Sword Qingcheng beautiful eyes tremble with fear, muttering to himself.

"He...all of them must be sanctified, spiritually sanctified, and cultivation base canonized on the same day for all of them!"

The scene is extremely chaotic!

"Long...Elder fainted!"

"Hurry...Call the old Sect Master..."

"Old Sect Master also fainted! "

"Why did I split my grass! What is this?"

"All the members are in one trinity? Crazy, must be mad!"

Many Ancient One holy realms were directly shocked by this scene!

Since ancient times, no one has dared to think like this, no one has dared to do so!

The sanctification of the Trinity is like an illusory legend, like a mountain that no one has climbed. Everyone is looking up at this mountain.

But today, six people suddenly appeared, to tell the world that these six people are about to set foot on the top of the legendary mountain at the same time!

This is no longer horrified and the world can describe it, it can be described as the reappearance of Divine Vestige!

"Divine Vestige! This is Divine Vestige! This is the reincarnation of True God under the Sect of God!"

Some Ancient One holy realms are always in tears and believe in True God The Saints bowed down directly in the direction of Lin Chen!

A hidden holy realm 4th layer Ancient One gleams with excitement, and mutters excitedly: "The holy realm is about to change, and history will be rewritten, and the name of the dark horse clubhouse must be passed on forever!"

Gu Changtian and Great Sun Burning the Heavens Saint Realm who fought with Luo Yaoer couldn't help but cast horrified eyes and looked towards Lin Chen's direction.

"My Human Race actually gave birth to such enchanting genius..."

"Where did these little fellows come from? It's a bit shocking to the world..."

The two Great Saint Boundary did not dare to be too distracted, and threw themselves into battle.

"What a terrifying battle strength, if she insists on breaking through, a devil blade is enough to kill her, we can't stop her if we double the number of people. If it weren't for her to protect the young man, she would have broken through. Now."

"What is the relationship between this kid and her..."

Qun Sheng was secretly frightened, and his offensive was extremely cautious.

Luo Yaoer had a knife in his hand, killing the group of holy cards, and the fourteen holy realms just tried to stop her.


The sword light exploded, and the Holy Splendor lotus was all over the sky. Xiao Jing and the Little Demon Empress each retreated ten steps, and they met each other.

The evildoers of the evildoer list, unless the ranking gap is very large, or Life and Death Battle, it is difficult to distinguish between superiors and inferior ones.

The little demon queen slender jade finger lightly flicks and flicks, and the lotus blossoms all over the sky, like a golden net that envelops Heaven and Earth, covering Xiao Jing's endless sword qi.

"As expected, the guy who can repel Lin Xingchen, Lin Chen and the guys around him are not simple..."

She glanced at Lin Chen's side , The corners of his lips lifted slightly, revealing a smile that charms all beings.

Xiao Jing's eyes caught sight of the signs of Lin Chen and the others' sanctification of the Trinity, and her heart sank!

"Are the people around this kid also some amazing genius..." Xiao Jing narrowed his eyes, and then said with a sneer to the little demon empress; "He has an ambiguous relationship with the Fiend woman, dare you Helping him is to get Zixia Wanggu into danger. As the Young Valley Lord, don't you even know how to weigh the pros and cons of this matter?"

The Little Demon Empress rolled her sleeves and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you don't force Lai Lai here, great aunt always cuts first and plays later. You Xiao Jing should be very clear. Either you will beat me out of here, or you will get out of here."

Being looked down upon over and over again, Xiao Jing thunder was furious: "A woman who relies on the identity of the Young Valley Lord of Zixia King Valley, that's all, you really think you have some ability to fail! Today I broke your core method. !"

"What kind of wolf with a big tail, great aunt can knock you over with one hand!"

The fighting force between the two Great Demons has increased by one point.

Hidden into the group of Holy War watching the battle, a few vague eyes locked on Lin Chen.

"Four adults, when will you start?"

The questioner is the gray robed man wearing a ghost face! He once assassinated Lin Chen in the mountain range of the burial saint!

When the assassination failed, he immediately notified the'other people'!

Gray robed man, the four men wearing eagle-eyed and owl-head masks around him said coldly.

"Don’t worry, the people of Zixia Wanggu are still hiding in the dark, we may not be able to take that kid now!"

"You have to wait, Yin Heavenly Talisman The edict has been passed to the organization. As long as the two Captains arrive, even if there is a powerhouse in Zixia Wanggu, we will not be able to stop us."

"Before this, rash actions will only reveal whereabouts and stay calm. The assassination is only a momentary thing. Even if this child is in shocking and stunning, even if he is now in the holy realm, it is only the lowest holy realm. I will wait for him to easily crush him!"


The two lines of sight in the sky stared at the battlefield and couldn't help but sighed.

"This action, I don’t know how much impact it will have on Zixia Wanggu, the lady has just returned..."

"No way, we two old bones are It is possible that if you want to stop the young lady, you don’t know her temper. Back then, the young lady dared to challenge a group of Saints in the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base. She saw a dragon egg and stumbled into more than a hundred Sacred Beasts. The dragon egg was stolen from the lair, and the appearance of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth is the same as that of Lin Chen in the dark horse club."

Hide the two in Space Crack. This silhouette is the second elder Zixia Wanggu who rescued Lin Chen!

"Speaking of which, if this kid can really complete the promotion of the Trinity, he is really qualified to join my Zixia Wanggu..."

"hahaha, we two are considered to be I want to go together, I’m very satisfied with this kid..."


Under the eyes of everyone, the six nine-color light cocoons burst out like dragons. , Resounding through the sky!

"Blood flame Sacred Dragon Dan, medicinal power absorption is complete! Condensation!"

Lin Chen roared suddenly from the bottom of his heart, all the blood and blood power burning like a blood flame suddenly Break through the boundaries of the whole body, transform the last meridian and last bone into a Saint Physique flesh shell!

"The fleshy shell becomes holy, break for me!"


Six Paths' blood-flaming dragon light ran straight into the sky, amazed everyone at the same time, a powerful force that shook the sky was released from all the geniuses in the Dark Horse Club!

The saints who watched the battle were dumbfounded, what a beautiful firework, this is the rays of light that blooms the boundaries of life breakthrough!

Fleshy body sanctified, success!

The dark horse club has a breakthrough of 100 million dragons!

"He...they succeeded..."

"The fleshy body is sanctified, the perfect fleshy body is sanctified! His energy and blood power is still rising, starting to approach 200 million Dragon power!"

"The real perfect promotion, this is just the beginning, their trinity sanctification is really perfect and without blemish connection!"

The saint shouted with passion and excitement, and the geniuses stared at Lin Chen and the six people intently!

Boom~! The Spiritual Storm above the heads of the six throbbed, like a dream, enveloping the divine divine light line, transmitting nebula-like blurred light!

Hold your breath!

Too overbearing!

The fleshy body has just been sanctified, and even when the remaining energy is still impacting the fleshy body's power further, these six people actually want to step into the holy realm spirit strength in a spurt of energy!

It seems that this flesh-shell is holy, just a prelude to rainstorm!

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