Suddenly, when the genius's pomp was full, two cursing voices spread throughout the venue.

"This Young Lady has said so many times, you just lied! You taught me this chess. You regretted it several times just now!"

"I can Is it called regret chess? I just discovered a new play method and experimented. You are also a person on the enchanting list, can you be a little smart!"

"Whoever said that you have a method, you have to make you shameless Yes, you still shameless you!"

The guests present were all stunned!

Who is so courageous to make a noise here?

Two purple clouds, like a rainbow, descended into the Genting Square. Above the clouds, four people stood.

Two of the elders face full of black lines, a man and a woman are still madly'pairing lines'.

"That...that is the person from Zixia King Valley!"

"My God, it is the Little Demon Empress! One of the ten most beautiful people on the evildoer list!"

The young male geniuses all stared at the Little Demon Empress with scorching gazes. Their beautiful and unparalleled figure matched the charm of beings, but they were born with a cute and lovely girl face, yes. Any male is a great weapon!

Men admire, women are jealous, or marvel, this woman really deserves the name of the'Little Demon Empress'!

"Even the Little Demon Empress is here? Isn't she not good at refining medicine!"

"I remember this time the Saint Level alchemist in Zixia King Valley is called Chen Zi Royal youngster, right?"

"I have seen Chen Ziyu, who is not that young, who is the young man next to the Little Demon Empress?"

The geniuses of refining medicine discuss spiritedly , In the sky, the two old men of Zixia Wanggu are lightly coughed.

"Cough cough cough, the representative of Zixia Wanggu has been brought here. This time the person who will represent me in the match of Zixia Wanggu is this little friend of Lin Chen."


Everyone is shivered, whether it is the alchemy Heaven's Chosen in the audience or the all influence Elder, the Holy Land, they are all stunned!

The three elders in the sky abruptly got up, the vicissitudes of eyes burst out with spiritual rays of light, staring at Lin Chen fiercely, and he was about to see through the secrets of his whole body!

Seeing the eyes of the audience converge, Lin Chen peaceful, and even smiled slightly nodded at the three elders in the sky, the corners of his mouth raised, it was full of cynical calmness!

Three old men moved!

This youngster is terribly calm!

"He... he is the Lin Chen who has 9 consecutive holes?"

"The little demon queen went to help him personally that day, and the relationship between the two is not trivial. Ah!"

"Didn't you hear that, this time the representative of Zixia Wanggu's refining medicine, he turned out to be him! It turns out that he has been resting in Zixia Wanggu for a while!"

The scene exploded, the second old and the little goblin stepped into the VIP table, Lin Chen holding the bright red letter in his hand, stepped into the Genting Plaza.

The sacred geniuses of the genius list all cast their sights on Lin Chen. They still have many doubts about the legend of Lin Chen!

A Saint Realm 1st Layer, impossible to kill the 4th layer of the Holy Realm, must he hide a major secret?

Lin Chen just entered the square, and when he saw Fei Xiaoyu dressed in shabby old, he couldn’t help but blamed: "What do you say about your sacred scriptures? You can also put such a thin little girl in. I don’t know if it’s better for others."

"Come on, Little Sister, big brother will give you lollipops, oh no, help you organize them."

After that, Lin Chen put his hand on Fei Xiaoyu's head.

This action scared many young Heaven's Chosen alchemists in an instant!

"Fuck! What does he want!"

"Why, he is crazy! Does he not know the name of Tiansha!"

The representatives of refining medicine in the field, as if they had seen a ghost, immediately activated their spiritual protection.

Even Fei Xiaoyu did not react. Since she was born, few people dared to touch her, so that when Lin Chen approached her, she didn't realize Lin Chen was going to touch her!

When Lin Chen’s palm touches the top of Fei Xiaoyu’s head...


Xuntianhedi’s Spiritual Storm is centered on Fei Xiaoyu, and for a short time, like an evil giant beast, it is not controlled by Fei Xiaoyu and goes to Lin Chen!

This Spiritual Storm's penetrating power, even the spirit strength of Transcendent Saint Realm, dare not easily resist it!

However...Lin Chen was surging with cyan divine light, like an infinite ocean current, and received this spiritual hurricane that is devastating and shaking the earth!

crash-bang ~~!

The sight of Lin Chen being lifted off as everyone expected did not appear. On the contrary, all the Spiritual Storm, like the flowing sea vortex, flowed back into Fei Xiaoyu's body!

Like a violent angry beast, it was comforted in front of Lin Chen.

Fei Xiaoyu was stunned in place! The Spiritual Storm raging in her body has been controlled in an orderly manner, and there is no more riots or riots

Even the eyes of the little girl are a little brighter!

Swipe~! A sacred stream of soft water flowed into her body, washing her sloppy, dust, and all.

Lin Chen puts on her a water-blue cloak, and he twists her long hair into bundles, a hairpin passes through the ends of the hair, and Battle Qi levitates, holding her up, tender and tender. The snow-white lotus feet wear a pair of small new shoes engraved with little white rabbit.

With just one breath, a fresh and refined little girl in blue, like a porcelain doll, appeared in front of everyone!

"Look, this won't be much more beautiful."

Lin Chen squeezed Little Lass's cheek very satisfied.


Weird silence!

Even Fei Xiaoyu himself was stunned!

She herself has forgotten when the last time the person touched her was!

Fei Xiaoyu was born with a spiritual celestial body, her spiritual consciousness is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people, and her spirit strength will grow indefinitely, even to a kind of horror that the host needs to refining spirit strength at the moment. degree!

But the subsequent impact is that her fleshy body will be flooded with Spiritual Storm, and the spirit strength will continue to run.

Once there is another creature's consciousness, trying to contact her is like a barrel of explosives that will explode at the touch of it!

Unless the host can grow perfectly to precisely control all the spirit strengths that grow in the body, this threat will always exist!

Because of this, Fei Xiaoyu has been silent in pill concocting, controlling the growth of spirit strength at the fastest speed, almost neglect sleep and forget about food, almost forgetting about her image and life.

But today, Lin Chen has overcome this problem perfectly! He not only touched Fei Xiaoyu, but also put her in a new dress with no difficulty!

[Get high level spirit strength 399 points, spirit strength 500 points, spirit strength 392 points...]

When she touched Fei Xiaoyu, a lot of spirits flashed in her body. Divine Attribute The ball of light melted into the palm of his palm, and Lin Chen instantly gained 70,000 high level spirit strength points, earning blood!

"Big Brother's hands are so warm." Fei Xiaoyu raised her feet curiously, saw the red shoes embroidered with little white rabbits, smiled shyly: "Thank you big brother..."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are welcome, no effort at all."

"Too...too strong!"

"He was not shocked into an idiot by Fei Xiaoyu's Spiritual Storm, and suppressed the Spiritual Fluctuation of the Spirit! It's too powerful! It is said that this can't even be done by many masters of the Holy Realm!"

"Hey! How else would I be called a man in the Holy Realm in recent years, name is not in vain!"

"This is a man who caused a change, don’t look at his young, this kid playing the pig to eat the tiger, a set of sets, tsk tsk tsk, this time, the holy book of refining medicine is worth watching!"

The refining medicine Heaven's Chosen and Ancient One in the audience gave Lin Chen Clicking one's tongue in wonder with this hand.

All the talented representatives who participated in the field showed a solemn or interested look at Lin Chen!

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