulders shook, and seven Thunder Element crystals exploded the overlord thunder, like the holy thunder of Wanlong Leigang gathered on his right arm!

"Lei Yin Killing Claws!"

The gleaming Thunder Shadow giant claw grabbed the sky and shook Lin Chen!

This blow is 80% of Long Yijing's power, and it is no longer weakened by the Avatar as before!

"Ordinary tricks can't stop it, in that case, break it for me!"

The rays of light are prosperous, and Lin Chen drew his sword and cut it horizontally!

A rapidly rotating aurora Blade Qi flashed out from the blade of the blue moon, and it was divided into five!

Shih~! boom!

Blade Qi exploded, exploding the Blade Qi fragments like a rainy sky, entraining the destructive power of pure strength, the spiritual fluctuation that was shattered like a saw, and slammed to that thunder claw!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The endless explosion smashed Thunderclaw head-on, but the remaining energy of Thunderclaw still penetrated, trying to attack Lin Chen!

Avatar had been prepared for a long time, lifting the sword and slashing'Sword Fury Qingtian' was divided into five swords and rainbows!

There is another Avatar who pulls the bow and shoots, Ji Guang Pianyu drifts with a faint rainbow, Jueying four flashes and shatter void, one after another dragon-shaped spear converges into one shot, and controls all attacks. With a bang, the remaining energy of Thunder Claw was crushed into nothingness!

"What?" Long Yijing lost her voice and was shocked.

How can this kid improve so fast!

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