My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 965: Black Pillar Prison and Fallen High Priest

Black Pillar Prison

Prison penetration has been carried out to 25 hours and 39 minutes.

Although Gu Xu seized the memory of the priest through the "dream", he completely deconstructed the Black Pillar Prison more than ten hours ago.

The route inside the prison is complex and lengthy, and it also has different layers.

If you want to cross each floor, you need to get the "door key" (the living arm of the priest) on the special priest, which is laborious and laborious.

Because this prison needs to suppress, divert, and regulate the origin of Blackwater.

The material used is "life insulation". Arrangement of black stone in a fixed way can effectively restrain the spread of life. Metal pipes are intricately arranged between the walls, creating a unique black prison style.

Seven humans are moving quickly inside.

"The last door left, we will reach the inner core layer where the secrets of God are stored.


The final "door key" also corresponds to the arm of the warden's fallen high priest... The strength is second only to Pharaoh, and will wait for us before the last door, be sure to prepare for battle.

We must make quick decisions... otherwise the priest reinforcements behind us will catch up with us.

Xiao Qing, how long will it take to chase after the soldiers? "

"The effect of the trap is good. Even the closest reinforcements are at least two hours away from our three doors."


This fourth-order martial artist Xiao Qing from Xuanji Pavilion in Longcheng City belongs to an assassination organ division.

When everyone walked through the labyrinth of the prison, he did not participate in any battle at all.

Instead, they stayed at the end of the team and set up organ traps along the way to delay the chasing of troops sent by the pyramid.

In the follow-up, Xuanyuanyu's powerful fighting power, coupled with Guxu's critical blow at a critical moment... The team united against the prison guards encountered between the passages, which is basically not a problem.

So Demps also joined the trap arrangement.

Demps did not set up a separate legal circle, but based on the organs arranged by Xiao Qing, set up various hidden legal circles.

Some can enhance the privacy of traps, some can enhance the effects of traps, and some can even cooperate with traps to achieve the effect of multiple trapped enemies.

If you want to do this, you need to be not only knowledgeable but also refined.

It is enough to show that on the basis of mastering multiple arrays, Demps also understands the principle of organ art. Every set of arrays set up is consistent with the organ, which is almost an ‘optimal solution’.

This is incredible to Xiao Qing.

After all, organ surgery is a unique technology of Dragon City, which is very different from the steam machinery of Holy City.

In the course of cooperation again and again, Xiao Qing gradually regarded Demps as a geek... if he had the opportunity, he really wanted to discuss it with Demps in private.

"Zhou Miaoyu, can you tell what kind of magician that guy is?"

Upon hearing Xiao Qing actually asked about her younger brother, Bronze Mirror, Miao Miao responded quickly, "The simple five-element sensor can't find his location... It seems that nothing matches, but it seems that everything matches.

However, a very pure magical energy radiated from him. "

"This guy is really a human knight?"

"It should be, he has the "Five Elements" that we humans possess. In the Holy City, it should be called the "Magic Circuit"... Brother Qing, is the little foreign brother wearing glasses very special? "


"Hee hee, I knew..."

Zhou Miaoyu, the'Five Elements Warlock' in the Dragon City team, took a fancy to Demps in the benchmark test. During the cooperation, he became more and more interested in Demps.

"To concentrate, we should face the high priest."


Turn around the front corner and cross a short passage.

The relatively narrow prison area has become an open round hall area.

The last door is located on the opposite side of the round room.

There is a hollow groove in the center of the biomass door. Just insert the "Warden's Arm" to open the door.

At this time, a heavy pressure came from everyone's head.

Everyone retreated to the sidelines and made their defensive postures.

Immediately afterwards, a massive mass of material descended from the sky, boom! It fell heavily in the center of the round hall... The fat body took up about half of the space in the round hall.

The Fallen High Priest Thimir

A gesture similar to half-human half-worm.

The lower end is a worm: a flat lower body like a worm, crystal clear, and the black water substance counted in tons flows inside.

The fission has produced more than 30 strong human legs to support such a body, and it can grow more legs when it needs to move quickly.

The upper end is a human: the surface of the worm is connected with a spirally connective tissue to an extremely obese human body.

Even if you abandon the lower body of the black worm and save only the human form, its weight is at least more than a catty.

The belly bulging out has completely exploded and turned into a large round mouth for eating.

There are seven circles of fat on the neck,

Further up was a bare fat man's head, staring at the group of intruders with a contemptuous look.

Since the intake of black water belongs to all the gods, the fallen high priest can derive the structure he wants in various parts of the body or use it for attack, weight gain, or defense.

Gu Xu has put his hands into a "triangular shape" for the first time, put it in the position of the eyebrow, and observed the high priest after Pharaoh with a unique mind.

"Um... no weakness? A little trouble... If you want to defeat this high priest, you can only exhaust all the vitality contained in him.

Two hours did not know whether it was enough. "

When Gu Xu conveyed this information, everyone's face was not very good-looking.

However, the corresponding tactics were quickly worked out.

With Abel and Xuanyuanyu as melees, try the positive strength of the high priest.

Mia and Xiao Qing, as deputy offensive personnel, secretly search for the best attack opportunity and consume the vitality of the target as much as possible.

Temples and Zhou Miaoyu, as long-range personnel, use different magic according to the current situation, impose defenses like magic shields on teammates or use offensive magic to consume the vitality of the high priest.

As for the ancient Xu, as a "free man", he acts according to the situation.

The battle is on the verge.

Abel released the "Fight of the Ferocious Beast" and wrapped it all over his body. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

While all attributes are improved, the attack distance is increased and the dual attack effect of "Tear and Pierce" is added.

At the same time, it also allows the dragon scale to cover the whole body, improving the anti-strike ability.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Jade with a three-pointed spear rushed to the fallen priest who was huge and seemingly bulky.


Two shadows flashed by.

Frontally hit Abel and Xuanyuan Jade, and attack the incidental power index to completely suppress the two... Abel was directly hit and hit the wall.

Xuanyuanyu blocked the weapon in front of him at a critical moment.

Because the basic skills are in place, the market is very stable, so that Xuanyuan jade has not been lifted by the instantaneous strong attack.

Instead, he stepped on the ground with his feet and glided back about 20 meters...

The hands holding the weapon tremble slightly, and there is blood spilling from the tiger's mouth.

"So strong...this is the strength of the high priest?"

The first cold sweat ran down against Xuanyuanyu's forehead.

On the surface of the fallen priest's worm body, two additional arms of several meters in length were grown... The fleshy growth, arm construction, and swing were only completed in an instant.

This is different from the enemies they have faced. This high priest can instantly construct any form of attack, and the destructive power is amazing.

Just when Xuanyuanyu was shaken.

Abel, who was originally struck between the walls, once again passed out, and the fierce beast's gas was even stronger, and he suddenly shot at the target... The black hand claws transformed into a fierce beast successfully shattered part of the flesh of the high priest.

This kind of picture stimulated the vigor of Xuanyuan Jade, a recovery potion came down and continued to meet.

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