On this one day and two nights, the top geniuses in the holy world have died again! It is equivalent to the death of hundreds of Saints in the future!

But the ones who survived, no matter if it was the background or the combat experience, the innate talent, they were all strong players among the geniuses, hard roles!

"Well, this round of reincarnation also has a lot of geniuses, and it finally arrived at the third round. Since the third round has not reached 900 people, if there are no more than 500 people in the third round, there will be less than 500 places. If you get a bye, you can directly pass the second test, get rewards and advance to the third test. If you get two 00s later, you will get a bye!"

Haotian Saint King's voice made everyone excited, and there was a bye list!

As long as you get a bye, you don’t have to go through Life and Death Battle!


A stream of light is injected into everyone's jade token, everyone has a look, some are happy and some are worried!

"I got a bye! hahaha!"

A top 5,000 super genius shouted excitedly!

It’s amazing that Lin Chen’s True Virtue Show and True Virtue Avatar both got a bye! Pass the second test directly!

There are also Yan Wuxie, the ghost-faced gray robe who assassinated Lin Chen, and the indifferent man who had just entered the mountain range and noticed the use of'Innate Shadow Secret Art'. They also won the bye. .

Only a few have obtained byes, and Lin Chen’s Purple Gold Eye can see the jade token numbers of most people after a little activation.

Most of those who have won byes are people with great potential. Even if the genius ranking is not the cream of the crop level, they are also the youngest.

As for those Ancient One, no one got a bye at all!

"It seems that Haotian Saint King is not stupid. He is planning to focus on selecting his target, so I should have gotten...huh?"

Lin Chen's jade token is not 00! It's 01!

His is the third round of Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle, the first one to play!

"This Haotian Saint King does not intend to aim at me? Or does he have other plans?"

Lin Chen struck different thoughts in his mind, and then withdrew his thoughts: "that's all, No matter who the opponent is, you have to fight!"

Lin Chen jumped into the dragon platform.

When everyone saw that he was actually Number One, they couldn't help being curious.

Who will Lin Chen's opponent be?

The bright red robe floated through the void, and the sharp sword power shocked the swords of all the swordsmen present. They wanted to break out of the sheath and went to worship in a certain direction!

The pupils of individual monster-level geniuses ranked in the top 2000 trembled!

Even Lin Chen has an unprecedented dignity, like an enemy.

The woman standing in front of him is Sword Qingcheng!

Sword Domain is the strongest genius of the time, invincible under the sword saint, it is known that the sword can have the gods, ascend and become a Saint, the peerless evildoer!

Everyone was stunned!

Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng are actually the first battle of the third round, that is, Life and Death Battle?

"Oh my god, Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng are facing each other!"

"This woman is not an ordinary strong woman, she has not played against Saint for dozens of rounds a long time ago. Since ancient times, there are very few Battle Sovereigns that can really match Saint!"

"Lin Chen is bound to lose! This woman is invincible of contemporary Sword Domain peers, Immortal Flying Over The Heavens Sword Qingcheng!"

"In the second round, Liu Wanlei, ranked 4740, didn't even follow her with a finger! This woman is simply not the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign, and is infinitely close to the existence of Saint!"

Some geniuses known as'monster' swallowed their saliva. This battle can be said to make people unable to move their eyes!

Sword Qingcheng’s talents are high, and the ancient Saint Da Neng has commented on it. This woman has contemporary enchantment rankings, and she can be calm in the face of the temptation of sanctification, just to pursue the sword ultimate dao .

Almost no one is optimistic about Lin Chen. Everyone’s focus is on whether Lin Chen can force the sword to pull out the supreme sword!

"It's really unexpected. I will fight you in the end. However, as long as you are not sanctified, my probability will never be zero."

Lin Chen is free and easy. Smile.

Kill Fei Anxing and Zhao Tiankun, Lin Chen's elemental attribute value skyrocketed by tens of thousands of points, and the formidable power as the rise tides, the boat floats of the Nine Tribulations Stars may not be the opponent of Jian Qingcheng!

Sword Qingcheng said indifferently: "I look for many areas, for the sake of one, I am the enemy of the sword, if you can let me draw the sword, I will be very happy, I know your level is far more than that It's so simple on the surface, let's show your true strength!"


The whole body of Jian Qingcheng is shining, colorful, like Fairy outside the sky, with picturesque eyebrows, but brewing an edge of splitting heaven and earth apart!


The dragon platform that was able to withstand Saint's heavy attack was shattered by Jian Qingcheng's glow!

"It’s different from the last time when Yan Wuxie besieged me, she ran the core method! This kind of oppression is not the orange-level core method that other geniuses only cultivated part of the content, it is definitely the strongest Orange-level complete core method!"

Lin Chen clenched the teeth, the strongest light robbery body to hold up this pressure, the whole body is flowing with Yutian Seventh Gold Qi, +15 half-orange-level defense With the blessing of battle skill, Lin Chen's face is a little better!

"Lin Chen, don't let me down."

The beautiful lady lifted the slender jade finger and swiped it lightly.

Tear and pull~!

The sound of brocade-like air current tears, thin hair-like thin sword marks cut across the void, Lin Chen’s 8th layer transformation and ultimate moment instantly cover the whole body, the Battle Qi erupts, and the dragon flashes away. To the side!

Swipe~! Just avoiding the sword light, the flowing Lin Chen's "Yu Tian Seventh Gold Qi" cracked like paper, and almost cut his kidney!

Lin Chen's scalp numb: "What an outrageous sword qi, it condenses the Battle Qi to the extreme, and kills it at the extreme speed. There is no bells and whistles, only the extreme sharpness!"

Lin Chen took out the'Azure Lightning Sacred Bow', swiftly pulled the bow and fired it quickly, and the arrow suddenly fell into pieces on the stage, and the murderous intention was enveloped.

The trajectory of its arrow light is uncertain, either straight like a shooting star, or wandering like a winding Dragon Snake, hidden edge and full of energy!

Some of the arrows are divided into five when lasing out. The imposing manner is so swift and violent that many geniuses look solemn!

However, when all the arrows came close to Jian Qingcheng, a layer of Invisible Sword was enveloped and shredded!

Lin Chen complexion slightly changed, the full-fire "Yiguang Kataba" can't even get close to her?

In the ten zhang area near her, there seems to be an invisible sword qi barrier. Any attack close to it will be directly shredded!

In Fei Anxing's battle, Jian Qingcheng couldn't see through Lin Chen's many tricks, but she'understands' it!

Some of Lin Chen’s special secret techniques can only be used after hitting the enemy, such as the confusing technique and the Absolute Art that will "rip" the defense. It may be launched!

Then she will use her sword to attack instead of defending!

All the attacks were shattered decisively before they approached, and Lin Chen's'innate talent' was blocked to death. There was nothing to do!

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