My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 959: Shinto lower end

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Gu Xu of the Dragon City team has the same idea in his mind as Han Dong. He regards "Prometheus" as his second life, and even discards the inherent knowledge existing in his mind in the life of God Capital. Get the sun inscription.

Combined with the [Buddha Attribute] carried by itself, it can release a kind of solar energy.

Today's Guxu is an uncompromising sun priest.

The amount of solar energy released by him can effectively suppress the dark power from the'lower end'.

In the context of ancient Egyptian mythology, "Night" is regarded as the endless darkness brought by the snake of the Hades-Apophis.

The reason why the night will fade on the second day and the sun will rise normally is because [Sun God-La] rides his **** ship every day to defeat this demon snake trying to devour the world.

This is also the case.

As the sun company that ranks first in the composite index of Jiuzhushen Company.

In addition to creating a bioenergy sun and responsible for maintaining the diurnal changes of the **** capital, the company also has a difficult task... This task also requires the help of the priest team in the Black Pyramid.

The co-suppression comes from the darkness of "the lower end of God".

It's just that the power of darkness that attempted to invade the God Capital did not come from [Big Snake-Apophis].

It comes from the origin of black water.

Humans on this planet use the endless potential of black water to transform the body, develop technology, create things, and even devour other civilizations, and they must bear the risks.

A risk of backlash.

In other words, the use of black water is itself a sin.


The two teams of temporary cooperation walked between the secret passages, and the density of dark matter increased with each step.

If the ancient Xu alone suppresses darkness, it will inevitably consume a lot of energy.

If you encounter a truly terrible dark life at the lower end, the ancient emptiness that holds the "power of the sun" must be the core combat power.

"I will help too."

Demps took out a dazzling peculiar crystal, which is similar to diamonds and looks like eyes.

Temples put the spar in his palm.

With the attention of magic energy.

Om~ The eye-shaped spar emits a pure white light, similar to a flashlight, which can only illuminate in a single direction, but the effect is excellent...

In addition to suppressing darkness, it also has the "dispelling" feature.

Only need to face the eye-shaped spar deep in the channel, the dark matter within 20 meters in front will disappear.

Feeling the pure light emanating from the spar, even the ancient Xu was surprised, and seemed to recognize this precious stone from the **** capital.

"This is Horus spar?

It is said that it is the most valuable raw material in the **** capital, and the complete spar is rare... its price should be more than one million? Moreover, it is often in a state where there is no market. "

"It was sent to me by someone else, okay."

As Demps passed the [God's Appraisal], his slave status was completely lifted, and he was no longer bound by the former slave owner.

However, Demps assured the sisters of the Women's Federation that they would respond to the massage needs of the sisters as long as they were still in Shendu.

When saying goodbye to Demps, more than a dozen powerful ladies left tears.

Unanimously agree that the ladies gave the perfect "horus spar" stored in the women's federation to Demps, as a common token, and hope that Demps can remember them and come back often.

"Send?" As the sun priest, Gu Xu knew how precious these treasures were, how could he give them away at will.

"This journey of God's capital set by destiny can be counted as our second life... Everyone has a different experience. I was lucky. I opened a relationship with many rich people.

Since the effect of "Horusian spar" is so good, I am responsible for illuminating the deep road.

Captain Guxu, you only need to ensure that everyone is not swallowed by the darkness, save energy as much as possible, in order to deal with the lower monsters. "



Five hours.

The two teams crossed the passage covered by darkness and finally reached the deepest level.

A highly sensitive biomass door blocks the way.

It is necessary to cut off the nerve connection while destroying the door, otherwise the high level of the pyramid will be alerted in advance.

"Xiao Qing, it's yours."

The dark-haired brother in the Dragon City team went out, and after examining the biomass door, he directly exposed his special left arm-a "mechanical arm" that merged with Dragon City's top organ skills.


I saw something popping out of the arm of the machine, and then flashed several silver lights.

The biomass door blocked in front of the body has been completely opened, and the neural sensing system hidden inside has also been destroyed simultaneously.

Go through this door.

The underground world, the size of which is equal to that of God, is displayed in front of everyone.

1. There are countless underground rivers all over here, flowing to different areas of the planet.

2. The center of the underground world, which is directly below the Black Pyramid, corresponds to a [cylindrical prison] that is completely enclosed and connected to the upper burial area.

The area of ​​the prison is equivalent to the Black Pyramid, and the materials used are also the black stones that build the Black Pyramid, which can isolate all energy and perception.

What is sealed inside should be the answer that everyone wants to find.

That is the biggest secret of the **** capital, the origin of the "Prometheus" event-the origin of black water.

3. Thousands of fleshy pipes grow between the walls around the underground world, connecting to the central prison.

Han Dong, who had worked in the wormhole on the edge of Shendu, could not understand what was conveyed in these pipes.

Alien slaves with broken limbs or poor quality, without any organization to pick them up, will be sent to the underground area as food for some kind of creature.

The answer lies in prison.

When people cast their vision to the cylindrical prison, they found a group of living bodies far beyond the concept of human beings hovering around, but they were wearing clothes and a worn priest suit on their bodies.

"Sure enough, I want to know that the answer is not so simple... It is rumored that this underground prison is under the care of a fallen high priest who is second only to Pharaoh, and is the only priest who can operate normally in the underground area.

His personal black water intake can be said to be the first in God. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The group of fallen priests under his command ensured the security of the entire prison. "

"Is there any way to get in?"

"[Black Pillar Prison] This is both the highest secret of God Capital, and I saw it for the first time... And there must be no "gap" in the area that is the lifeblood of God Capital.

There is no second way except killing in.

Once we are in war with the prison guards, it means that we are completely hostile to the Black Pyramid and there is no escape route... are you ready? "

As Gu Xu finished his remarks, there was no change in the eyes of all the players.

It is impossible to obtain the ultimate treasures given by fate without taking risks.

Just do it.

A priest wandering on the outer periphery sensed the anomaly and was about to turn his head.

The white-haired youth struck in an instant, and a shadow of a wild beast from ancient times enveloped the young man's body... Abel directly showed the strongest attack posture, tearing off the limbs of the priest with his claws.

Just about to bite his head.

"Wait... he's still useful."

At the moment of Abelson's mouth, Gu Xu connected.

Hold the priest's head with one hand, and sleep with the priest through a strange dream technique, and dig out the secrets hidden in the brain in the dream.

It was at this time.

All personnel involved in the attack on the priest received a prompt from the system.

『Fame Change of Faction: Black Pyramid (Friendly→Hostile)

From now on you will be fully wanted by the Black Pyramid, and all priests related to the Black Pyramid will launch a lethal attack on you when they meet.

It is detected that the individual is located in a high-energy area and cannot withdraw from the world of destiny.

Invite individuals to go to a stable safe area and wait for 30 seconds before leaving. 』

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