My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 982: Container and Godhead

Long before Han Dong participated in the God's choice assessment, he learned the situation of other high priests from the source of terror.

There are many other high priests in the pyramid like him who do not submit to pharaohs or have a neutral attitude...After all, this is the physique of God, and the corresponding position allows people with corresponding abilities to sit.

At first, over 90% of the high priests had the idea of ​​replacing Pharaoh.

It's just that all the high priests who tried to challenge, without exception, all failed... It lasted for a long time. When everyone realized the strength of the current pharaoh, the number of people with this idea fell from 90% to 20%.

Among these two members, this meat manager is included.

Don't look at the meat always covered with fat.

The proportion of its brain is also much higher than that of ordinary people.

The reason why he did not talk to Han Dong throughout the process, a beating on the other side...only because the situation that Mr. Meat saw, did not favor Han Dong, or that Han Dong is not worth it and not enough to make him change his position.

Until he observed three points:

1. The battle in the Colosseum has erupted for half an hour.

To be reasonable, the "Eyes of Horus" should be able to see what is happening here, but the supporting troops of the Pyramid have not arrived. Explain that Han Dong must have secretly set up a means to keep this battle from being disturbed by external factors.

2. Han Dong's attitude is quite sincere, at least much better than the current Pharaoh.

3. It is also the most important point.

The current senior pharaoh licks the dog, but the strength is equally powerful and the glorious Menis dies.

As a high priest, the meat always knows the special ability of Menis. Because of the photonization effect, Menis can be said to be one of the best life-saving abilities of all the high priests.

However, the men brought by Han Dong were able to kill Menis on the spot.

Adding the above three points, the meat always changed his position.

"Menice is dead, you have something to say."

Han Dong slowly climbed up from the big pit, reaching for the nostrils on one side and screaming hard.

A series of blood with broken cartilage flew out of the nostrils, which made Han Dong much more comfortable.

Then he said slowly: "I just want to ask the two to join my camp... My uprising will be initiated by the civilian area, and I hope that the two can use the center of this colosseum to lift the banner of overthrowing slavery. I win the hearts of the people."

In addition to the meat president, it also includes the finals in the battle with the general.

Hearing this, Saip immediately stepped away from the triangle head with a quick side step, staring at the Meat President with a solemn face: "Gut... are you going to betray?"

Mr. Meat answered his companion's question calmly, "It's not a mutiny, it's innovation. However, I'm not completely sure yet..."

With that in mind, Mr. Meat once again turned the topic to Han Dong: "We will assist you fully again, what can you give us by then?"

Hearing here, Han Dong made a wait gesture.

At this time, a mass of colored matter descended from the top of the Colosseum and quickly entered Han Dong's brain.

A series of colors flashed between Han Dong's eyes and pupils, and in this way, "picture-level" information was transmitted.

"A friend of mine just stopped a special presence outside the city.

Unlike your high priest, but its strength is not weaker than you... May I ask Mr. Meat, does Pharaoh have a divine force? "

Mr. Meat was shocked, "Huh? Did Jiujiu just attacked?"

"Jiuzhu God?" Han Dong frowned, and continued, "No... There is only one man with elegant blue hair who can resist the wind of the gods trying to sneak into the civilian area from the south. It should be to interfere with us. Fight here.

As it happens, it was just blocked by my friend.

Sure enough, has God already created God? "

"Not a real god, just..."

When it comes to this, the next round of general finals cast his eyes. This is the highest level of secret, and even the high priest will be deprived of his identity once he speaks it.

Saying it means that Mr. Meat chose ‘betrayal’.

"Just what?"

"It's just a relationship between the divine personality and the container."

Han Dong’s response was quick and immediately followed the sentence: “Shenge and Vessel... Using the Egyptian deities whose gods have their beliefs as a template, create a “God” corresponding to the attribute, and then try to get the priest with the matching attribute. Fusion? "

Mr. Meat nodded, "Well... roughly.

The actual operation is quite complicated and requires a lot of materials.

The appraisers of the gods are selected with different themes of deities. On the one hand, they are evaluating the potential of slaves, and on the other hand, they are selecting special talents.

If the slave who is subject to the examination shows a highly suitable match for a deity.

After passing the assessment, he will become a "candidate" and have the opportunity to become a container and divine combination.

If you can really become a new god, Pharaoh will also give special approval to establish a temple and set up a corresponding company for this new **** in the ring area...after all, when the new **** was born, it required a lot of "power of faith" and "energy Substance" to ensure stability. "

Han Dong couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Hahaha! A **** who bowed to Pharaoh... It's ironic.

In other words, the gods obtained through the creation of the personality and the physical accommodation should not be as powerful as self-creation? "

"Yes, some aspects will be restricted and restricted... In my eyes, this can't be called a true god, just a false god.

Even so, I am quite eager.

When we gain divinity, we will also undergo a real transformation. "

"Yes, as long as the attributes of the "myth-level contact" match, once the divinity is obtained, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. The com individual's ability will change qualitatively.

So, if you can help me win the God Capital, these divinities will be given to you... The two of you initially turned to me and naturally enjoyed priority. "

Mr. Meat looked surprised, and immediately responded:

"Now the main "divine personality" is embedded in the Jiuzhu God.

If you want to get the divine personality, in addition to defeating them, you also need to strip on the basis of not destroying the divine personality... The strength of the Nine Pillar God is terrible. I suggest that you mainly kill them. "

When Mr. Meat spoke here, Han Dong showed an evil smile. Such an expression even made Mr. Meat's whole body tremble.

"No... my ultimate goal in launching a nodal war is to get the God Capital intact.

That's why, no matter how you beat me, I don't fight back... because in my eyes, you are an important part of God Capital.

The Nine Pillars are like the nine pillars supporting the God Capital, and they must never be hurt.

Unharmed here refers to "divine personality"... As for their physical bodies, it doesn't matter what they do.

Don't worry, didn't you say that? This way of becoming a **** is a false god? On my side, there is a true **** in a certain sense. "

"True God?"

Speaking of which, Dean Richard, who was temporarily acting as a security guard at the southern entrance, suddenly sneezed.

There was a kind of illusionary material in the sneeze, which just sprayed on a trainee priest passing by, which caused him to fall physically and explode into a cluster of star-colored flesh.

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