"Well, there are still a few good seedlings...For my plan, if the will can't slightly resist the will of God, it will be useless waste, and sanctification is not enough. It's the stronger ant that's all. It's impossible to enter that area..."

Suddenly, the stone tablet of God appeared unexpectedly even Saint King!


The memory full of killing intent and hatred erupted from Luo Yaoer's mind, and the voices of the ancestors echoed in her mind.

"Kill, kill! Kill all of the Human Race!"

"It was the God of Human Race spirit who created the Fiend clan. They regarded us as playthings, all of them Crazed people, kill these guys!" It is not the will of God that makes Luo Yaoer painful, but the memories of the ancestors that have emerged in his mind!

Many ancestors of the Fiend clan fell into the hands of the gods of the holy world. They were extremely angry with the True God of Human Race. A ray of God's will inspired the hatred engraved in memory!

Suddenly, the stone tablet of God seemed to be aware of it, and there was a burst of suction, trying to attract Luo Yaoer.

There seems to be an invisible force dragging her to the ground, and she is constantly being pulled by the stone tablet of God.

Her cloak was torn, the blue silk was scattered, and her peerless face was revealed, but no one cared to appreciate it. Everyone was struggling under the will of God's stone tablet.

Luo Yaoer was holding her head in pain, and she wanted to reach out to Lin Chen. The trembling jade hand had just been raised to in midair, but she clenched her silver teeth and put it down.

A suction pulls her all the way, slaps her, and finally sticks it alive on the stone tablet of God!

Boom~! Dozens of geniuses were lifted to the ground, or knelt down, or vomited blood and fainted!

The coercion of the stone tablet of God has doubled!

This situation, even Haotian Saint King unexpectedly!

"Huh? This king actually missed his eyes, this woman is from the Fiend clan..."

Haotian Saint King let out a shock, and then said loudly: "hahaha, The will of God of the stone tablet of God seems to have discovered something that I hate. Divine might have doubled, so I cut your time requirement by half and hold on to it. Unexpectedly, I have mixed into a Fiend clan, which is interesting..."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the geniuses turned blue and purple!

Divine might doubled? Who can stand this!

The doubled divine might can't be recovered in half the time, and it exceeds the limit of many people's tolerance!

"Fiend family? Is it that woman?"

"Damn it! Are you here to bring bad luck to our Human Race too!"

"Great True God, hurry up and put away your divine might, I wait for mortals to not bear the wrath of God..."

"Fucking legs, the Fiend clan is really everywhere It's the most damn race, it can hurt us here!"

"Scum! A race like rubbish, is about to be suppressed to death by divine might, don't hurt people anymore!"

Many geniuses couldn't raise their heads under divine might, and shouted with their heads down.

The memories of the ancestors rushed into my mind time and time again, surrounded by endless verbal abuse, the coercion of the gods, like countless ropes to hold his neck, sticking to Luo on the stone tablet of the gods Yao'er's face became paler!

"Maybe, when I die one day, that's it..."

Luo Yaoer was relieved instead.

"Thank you, Lin Chen, for letting me have a good dream, the feeling of being carried...not bad..."

Like as it should be Like by rights, beautiful eyes trembled lightly and closed their eyes.

Bang~! !

The ground veins shattered and was stepped out of a huge pit of several ten zhang. When it collapsed, it became the last straw that overwhelmed many geniuses, and was instantly suppressed by divine might to kneel down!

"Does it quarrel with you! One by one quarrels like a mad dog! Shut me up!"

The coldly shouted young man suppressed the audience!

"This is...the voice of Lin Chen..."

Although everyone couldn't turn their heads, they heard the owner of the voice.

Only a few monsters can raise their heads. When they turn around and look into the distance, their pupils tremble with fear!

Some geniuses standing near Lin Chen were dumbfounded, with their mouths slightly open!

Boom! boom! boom!

The earth quaked, Lin Chen actually walked towards the stone tablet of God step by step?

He actually walked around under the suppression of divine might?

Where Lin Chen passed, he smashed away one after another hurricane, which set off a gust of wind, and his clothes fluttered!

Luo Yao'er's beautiful eyes on the stone tablet of God trembles lightly, she personally moved towards the young man step by step, walking towards her...

Even if a thousand men pointed, he Also face doesn't change. Even when facing divine might, he still held his head up and unyielding.

As if that silhouette, even Heaven and Earth can't overpower him!

creak ~! creak ~! ka! ka!

When Lin Chen walked to the stone tablet of God, the bones all over his body burst into the sound of bone squeezing!

In the ten zhang range of the stone tablet of God, divine might has the strongest will!

"Humble mortals, you know the greatness of God, you mortals are nothing but God’s playthings that's all, retreat!"

The word'retreat' burst out more For the strong divine might, like the entire piece of Heaven and Earth twisting and squeezing Lin Chen!

pu chi ~! The skin of Lin Chen's joints was cracked, blood gushing out, he bit the roots of his teeth, covered in blood, and once again held up the divine might!

"The greatness of God is about my ass! Want me to kneel? Trifling a will, you count as a hair!"

Lin Chen roared, shaking the sky, Saint Haotian King was moved by it!

The geniuses are even more numb. This kid actually has a fighting intent for divine might?

A Battle Sovereign, has a fighting intent against God?

However, the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi in Lin Chen's body turned on automatically at this moment!

【"Taiyifu Heavenly Art", capture the five spirits of chaos and enlighten the nine calamities of the universe. Against the cycle of life and death, open the eternity of the One. Undying and Inextinguishable, Futian will last forever, cultivation this core method requires the will of against the heavens and the gods, in order to inherit the will of Futian, above Heaven and Earth, above the Spiritual God. ]

[Congratulations to the host! The will of the host has perfectly matched the requirements of core method cultivation at this stage. 】

When the system light screen pops up, Lin Chen's control of Heavenly Art seems to have brought it up a level. His Battle Qi is like a swing of an arm, and it seems to be sublimated. !

Divine might be very strong, but Lin Chen’s body of the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi was all mobilized, frantically following the meridian route of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art", his eyes were red and orange!

"This, this is..." Lin Chen moved, as long as he runs the core method, the oppression that divine might brings to him has started to weaken at this time!

Divine might be really powerful, but Lin Chen's will has never been subdued. His terrifying fighting spirit and Heavenly Art are perfectly combined!

cultivation Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art, you can get the'will of the sky', above Heaven and Earth, above Spiritual God!

From now on, Lin Chen can't be overwhelmed by the imposing manner and the coercion of the gods!

bang! bang! bang!

He actually walked step by step to the stone tablet up ahead of the gods, that is where the power of gods is the strongest!

A few geniuses stared at Lin Chen's back, their mouths slightly open.

What does he want to do...

Lin Chen's fingers squeezed'ka ka kha', and a frenzied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I, Lin Chen, don't kneel to the ground, let alone kneel! Get out of me!"

In all eyes, Lin Chen slammed his fist and beat him violently. On the stone tablet?

Bang~! Boom~!

The stone tablet bursts and shatters!

The pressure on all the geniuses present suddenly disappeared!

When they took a closer look, their scalp numb!


The stone tablet of God is broken?

Between this Heaven and Earth, there are really mortals who dare to resist True God!

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