A proud and dignified white clothed youth stands on the waves, both hands crossed near chest, with a playful smile and full of air.

Beside him, there is also a young master in Tsing Yi who shines lightly and detached from the dust.

The two looked down below the Sea Territory. The surface of the sea rolled up tens of thousands of waves, and a group of huge sharks emerged from the water. On top of the shark’s head stood the extremely gloomy Saint You shark.

"Oh? King Shark didn't attack me immediately. This is not in line with your character."

white clothed youth said with a smile, peaceful, As if he didn't care about his own situation.

"Human Race? Are you in the same group as the guy with the dragon and phoenix before?"

The saint You shark wore a blue robe, and his figure was straight and transformed. It is also as high as several feet in human form. Under the golden hair, there are a pair of monstrous baleful aura eyes.

Tsing Yi Young Master scolded: "Dogecoin shark, pay attention to the tone of your talking to my Big Brother Nangong, you are a hairy! A rotten shark, believing or not to make fish head soup with you tonight? "

"Fuck, not yet dare to be arrogant from the previous group, courting death!"

Boom~! Heavenly Saint You shark was angered by thunder by this tiny Human Race, and suddenly shot! Five fingers gripped the void in anger, and the sea exploded, exploding the sky and water!

Boom! The two burst into a group of blood mist, but the blood mist quickly turned into rays of light and disappeared, making Saint You shark in a daze!

"Something's wrong!"


In the Sacred Shark Palace, piles of silver sacred dollar coins are placed in the back courtyard of the palace, with Sacred Beast Energy sheltered.

Lin Chen hit the energy barrier with dozens of punches and cracked the crack!

[The host triggers passive innate talent: tear. 】


The energy cover shattered, and Lin Chen entire group broke into the courtyard!

"Sure enough, as the Master said, there are so many treasures here!"

Shen Lingshuang happily held a lot of silver sacred dollar coins and cheered.

Lin Chen looked around, there were no alien crystal fragments, and these things were not enough to match Sacred Beast.

Lin Chen frowned: "No, all that are left here are silver sacred yuan coins and some treasures of heaven and material. There are very few eighth rank medicine ingredients, and the real good things are still in it. Body."


The violent murderous aura can be clearly felt beyond a thousand li, the Saint You shark is back!

"Hide in my Taoyuan planting sac, and then hand it to me."

Lin Chen put everyone in the Taoyuan planting sac.

After dozens of breaths, the ocean current surged like a storm.

"It’s no wonder why you suddenly stopped this king. It turns out that you want to be a thief. With your weak Human Race, you can break the king’s defensive cover. I have to say that it is really a group of freaks."

The Saint You shark kills back outside the palace, baleful aura is monstrous.

At this time, there is only one Tsing Yi Young Master left in the palace courtyard, standing with his hand holding his hand, looking peaceful.

The Saint You shark lifted the pendant in front of his chest, where three high level rings were dangling, shining brightly, said with a sneer: "You are looking for this, I have to say A bit of a brain, this king’s wealth is indeed the existence of can be counted on one's fingers in Rainbow Island, but you alone are not enough to even squeeze your teeth between your teeth! Ask your behind-the-scenes to tell them!"

"Stuck between teeth?"

Young Master in Tsing Yi seemed to hear a big joke, said with a big smile: "You stupid and fierce beasts, count as a fart in front of my Big Brother Nangong, even The two sacred scorpions of Rainbow Island kneel down and worship my big brother, are you a shark? Seeing my uncle Dongfang Yao, don’t hesitate to kneel and kowtow to pay the ring up, otherwise I will destroy your shark palace!"

"Really, have these guys like Human Race have a brain problem recently? They don't have any strength in the holy realm, so dare to scream in front of this king!"

The holy shark is burning with anger, but this time he But did not make a move.

He clearly killed this kid just now, why is he still alive? Is this a real body or a fake body?

As soon as the sacred shark felt a scene, a gray talisman suddenly exploded into the seabed!

The thousand zhang space near the Saint You shark in the sky became particularly slow to freeze, and the flow of Sea water became extremely slow!

【Activate Level 6 Rune of Slowness, it consumes 20 points of advanced talisman energy. 】

"en? What the hell is that?"

The holy shark was startled, and instinctively urged Holy Force to break through!

20 points advanced talisman literary energy, on the premise of surprise, can only seal less than one-twentieth of the breath of the holy realm!

However, this moment of distraction is enough!

Swipe~! A dark afterglow passed by, appearing out of thin air, the white young Master in front of the holy shark was covered with a dark curtain, like a black cloak under the dark night, covering all his breath!

The white clothed youth'Nangong Mie' quickly probed his hand, grabbed the three rings on the chest of the holy shark, and violently pulled it. The moment he held it in his hand, he was circling the rays of space. light!

The sacred shark was horrified and angry. After it was restrained by its breakthrough Rune of Slowness, it grabbed it, squeezed it and broke the billowing current, tearing the seawater to the fault, but it caught it!


The Saint You is stunned!

He was snatched by a Human Race Battle Sovereign? To be precise, it should be stealing?

Tsing Yi Young Master shook his head and shrugged.

"So, I’m going to offer treasures a little earlier, kneel and lick my Nangong big brother. It’s all right. You don’t give it? It’s okay. Let’s take it ourselves. My Big Brother Nangong is a local. Yes. There are a hundred ways that you can’t stay."

"Are you a local guy! Roar!"

The Saint You shark hit Tsing Yi Young Master with a punch, it’s still the same. Turning into brilliance and disappearing, it is an Avatar!

"Human Race, Nangong is dead! You are courting death!"

"He just said that there are two sacred scorpions acknowledge allegiance to him? Good, good, this king probably knows it is Which two guys, this Human Race, must die!"


Three days later;

Rainbow Island, southern hundreds of thousands li, Profound Nether ground veins Deep down, baleful aura is restrained.

Motionless As Mountains, a mountain-like shell, stands in the veins.

Suddenly, the shell moved a little, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

"en? There is the breath of eighth rank fierce beast core..."

In the shell, a thick, sinuous black head was drilled out of the shell. It was the head of a turtle.

eighth rank Sacred Beast

It perceives the eighth rank fierce beast core secretly, and wakes up from its deep sleep.

Its body is nearly a thousand meters long, and its huge tortoise shell is like a moving mountain. Its four claws are as strong as the jade pillar Heavenspan, and the claws are sharp, revealing a kind of tearing mountains and rivers. The heavy vicissitudes of life, as if nothing can stop this big guy!

Sacred tortoise of Earth Underworld has just left the cave and suddenly feels something is wrong!


A flash of light appeared without warning, wrapped in a pale dark film, and swept past, taking away all the rings scattered in its cave!

"Damn thief, courting death!"

The mysterious sacred tortoise surprised and angry together, spit out a storm of Earth Element energy, and crushed it into ashes!

The space rays of light flashed, silhouette disappeared, and the breath of the holy turtle went empty!

[Activate the innate talent of the omen of theft, steal the attribute value: 70 points of high level Earth Element energy. 】

The white clothed youth stepped into the air and suspended, Tsing Yi Young Master raised his brow and blew a whistle said with a smile.

"Hey! Big guy, your stuff belongs to my big brother, Nangong Mie!"

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