My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 967: set

"This is the secret of the gods? The origin of everything?"

The underground area at the lower end of Shendu is measured by the Black Pillar Prison with an accurate height of 530 meters.

At the core of the Black Pillar Prison, it is also the only area where the prisoners are held.

A black obelisk with a total height of about 480 meters stands like a mountain in the center.

This obelisk belongs to the world view of "Prometheus", where the wisdom of the human community crystallizes against the White Giant, seizes absolute sovereignty, and is the key to the development of God.

The essence of the obelisk belongs to a kind of controller.

It can suppress, regulate and shunt individuals bound on the surface of the cross.

Appeared in front of Gu Xu and Demps, fixed on the surface of the obelisk is a maternal white giant with a height of more than 100 meters.

It is also the only and eternal female in the White Giant family, whose physique is dozens of times that of the general White Giant, and is responsible for the reproduction of the entire race.

Unlike humans.

From the very beginning, such a highly intelligent race as the White Giant has only one mother, and the offspring obtained through fertility can only be male.

The existing White Giant gardeners, engineers, trainers and even the White Giant elders are all male descendants of this mother... Not only that, the source of life flowing in her body is also the technological origin of the White Giant family.

The mother body fixed on the obelisk has only the upper body.

During his lifetime, he seemed to be cut off by someone...

The wound that had been cut open in the waist and abdomen gradually recovered into a hole-shaped sarcoma after many years.

At every moment, a large amount of black water oozes out from the small holes of the sarcoma, so that a giant lake has been formed at the lower end of the mother body.

There are a large number of branches around the lake, extending from the underground area, forming the underground river channel of this balance planet, flowing to all areas of the planet.

This is the source of the'Mother River'.


The black water oozing out of the sarcoma belongs to the'defective products' after screening.

All black water that meets the quality is pumped to Shendu to promote the scientific development, economic construction, and personnel training of Shendu.

The extraction, purification and screening of black water are realized through the obelisk.

The back of the mother is attached to the obelisk.

Post: Access to the back of the mother through the adaptive metal tube (more than a thousand) inside the obelisk, which can not only restrain and suppress the mother, but also monitor its physical condition, and regularly draw black water on the basis of not harming the life of the mother.

Of course.

Since the mother wants to produce black water, she also needs to provide enough energy for her.

This was a problem discovered by Han Dong when he was initially responsible for garbage collection at the Colosseum. Those outsiders who lacked arms and legs or had died would be dumped by the garbage disposal personnel.

A total of eighteen "esophagus" extending from the wormhole are connected to the mother's stomach pouch after passing through the food inspection at the Black Pillar Prison.

Food is delivered into the stomach pouch at any time to ensure the health of the mother.

When everyone came here, they were immediately watched by the mother white giant...the eyes were filled with endless anger and anger towards the human species.

However, Gu Xu and others also found the answer they were looking for here.

By touching the essence of the world of destiny, the secrets of the gods are revealed.

The plot involving the final reward is also triggered... This is the personal experience of the participants of destiny.

The Dragon City team that has cleared their true destiny four times is quite experienced.

Otherwise, you won't take such a big risk and go to the underground area to fully enemy the pyramid.

World event has been triggered: save the mother

Trigger condition: When the individual lifts the slave restrictions, he reaches the core of the Black Pillar Prison.

Requirements: Rescue White Giant’s only mother from the obelisk and take it to the surface area. As long as the mother is exposed to the surface area, the event is complete.

Note: Once the mother is out of trouble, you and the gods will be completely hostile, and the **** aberrations ruled by Pharaoh will prevent the mother from escaping at all costs.

Reward: "Prometheus" limits Lilith's treasure.

That's when everyone receives reminders of world events.

The execution priest group also chased up from behind... This is only the vanguard unit, and there are more priest units behind.

Gu Xu immediately moved the bronze muscles all over his body, offering a slave equipment "Yanyang Stone Cudgel (Unique)" granted by the Sun Temple, and ordered to the entire team:

"Quickly clear this group of priests, then close the door and seal it! We need half an hour of rectification and rest time."

"it is good!"

It is when everyone adjusts from fatigue and pain and prepares to continue fighting.


A loud noise came from above everyone's head.

The source of the noise is the top of the Black Pillar Prison, which corresponds to the tomb area.

Not only Gu Xu and others, but also the execution priests chasing them all looked up with doubts.

With the noise just heard, the originally flat top area has a tendency to sink slightly... As a "cover", the large tomb area used to suppress the seal should have been quite stable, and this stability has continued for hundreds of years. Years, there can never be a problem.

Another noise came.

This time there has been a clear downward trend at the top. UU reading even caused some strong dead air to overflow from the cracks.

"How is it possible...The tomb area should be the most stable. Directly controlled by the eye of Horus, as long as there is a little wind and wind, there will be special personnel to handle it."

It was when the execution of the priest was puzzled, even when there was a look of panic between the pupils.

The third impact came.

The large tomb area collapsed, and the black pillar prison cover was completely lifted...

Numerous coffins fell along with broken stones and soil to the core area of ​​the prison where everyone was.

At the same time, there are millions of resurrected mummies.


The status of these mummies is strange.

They were neither alarmed by their whereabouts nor showing the devilish gesture of opening their teeth and dancing claws.

Their eyes are unified in one direction, and they seem to be pilgrimage.

Even if they fell in the air at hundreds of meters, they still maintained a "kneeling" posture to express their respect and gratitude.

Looking in the direction of the mummies, you will find a young man wrapped in death.

The thick and sticky death gas even built a head of Anubis **** on the back of the youth.

The young man stepped on a layer of black sand and fell at a constant speed in the air. At the same time, he also led a "returned ancestor" lady with a thick and polluting atmosphere all over her body.

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, the youth settled firmly on the front of the mother.

"Huh... finally arrived, is this the secret of God Capital?

Is this the "Black Tower Out of Control"?

Better than my expected answer! "

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