My control skills are too weird

Chapter 15 Zerg Attack

The ground was like waves, rolling towards Zuoyuan and them one after another.

Something was approaching rapidly from beneath the ground.

And based on the scale we see in front of us, I'm afraid this number is not low...

It's the Zerg! Find a way to force them out, and don't let them approach from underground. There are too many, and close combat will be very detrimental to us!

Zuo Yuan made a judgment immediately.

They can move quickly in the soil, and their numbers are not low. They can only be Zerg.

It’s just that it’s unclear what level of Zerg it is.

But in any case, it is not a good thing to have this amount of Zerg close.

Lengdao, you are on the left and I am on the right.

As Wen Xuan spoke, she took out five or six grenades from the void and threw them out.

An Tao also jumped up suddenly, the dark purple blade emitting an extremely evil purple light.

As he swung towards the ground, dark purple sword energy fell directly from the sky, cutting a long deep pit into the ground.

There was also a Boom! from Wen Xuan's side, and the grenade blew up the dust around him.

The attacks of the two of them directly interrupted the progress of those ground waves.

Immediately afterwards, countless black masses burst out of the ground and flew high into the sky.

In less than a moment, a large number of Zerg appeared in front of them.

They are dark purple in color and look like worms wearing armor and having legs.

There are four eyes on the head, and the body is covered with layers of thick armor. There are holes of different sizes on the armor. There are three legs on the left and right sides, and a small purple tail is exposed at the tail.

[Zerg: Black Beetle. 】

[Level: 2 stars. 】

[Introduction: The shell is extremely hard and invulnerable. Their hard six legs and streamlined body allow them to move freely underground. They have extremely strong jumping ability and are good at suddenly rushing out from the ground to attack enemies. Their two pairs of huge front legs can easily penetrate The human body, usually found in groups, is a very difficult basic insect race. 】

[Characteristics: Escape, jump, hard armor, and live in groups. 】

Zuo Yuan quickly found information about this black beetle in his predecessor's memory.

He glanced briefly, and then frowned.

There are at least forty or fifty black beetles here.

Each one is about the same size as an adult dog. If they are allowed to get close, what's the point?

The weak points are the holes in their bodies and the limbs on both sides of their bodies. Try not to let them escape and don't let them get close!

He also immediately pointed out the important information for dealing with the black beetle.

The black beetle jumped towards Zuo Yuan and others with extremely exaggerated jumping power.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Wen Xuan held two guns and directly knocked it away in the air.

But it's just a matter of knocking them away. The bullets can't penetrate their hard shells at all, and can only interrupt their movements at most.

To kill them, you have to shoot the holes in their bodies.

It's not that easy to hit.

Zuo Yuan was also curious about what would happen if he used his skills on these guys.

After all, these skills of his seem to be really suitable for people to use.

Just like [Toe Impact Technique], although this black beetle only has legs, it has no toes.

Practice the truth!

Zuo Yuan directly released [Toe Impact Technique] on a black beetle.

The black beetle was just about to take off when it suddenly stumbled and fell forward.

Zuo Yuan's face lit up, this actually worked!

I'll try this trick again.

Zuo Yuan released [Stomach Technique] on another black beetle that jumped into the air.

Soon, the black beetle suddenly trembled and fell from the sky. After bouncing on the ground twice, you were surprised to find that its belly seemed to be getting bigger and bigger...

In less than half a minute, it had already turned into a ball, and its expansion speed did not seem to be slowing down.


Accompanied by a crisp explosion, the black beetle exploded directly, green liquid mixed with internal organs splashed out, and a ball of light yellow gas could be seen remaining on its body.

What the hell! Are you so awesome!?

Zuo Yuan was shocked. He didn't expect that a flatulence technique could actually inflate the black beetle!

Not only Zuo Yuan, but also Wen Xuan and others stared wide-eyed, completely dumbfounded.

Boss, what did you do to it...? Chen Debiao swallowed his saliva and asked in disbelief.

I just want to test whether it can fart...

Although everyone had guessed it, it was still hard to believe that Zuo Yuan said it himself that this was an F-level controller.

Zuo Yuan's dick skill itself is enough to defy the heavens. It is not only a quick skill, but also does not have any starting movements. It is the kind that can hit anyone with just one look.

Now it's okay, it's actually miraculous in dealing with the Zerg!

The black beetles only dared to look at Zuo Yuan.

Because one more look and you'll explode.

But Zuo Yuan's release of skills does not come without any cost.

Although this is not like the blue bar setting in the game, each profession has its own restrictions, and there is no unlimited release of skills.

Just like Wen Xuan's gunnery profession.

She has a fixed amount of ammunition every day. If she is careless, she will have no choice but to be slaughtered when the ammunition is used up.

In this case, you can only wait for the CD time to end and reset the ammunition before you can continue the battle.

But as an S-class gunner, Wen Xuan's accompanying twin guns have unlimited bullets, so she can use them casually.

Of course, this is just one of the strengths of S-class.

The good news is that ammo capacity will be greatly increased with each upgrade.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely sufficient. As long as you don't shoot blindly, there is usually no big problem.

As for Zuo Yuan, his skills are linked to physical strength, and releasing skills will consume physical strength.

I used a lot of skills on Wei Ran and the three of them before, but now it's a bit too much.

At this moment, a large number of black beetles have been killed.

Wen Xuan, you protect us, Chen Debiao protects Wen Xuan, Brother Tao and I will contain them. Zuo Yuan immediately gave the order.

Boss, you are crazy! You are a controller and you have no weapons, how can you fight so many black beetles!? Wen Xuan asked in confusion.

I've analyzed their movements. You can't hit them, but you can hide them. It should be able to effectively contain them. Using skills consumes too much energy, and I can't bear it.

Then be careful, I'll cover you.

After learning the reason, Wen Xuan no longer stopped, but directly released the skill [Precision Shooting]

With the blessing of this skill, her eyes are like sights. As long as her eyes are locked, she can basically hit the target with perfect accuracy.

Zuo Yuan and An Tao rushed directly towards the black beetle swarm.

Before a black beetle jumps, it compresses its body downwards and retreats slightly, just like a person bending their knees before jumping. This is a necessary action.

Although they are not bad in all aspects, their attack methods are too simple.

It's very easy to predict their jump paths.

The black beetle's charge was avoided by Zuo Yuan, and he was caught by its hind legs in mid-air and slammed into another black beetle that jumped over.

Then it flew out and hit a black beetle that was about to jump.

Killing three birds with one stone belongs to yes.

But there were too many black beetles. Although Zuo Yuan tried his best to avoid them, there would still be blind spots where black beetles would sneak attack. Wen Xuan would usually shoot them away.

Although Wen Xuan activated her skills, she didn't fire too frequently, and sometimes she would only fire once after a long interval.

Zuo Yuan told her to cover rather than kill the enemy

Therefore, every shot she takes is crucial, and she almost always protects her teammates at critical moments.

With their cooperation, these forty or fifty black beetles were quickly eliminated.

Ninety percent of the black beetles were killed by An Tao alone.

He added a [Armor-piercing Blade] BUFF to his sharp blade.

The thick black armor of the Black Beetle is useless in front of his sharp blade, and it can be cut in half with just one slash.

After this scene, Zuo Yuan collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

The good news is that his experience value has reached 58.

Although there are not many skills, the experience value has increased by 26 points.

Do you feel like the ground is shaking? Wen Xuan suddenly said.

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