My Chip that Disguises Itself as a Cell

Chapter 119: Go to the training base

  Chapter 119 Heading to the Training Base

   The gossip in the corridor didn't last long, and soon everyone dispersed.

  Lin Zhendong also returned to his room, and Feng Liwei and the three daughters continued to follow.

  As soon as the door was closed, Feng Liwei laughed loudly: "Hahaha, little squad leader, have you seen the two squad assistants? Their forced smiles are really relieving!"

   "Uh, am I solving the faction issue?" Lin Zhendong was still a little confused.

   "Yes, it's resolved. I didn't expect that just by recruiting the four female special guards, I would follow the trend and directly solve the faction problem. Strange, it seems to be too smooth?" Feng Liwei rubbed his chin and muttered.

"Sister Liwei, in fact, there is no problem at all. The main reason is that the squad leader acted too quickly. When everyone was still a stranger, the squad leader personally came forward to solicit, and few people would refuse. If you wait for a few days, it will not be so difficult. This situation is easy to happen now," Yu Yue said.

"Yes, the squad leader's status is a good location, and it's the right time to act immediately, and then recruit the four girls from the three or four groups, and even take up the people." Pang Wenwen also said with a smile: "With such an absolute advantage, it's easy. Attract the rest of the rest."

   "Because in a situation that everyone is not very familiar with, they will subconsciously choose the dominant side, so the squad leader naturally solved the faction problem."

  Listening to these analyses, Lin Zhendong was a little stunned. He dared to take action because he followed Feng Liwei's advice and took action immediately!

  As for Renhe, it's not the four girls from the third and fourth groups, but the three girls from Feng Liwei who I knew from the very beginning! Without their help, I am really at a loss!

  I, who don't know anything, will definitely be abused by the two shift assistants in turn.

  If this is the case, the teacher will definitely give a super low score for the grade secretly.

   More importantly, my poor performance will be spread throughout the Special Security Department by these students, and I will lose my reputation at that time.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhendong said gratefully: "Speaking of which, I have to thank the three sisters for their help. If you hadn't stood by my side from the beginning, helping me build the foundation, and then helping me expand Advantages, I am afraid that in the future training, I will have to worry about faction battles, where will it be like now, everything will be over."

   "It's okay, you call our sister, we don't support who you support." Feng Liwei waved his hands indifferently, and Yu Yue and Pang Yuanyuan also smiled and said it didn't matter.

  Although they said so, but judging from their expressions, it was clear that they were very satisfied with Lin Zhendong's gratitude.

  When helping others, I am most afraid that people will not know.

  Feng Liwei suddenly murmured with emotion: "Oh, I was planning to show my skills, but it ended all at once, and I couldn't show my ability."

   "The teacher should see the abilities of the three sisters, and the scores behind them should be very good." Lin Zhendong could only comfort in this way.

   Regarding this, the three women had no choice but to think so, who made this faction fight end so suddenly.

   Obviously, this has something to do with the fact that all the students are human beings. When they saw the general trend, they didn't bother to struggle to the death, and directly swarmed on the side of the winner.

  The four of them were chatting about interesting stories about their work unit when the small speaker in the room suddenly sounded.

The voice of Chen Zhirong, the class teacher, came out: "Everyone, it is 2:30 in the afternoon, and 30 minutes later, that is, before 3:00 in the afternoon, everyone will gather at the school gate. At that time, we will take the bus to the training base. Change the special combat uniform. Remember, set off on time at three o'clock in the afternoon, and don't wait when it is out of date."

   Say it three times in a row, and the call ends.

Feng Liwei clapped her hands: "I mean, I wondered why this place didn't even have a place to practice physical fitness. It turns out that the training base is in another place. Let's go! Go back and change clothes!" As he spoke, he got up and went to open the door .

  Yu Yue and Pang Yuanyuan naturally also got up, bid farewell to Lin Zhendong and left.

  Lin Zhendong closed the door, opened the closet, took a set of special forces clothes and put them on.

  In addition to no weapons, helmets and combat vests, all other equipment.

  Lin Zhendong dressed quickly without waiting, and just went out and ran to the gate.

  A black bus was already parked inside the gate with its head facing outward, and several teachers from Chen Zhirong were waiting in costumes of the Special Forces.

   Lin Zhendong said hello, and couldn't help but glance at the gate post.

  It's a pity that there is a lazy middle-aged man over there, and the old man is gone.

  Lin Zhendong also couldn't help but scan the middle-aged man, and it turned out that [the target has no good or evil (ignoring), the strength is E level. 】

   This result made him laugh at himself. He was hysterical. He really thought that there were A-level bosses all over the place.

   Soon, the students came to the gate one after another, and all members had assembled before three o'clock.

  Chen Zhirong saw Lin Zhendong, the squad leader, standing aside stupidly, only knowing how to respond to the greetings of the students, but not starting to form a team, so he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

  It seems that this kid still doesn't understand what a squad leader should look like.

  It seems that he really lacks pre-employment training, but this is not a problem, and this homework can be supplemented for him.

   It stands to reason that Chen Zhirong doesn't need to worry about things other than the training content.

   But who made Chen Zhirong also very optimistic about this 18-year-old second-level official?

  Combined with the teacher-student relationship now, it is only natural for him to help him make up for his shortcomings.

   As for whether you will be grateful, that's another matter.

   Anyway, doing more things for the students is more in line with my status as the head teacher.

   "Squad leader, count the number of people." Chen Zhirong handed the list form to Lin Zhendong.

   Lin Zhendong, who subconsciously took over the list, suddenly felt shocked. His previous behavior was not in line with the status of a squad leader!

  His face tightened, and he stood at attention and saluted: "Yes!"

   Then turned around with a sullen face and began to roll the roll.

  Seeing the changes in Lin Zhendong, Chen Zhirong nodded secretly, this is a wake-up call.

  It doesn’t matter if you were joking around with the students before, you have to show the majesty of your superiors when you are doing business, otherwise the subordinates will follow suit.

  The four team leaders are also good people. Seeing that Lin Zhendong started to sullenly, they also gathered the team members together.

  The team members are all from the disciplinary department. Someone instructed them to subconsciously recover and formed four queues at once.

   As for making trouble on purpose? Please, how old are they? It took so many years to climb up to this position, only an idiot will make trouble.

   After counting, Lin Zhendong turned around and saluted: "Report, there are 23 people in the class, all of them are here!"

   "Well, get in the car." Chen Zhirong nodded.

   "According to the sequence! The first group gets on the bus!" Lin Zhendong turned around and shouted.

  Supporter Feng Liwei was naturally the first to get on the bus.

   In order, all the staff got on the bus and sat down at once. Several teachers sat in the front, middle and back respectively, and chatted with the students in a relaxed manner.

   It is also the responsibility of these teaching assistants to maintain a good relationship and get close to each other.

  The car started slowly, Chen Zhirong did not explain to everyone where the training base was, but instead sat beside Lin Zhendong and began to gossip.

  In the beginning, Lin Zhendong just responded, but listening to it, he felt that this was teaching him some rules of the Special Security Department, but it was just cryptic, and if he was confused, he really couldn’t hear it.

  Knowing that this is a small trouble for himself, Lin Zhendong naturally listened attentively, and asked him what he didn't understand from time to time.

  (end of this chapter)

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