My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 961: judgment

Han Dong, who had left the Devil Mountains, returned to the Netherworld Avenue.

Following the deceased's troops, they stepped up the steep stairs to the "Nether Temple".

Most of the dead are in a state of uneasiness, wondering whether the sin engraved in the heart can be offset by this trip to the underworld, and whether eternal life can be obtained by weighing the sentence.

They do not know the so-called "weighing judgment", but they are only in the guise of heart sin to judge a person's use value.

If it is valuable, it will live forever and continue to contribute to God.

If there is no value, then death, the consciousness will be swallowed by the underworld.

"This is the Temple of Hades? It's just a trial court..."

When Han Dong set foot on the gloomy temple, he smiled with a bad intention.

After more than ten days of survival in the wilderness version of the underworld, Han Dong has gained insight into the secrets of the underworld and has a special idea for this trial.

Ten-meter-high stone seats are arranged on both sides of the temple,

An inquisitor with a blank face sat on a stone chair, staring at the dead passing under them,

At the end of the temple is the edge of a cliff.

Standing there was a kobold covered with golden lines and exuding death.

The balance used for "weighing trial" is being held in front of the scepter by the kobold in the hands of the deceased who is coming to conduct a quick trial.

In the eyes of other deceased, such kobolds exuding death are the Anubis gods in their hearts, following the judgment from the heart.

But in Han Dong's eyes, it was just an ordinary divinity kobold.

Seeing this, Han Dong pulled up his sleeves and covered his left arm with his sleeves as he set foot on the temple, pretending to be an ordinary deceased, waiting for the advent of the trial.

"Send a heart and a notepad through the grave..."

A burly man who was once a fighter of an organization gave weight to feathers when he presented his heart and notepad.

"Get eternal life."

Following the judgment of the kobold, the man stepped into the light door opened at the end of the cliff.


His consciousness was directly pumped to a black water factory in Shendu, where he was injected with a reconstructed body and became the bottom worker of this factory. He began his ‘eternal life’ with the work of the 997 system.

follow closely.

A ragged old man stepped forward.

When a dry heart and a notebook with few words were put on it, it was impossible to overweight the feathers.

Without waiting for the old man to say anything, the kobold grabbed his head and threw it off the cliff.

At the same time of total death, its essence of consciousness becomes part of the underworld.

"Next, step forward..."

When it was Han Dong's turn, he also learned how the deceased were put on trial and stepped forward to the kobold.

Take out the heart... This is a heart painted with white paint and a smiling face drawn in blood red, derived from the clown.

When Han Dong put the heart and the notepad hanging around his waist into the balance together.

The "weighing judgment" begins.

Once counteracting sins and gaining eternal life, Han Dong will be considered for clearance and return to the flesh.

But... even with the deeds of the nine-door journey, the balance is still biased towards the feather.

Han Dong was not surprised at such a result.

Nor did he show any expression of panic and fear because of the result of his sentence for death.

Instead, he covered his face with one hand, seeming to suppress the laughter... as far as possible not to laugh, because after all, this is the Temple of Hades, a very important trial area.

"Great villain!"

"Actually committed such a heinous crime!"

"Your presence tarnished the temple!"

... A series of critical words were spoken by the priests sitting on both sides of the temple, one after another glaring at Han Dong.

Obviously, the bad deeds from the clown have been counted on Han Dong's head.

At this time, the kobolds holding Libra in front also joined the ranks of criticism, "Sin is extremely evil! Even with the experience of the nine-door journey, you can't offset your sins.

I hereby pronounce your death. "

Say it.

The kobold stretched out his arm covered with gold lines, grabbed Han Dong's head, and wanted to throw Han Dong down the cliff as before, so that his essence of consciousness would become part of the dark earth.

At this time, the high-priest priest hiding in the dark was also ready to leave.

Just as the arm is about to grab Han Dong's head... slap!

The left arm hidden in the sleeve of the sleeve stretched out sharply, grabbing with the kobold's palm.

Directly revealing the mummy's arm that held the shabby cloth, a scarab crawled in and out on the surface of the arm, and black sand was flowing on the surface.

Even if it doesn't fall, it's even better.

"False, disguised, fabricated, deceived...

Even if he plundered the technology of the White Giant and kept purifying the black water to extract its "divine nature", it was nothing more than a false god.

Such an underworld made out of ideology,

A false priest connected by the outside world,

And a false **** created with black water, trying to judge me?

I am the spreader of the death plague!

I am the creator of the Black Desert!

No trial! Can't die! "

Han Dong's long-discussed words deliberately added the "crazy laugh" attribute, which can have a spiritual impact on other conscious individuals.

The priests on both sides of the temple shook their faces in horror,

The deceased who were waiting for trial behind them also kneeled religiously,


With the support of "crazy laughter", Han Dong, who has a faceless head to provide the outer packaging, is definitely the most conscious.

The left arm was pulled hard, tearing off one of the kobold's arms directly.

Immediately following, the right palm pressed against the kobold's eyebrows... gal!

A tentacle penetrates the skull, and at the moment it touches the brain, it **** away the essence of consciousness with divinity.

"You! Do you know what you are doing? Disturbing the order of the underworld, you will bear Pharaoh's..."

Gaga Gaga

Before the clergyman finished speaking, a tentacle had completely penetrated his head and absorbed the essence of consciousness.

Such a move directly caused these ‘high above’ priests to panic and wanted to escape.

"Hey! Don't you want to judge me? Don't run!"

The facial features disappear. UU reading

The faceless person's attitude is revealed.

A gray spotted tentacle grows from the head, locks the target, and accurately shoots through the head of each priest, absorbing the essence of consciousness inside.

God Capital Osiris Company.

The top floor of the company has become a mess.

The staff connected to the underworld through the "cranial instrument", that is, the technicians playing the priesthood, turned into unconscious walking dead one by one.

The black water in their bodies began to be uncontrolled and distorted, turning into monsters and wreaking havoc in the top ball zone.

That's when Osiris sounded a red alarm in preparation for repressing people who lost control.

A worse situation happened.

Han Dong, who has absorbed the consciousness of all the clergy (technicians), thoroughly understands the nature of the underworld.

Take the initiative to take a step forward and throw yourself into the abyss of death.

With the disappearance of Han Dong's figure completely in the abyss, rumbling! There was a severe tremor throughout the underworld, and the world was gradually disintegrating.

Corresponds to the top of Osiris company.

An irreversible aging brain that has been built for decades and has spent countless human and material resources is undergoing irreversible aging, and the essence of this brain is being taken away by someone.

The company executives who watched this scene were all paralyzed on the ground and muttered in their mouths: "It's over... everything is over."


In addition to the two parties involved in the incident, one person was involved.

The horror source high priest, who had originally planned to assist in the "weighing judgment", was staring blankly at the underworld that was about to collapse, throwing out the ultimate philosophical question.

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