The first test is to kill Sacred Beast? That is enough to rival Saint's existence!

Many of them are indeed Legendary-like geniuses, and there are no shortage of existences who can confront the Saint who opened a holy cave.

Clashing and killing each other are two different things!

"Don’t be too hilarious, Saint King is different. One shot is to kill a group of Sacred Beast."

Lin Chen whistled, as if completely out of the way. Don't panic.

Luo Yaoer suddenly said: "These Sacred Beasts are wrong. They are stained with strong demonic energy and have lost their minds. They have become walking corpse wild beasts, without the spirituality of eighth rank fierce beasts."

"These Sacred Beasts were caused by the demonic energy of some fallen Immemorial trolls absorbed in the tomb of the king. Although they became eighth rank fierce beasts, spiritual wisdom is equivalent to nothing. Instinct is fighting. But their physical strength is also genuine, fight! If you can survive here, you will get unspeakable benefits, and the rewards of this king are enough to make you break the sage!"

Haotian Saint King's voice is impassioned, igniting most people's fighting intent!

"Did it! I am willing to slash, dare to pull the emperor off the horse, this genius has not beaten Saint, Saint King's chance, I must seize it!"

" Let’s fight. At this time, it’s useless to play any tricks. Sneak attack. We others will put ourselves at a disadvantage. The more people there are, the greater the chance of breakthrough test!"

More than eight thousand There are 3,000 Ancient One and more than 5,000 super genius fighting intents soaring into the sky, going into battle, flashing to all directions to encircle and suppress Sacred Beast!

Boom~! Mountain range Quartet rolls up the momentum of Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth. These Sacred Beasts have nothing to do with brute force. Without the spiritual wisdom of Sacred Beast, a face-to-face encounter, the geniuses have temporarily gained an advantage here.

"For the actual situation, I will steal the attribute values ​​of these Sacred Beasts first!"

Lin Chen took off the dragon emperor's body, and the Avatar turned into a white light dragon shadow A flash of emptiness passed.

Luo Yaoer suddenly said: "These Sacred Beast demonic energy invades the brain and enters the nucleus. I will pass you a formula and mudra. If you can remember, you can use the magic mark on your hand to control these Sacreds. Beast’s demonic energy can control them to a certain extent."

Lin Chen opened his mouth slightly: "Control them? Is this okay?"

Luo Yaoer lips Slightly moving, a series of obscure formulas came into Lin Chen's mind. He only consumed 4 points of cultivation technique essence to memorize the formulas and mudra!

[Activate the omen of theft, consume 1104 intermediate innate talent points, steal attribute values: 4000 points of high level blood, 6000 points of high level blood, 150 points of Fire Element Energy, 100 points of Wind Element energy , 4500 points of high level blood...]

Lin Chen’s Avatar steals all the attribute values ​​of Sacred Beast, and its movement speed is among the best of all geniuses. I want to get close to Sacred Beast with no difficulty!

Lin Chen immediately aimed at an Immemorial mysterious demon python, leaving Luo Yaoer on the back of the dragon emperor, and the little shadow was closely protected. His holy phoenix wings spread out and rushed towards the mysterious demon. The huge body of the python!

Seeing Lin someone killed, the geniuses who besieged it complexion slightly changed!

"Why does he want to come again?"

"Careful! This Lin Chen lunatic has never acted normally. Don't let him approach us easily!"

All geniuses seem to regard Lin Chen as the other'Sacred Beast' and are on guard against him!

Suddenly, Lin Chen shouted.

"Everyone quickly get out of the way, my dark horse club is adhering to the spirit of self-sacrifice. This battle let me come. Before, I had no choice for Lin Chen. Now, I just want to be a good person!"

More than one hundred geniuses and Ancient One twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Good people?

Good man, your brother-in-law! If you are a good person, all the villains in the holy world can present awards!

Choke~! Lin Chen draws his sword, the blue moon is in his hand, the geniuses are frightened!

They now have an instinctive psychological fear when they see Lin Chen drawing his sword!

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"

Lin Chen slashed out, the moonlight flashed across the sky, and dozens of geniuses immediately retreated!

Clang~! Boom~!

The scales of the mysterious demon python were twisted by the moonlight to squeeze out faint cracks and blood stains, and received a slight scratch, causing it to scream with pain, and immediately turned its target to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen’s Battle Qi is squeezed and consumed extremely quickly, all of which are transported to the'wheel light crystal' on the right arm, rays of light are blazing! The holy phoenix wings behind it condensed purple feathers!

hiss~! The black magic python opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the swirling black mist rolled and condensed, and instantly spewed out a terrifying storm of black mist, the poison mist that was enough to corrode the holy spirit rushed towards Lin Chen!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The holy phoenix wing furiously beat, and the power of the different crystals suddenly started! Lin Chen's silhouette flashed with hundreds of afterimages from left to right, one after another vertical flashes!

The densely packed afterimage makes everyone geniuses scalp numb!

At this speed, maybe even Saint can't stop it!

Swipe~! Lin Chen's ghosts and ghosts appeared on the head of the mysterious demon python, quickly forming seals, and thinking about the formula.

The power of the wheel light alien crystal plus the'Ultimate Moment', this full-strength hand'Dragon Flash' is Lin Chen's current highest speed, flashing out of the Corrosive Storm attack range of Immemorial Black Demon Python. It didn't even react!

"Gather the demons into spirits, the magic capital will seal the seal. Condensation!"

Lin Chen pinched out his handprints like lightning, and patted the head of the mysterious demon python with the magic mark of his palm. Inside.

Everyone is puzzled. There is an extremely rare opportunity. If you don't hit the key, you will seal on it?

In an instant, Lin Chen had a mysterious feeling. As long as he activates the magic mark, he can simply control some of the actions of this Sacred Beast.

Of course, fighting like controlling one's own dragon king and wanton use of bloodline divine ability is impossible, and the control intensity is not so strong.

But it’s okay to control who it beats!

hiss~! Immemorial's violent pupils trembled a few times, and then resumed the previous ferocity and cruelty, and the entire body of the python scales burst into a dark poison mist!

Lin Chen had long expected it. When it launched an attack, he could feel its attack intention through the magic seal, avoid it with no difficulty!

"hahaha, good thing, if I can control all the Sacred Beast, their beast core is mine! I can also destroy the bastard who besieged me before!"

Lin Chen was ecstatic in his heart, and then quickly backed away, yelling: "Everyone, leave it to you! This poison qi is too strong, I'm badly hurt!"

The corners of the geniuses' mouths twitched wildly, you His mother is shameless...

Everyone is watching you run to the top of people’s head to get a seal, no shit, you hurt!

"That's all, continue to encircle and suppress the mysterious demon python, its defense has begun to be broken by us, and break through it! As long as the lunatic Lin Chen does not interfere with us, thank God!"

I don't know which genius screamed, everyone came back to his senses, and continued to besiege the black magic python!

The Battle Qi unrolled bolt of white silk, brilliant like fireworks, the technique of lore, and bombardment on the mysterious demon python in turn!

As soon as it hurts, it rolls up the python's body and sweeps it, crushes the peaks, winds up the hurricane, and sweeps the mountains!

But everyone was on guard against each other, and only seven or eight points of effort were made between battles. When the mysterious magic python's killing intent was leaked, they retreated early.

Under the exhaustion of wheel warfare, only two people fell, and a dozen others were injured, in exchange for the black magic python!

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