My Chip that Disguises Itself as a Cell

Chapter 157: Basilisk rampant (2/5 update, thank you [Shenchao_Jijun]

  Chapter 157 Basilisk Rampant

  Before the big snake was tossing in the building, the signal was cut off for some reason, and the on-site incident could not be reported.

  So the headquarters only knew that Chen Zhengyi's team had failed, and even if it wasn't for Lin Zhendong's face, they would send people to support them.

  But when the big snake came out and the headquarters immediately found out, it would be treated at the highest level.

  Countless orders were dispatched, and some of the armored vehicles and helicopters that were originally prepared for the Shanshan Technical School were also removed and transferred here.

  And the faces of the big guys in the headquarters are not very good.

   Judging by the damage to the building, there must have been casualties among the people.

   I have to be criticized.

  The first brother from the city hall, the first brother from the city department, and the first brother from the police station, the three first brothers looked at each other, sighed helplessly and shook their heads.

   It's not that they didn't evacuate the people in advance.

  But the transfers are all the neighbors above, below, left, and right of the target. It is impossible to evacuate the entire building and the people in the surrounding buildings for such a target.

  Because of such a large-scale evacuation, one is difficult to do, the second is time-consuming, and the third is to scare the enemy.

  So in the end, while formulating the plan, the arrest task was carried out first, and the evacuation of the people was carried out if it was not possible.

  The series of capture missions before the beginning were successfully completed.

  The big thing is that those fleeing frightened some people, and things went smoothly, and everyone put aside the idea of ​​evacuating the people.

  After all, you evacuate the people, and then arrest a prisoner who will not resist, it seems to be a waste of time.

   It turned out to be fine, and something big happened because of this oversight.

   In fact, it is not negligence, after all, the previous resolution is indeed the best solution.

  The only thing I didn't consider was that the target's transformation into a basilisk is so powerful.

  The target turned into a basilisk, and they took it into consideration when they made the plan.

   But didn’t Lin Zhendong kill a basilisk as an example before?

  I feel that as long as it is not an extraordinary basilisk, the weapons of the special forces can handle these basilisks.

  This is calculated based on experience, not an error.

  Who would have thought that this basilisk is extraordinary!

  So they also have the confidence to take responsibility for this incident of civilian casualties.

   The worst thing is that the merits and demerits offset each other, and the future will be a little bumpy.

  The first brother of the city government issued an order: "The basilisk must be wiped out as soon as possible, and the fire and ambulance will go to rescue the people in that place immediately!"

  The first brother of the city department issued an order: "If the arrest task has not yet been carried out, immediately suspend it, and immediately evacuate the people around the target!"

  The first brother of the police station then issued an order: "Evacuate the people around the Shanshan Technical School immediately! Block the surrounding traffic!"

  Lin Zhendong leaped forward in the rugged ruins, and the two shadows flew ahead, diving into the ruins to search.

  Once a human body is found, immediately notify the two shadows of the second sequence to come and check, and they continue to undertake the forward search task.

  The second sequence of shadows inspects the human body, first to determine whether it is a person wearing a special security suit like Chen Zhengyi, not to determine whether it is alive.

   If you are not a special protector, and you hang up again, ignore it and go directly to the next target.

   If you are still alive, give it to the two shadows of the third sequence.

  These two shadows will come directly to the human body that is still alive, cut a passage with a wooden knife, lift the person out and place it in an open area, and then start to save the next target.

  Lin Zhendong walked forward sullenly, smoking the cigar desperately in his mouth.

  The consumption of the four shadows in the first two sequences is not too much, but the consumption of the last two shadows is much.

   Cutting down passages and lifting people up consumes a lot of mental power.

   Actually, this is nothing. Lin Zhendong is anxious because he has not found Chen Zhengyi yet!

  The places where gunshots sounded from time to time, attracting the attention of the boa constrictor, Lin Zhendong asked the shadow to check as soon as Lin Zhendong came.

   It turned out that it was Brother Li, Brother Shen, and Brother Huang Feng Huang. They suffered some minor injuries, and they were still alive and kicking and firing at the boa constrictor.

  The shadows couldn't speak, and they were all fine, so Lin Zhendong ignored them and concentrated on looking for Chen Zhengyi's figure in the collapsed building.

However, while suppressing the anxious and anxious mood in his heart, he was also very puzzled. In a group of four, how could the three team members be able to fight against the boa constrictor without incident? The team leader, Chen Zhengyi, was buried in the collapsed building ?

   And more importantly, why did the communication of the four of them suddenly disappear? The communication devices of the special forces are all specially made.

   These questions flashed by, and they can be asked afterwards, but now it is best to find Chen Zhengyi.

  Lin Zhendong doesn't want to provoke that tail flicking here and there for the time being, and his upper body raises his upper body from time to time and screams, looking like a big python that looks like a dragon.

  Because the bullet hits it, it will shine golden light.

   Snakes that can block the weapons of special forces, needless to say, just judge it as extraordinary.

   And expecting it to be supernatural only physically, it is best not to have supernatural abilities of other attributes, otherwise it will be a super big trouble.

  Lin Zhendong's mental strength is not enough now, finding Chen Zhengyi is the top priority, so let the boa constrictor be arrogant for the time being.

  The support team near the Special Security Department arrived. In the residential area where it is not known how many people were buried, the powerful explosive weapons did not dare to be used at all.

   You can only carry weapons such as sniper rifles and heavy machine guns. Explosive weapons such as grenade guns and rocket launchers cannot be used at all.

  Besides, sniper rifles and heavy machine guns can only hit the big snake's body from the bottom up. Otherwise, once these powerful weapons hit the people in the ruins, it will be a tragedy.

  Because of such concerns, the helicopter can only hover in the air and cannot shoot with machine guns.

  In an instant, the distant sound of sniper rifles and the characteristic roar of heavy machine guns rang out immediately.

  The big snake that was chasing the helicopter with its head up, immediately had a lot of blood on its body. It seemed that the penetration power was just broken skin, but it also made the basilisk so angry that instead of chasing the helicopter, it rushed towards the attacker quickly.

   "Cover!" The commander calmly gave the order.

   To deal with this big snake, the Special Security Department will definitely not only arrange attack points in one direction, but surround it in a circle, not just one circle, but several layers.

  The last layer is full of powerful weapons. If the big snake is going to slip away, it doesn't care so much, and it will be bombed directly.

  Let this big snake slip out of the encirclement, and the damage will definitely be greater!

  Here is busy, and the firefighters and ambulance personnel who arrived are also busy transporting the injured residents away.

  They saw a group of human bodies lying in a row before, and they were shocked, and they were surprised who moved so fast?

   When they found that all these people could still groan, they were angry, their sense of responsibility made them think so much, and they started to rescue and transport directly.

  When they saw the injured people floating over from the ruins, they realized that it was the extraordinary who rescued them.

   Of course, he didn't care about finding where the superhuman was, and concentrated on helping the injured.

  (end of this chapter)

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