[Get 450 points of high level spirit strength, 199 points of spirit strength, 980 points of spirit strength...]

Sacred Dragon wanders the audience and will fight Fei Xiaoyu and Chi Pill concocting all the thousands of spirit strength attribute light balls dropped!

90,000 points of high level spirit strength were directly harvested!

Lin Chen also launched a divine thief omen for every holy realm, not stealing for nothing, even if a little, it's still better than nothing!

"After blasting nine holes in a row, he has set off a bloody storm in the refining world, setting a precedent, pill concocting with his eyes..."

"It's really terrible Youth..."

The second elder of Zixia Wanggu exclaimed.

The Little Demon Empress stared at Lin Chen and agreed: "He is indeed very difficult to deal with. He is much better than the evildoers I have ever seen."

Suddenly there was a joking smile: "Why, Miss is infatuated with others? Don't let him join me in the Zixia King Valley."

"Yes, such a kid will pick anyone up. Nothing wrong, if the young lady takes him into the Zixia King Valley, the owner of the valley does not know what it will be like."

The Little Demon Empress was taken aback, coldly snorted and said: "Let this Young Lady be infatuated. People who are not born yet!"

"Lin Chen..." Long Yijing looked at Lin Chen with a smile, and exclaimed: "Sure enough, he is a very interesting teenager."

"Well, after the appraisal of our three Old Guys, the ranking of this scripture is Lin Chen, Fei Xiaoyu, Chi Meier, Shangguan Liuli, Lei Wutian and Lian Wushuang!"

The three giant refining giants in the void announced the results loudly, and everyone clapped and stood up.

Those who once questioned Lin Chen, were jealous or hated Lin Chen, now there are only sighs and sighs!

The strong rise of this child, no one refuses to accept it!

"Little friend Lin Chen, the old man looks forward to discussing Alchemy Technique with you one day."

The two giants approached Lin Chen very cordially, third. Juqing began to issue awards!

Except for the first prize held in the hands of Long Yijing in the enchanting list, all the rest were awarded.

Lin Chen is young, but for the three elders, he will surpass them one day!

I may still learn from him in the future, and it's right to make a good relationship now.

"Little friend Yijing, your champion is left."

The third giant turned his head and looked towards Long Yijing.

Long Yijing is gentle and elegant, walking towards Lin Chen with a smile.

"Your Excellency Lin Chen's pill concocting this time is truly the best of the past and present. It is really wonderful and I admire it. In the future, you will definitely be able to nominate one!"

Long Yijing laughed while holding a fan. The laughter was like a spring breeze. Like a daily chat between good friends, she would unconsciously blend into his compliment and be complacent.

Being praised by a peerless evildoer is indeed an honor in some respects. In the eyes of others, every evildoer in the evildoer list is difficult to see forever, far away and beyond reach!

"oh?" Lin Chen frowned.

He doesn't have a good impression of Long Yijing.

Even, he thinks Xiao Jing is a bit pleasing to the eye.

Although Xiao Jing is a giant amongst men, his hostility is revealed, which means that he is Lin Chen's enemy.

Although this Long Yijing is gentle and elegant, and looks like harmless to humans and animals, such people are often the most dangerous!

As the saying goes, the dog that bites does not bark, this person belongs to this type!

Be careful, those who laugh most openly, because often this type of people will give you a knife when you are most unexpected and unexpected!

"I'm someone who does things, and he has always been wonderful. You don't need to say something like pill concocting in his eyes, I am very low-key."

Lin Chen narrowed his face with a smile.

"Brother Yijing has to ask you to be numb. He is still in a hurry to go back and play chess with my little fairy. Maybe I will ask her to go to my room to play a few more times tonight. , Eat hot pot and sing songs, play a little chess and have to study the gender issues."

Long Yijing's paper fan flicked, and her smile remained unchanged, "Oh? Your lord’s little fairy, could it be Not the Little Demon Empress?"

"Otherwise, who else?" Lin Chen brows lightly raise.

"Hehe, then I won't delay my friend's good deeds." Long Yijing flipped his palm, and the enchanting list candidate emerged, flowing with the shining Holy Splendor.

Lin Chen is about to reach out to take it...


Lin Chen's fingertips were pierced!

He is a body refinement holy realm, Saint Physique defensive power is far beyond the ordinary holy realm!

This alternate token is full of invisible spirit like a needle, severe light!

This scene did not escape the eyes of the three old men and the representatives of refining medicine!

The three old heart startled, Long Yijing clearly made things difficult for Lin Chen! If it is someone else, they will directly intervene!

But the other party is the enchanting list! Even the three of them are not easy to interfere!

The corners of Lian Wushuang's mouth rose up, as if watching a good show.

"Interesting." Lin Chen licked the holy blood from his fingertips, looking evil.

"What's the matter, Your Excellency Lin Chen, why are you so careless!"

When Long Yijing looked'worried'...

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Five streams of light emerged from the void above Lin Chen, coming out of thin air!

【Consume 45,000 advanced talisman energy, use phantom rune. 】

Five Avatars appeared behind Lin Chen!

Boom~! !

The horrible Spiritual Fluctuation is like the sudden arrival of a huge prison of mountains and seas, and the space is trembling, like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, day and night. The earthquake made Heaven and Earth creep, and the entire Genting Plaza would collapse in an instant!

The spirit strength of five Avatars, instantly twisted into a rope, poured into Lin Chen's body!

The expressions of the three old men have changed slightly!

This spirit strength is only half inferior to their three people!

The spirit strength of the five Avatars was instantly blessed to Lin Chen's body, and he smiled calmly and stretched out his hand, suddenly holding the alternate token!

The sharp soaring spirit strength tears away the spirit of the alternative order!

Lin Chen forced a pull and took the alternative order!

Shih~! Tear~!

The holy blood spilled out, and it was Long Yijing himself who was cut through his palm this time!

"Sorry, look at Brother Yijing, you look a little bit reluctant to have a spermatorrhea tonight, can’t help but exert a little force. Don’t worry, when I have tea with the little fairy tonight, I will also So hard."

Lin Chen's sunny smile of harmless to humans and animals moved all the representatives of refining medicine!

This guy is actually giving tit for tat with the enchanting list!

What makes the geniuses represented by refining medicine even more tolerable is that after they finished refining the holy pill, their spirit strength had long since collapsed.

It is basically impossible to achieve such a peaceful posture under the suppression of the enchanting list! Lin Chen as if nothing happened!

Not to mention seizing food from the tiger's mouth!

Long Yijing’s spiritual realm far exceeds all of them! Even so, Lin Chen took the candidate token with a strong stance of head-on snatching!

The Little Demon Empress held her cheeks on the sidelines with interest, with a beautiful smile on her red lips that charmed all living beings.

Long Yijing’s elegant and dignified handkerchief wiped the blood on her palms, and she said with a smile in a graceful manner.

"Really, next time I must talk to you as my brother and see how hard you are."

Lin Chen said seriously.

"Definitely, definitely. It will be much harder than when I played today!"

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