My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 956: Nature

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【Temple of Osiris】

The kobold guard was relieved after confirming that Han Dong was sent to the Underworld normally.

Because of the primal fear, this kobold has no original dignity.

Sitting on the ground with an ass, recalling the head of the braised egg I just saw, a chill rose from my heart.


Suddenly, footsteps came.

As a guardian of the temple, the kobold immediately made a battle appearance.

However, his scepter was completely broken in the emergencies just now, and his strength was greatly reduced... Just as he was preparing to notify the company's senior management, a familiar voice came.

"Don't be nervous, it's us."

"Mr. Blackpool! And the high priest of, this is the most important area of ​​the Osiris company. No one is allowed to enter without the permission of the chairman or the pharaoh.

Please also leave. "

At this time, one hand of the high priest rested on the kobold's shoulders, and the primal fear hovering between the kobolds was dispelled.

"Thank you High Priest."

"We are just curious about [Journey of the Nine Doors], and we came here to take a look... after all, Nicholas is my trainee priest.

And this time the assessment is also slightly strange, actually in the real underworld.

In other words, shouldn’t all assessments be conducted in the fake space of the Black Pyramid? "

"This is the direct meaning of Pharaoh and the chairman.

After all, we had completed the production of "Hades and Hades" ten years ago. Five years ago, we also completely completed the "heaven transfer" of ordinary residents.

Although it is the first time for the assessment, the stability of the Underworld is certainly no problem. "

At this moment, the high priest smiled strangely.

"I didn't think there was any problem at first, so I didn't refute anything.

Afterwards, after being reminded by Chief Engineer Kurosawa, he thought of a rather serious problem, so he came over and looked at it. "

The kobold guard quickly signaled, "Please rest assured.

Since Mr. Kurosawa personally entrusted me, I will stay here for the whole time to examine the state of the underworld.

If Nicholas encounters unfair treatment or extra trouble caused by the instability of the underworld during the assessment, I will intervene immediately. "

"No... I'm not worried about Nicholas.

What I am worried about is that the Osiris company spent a century of time building the "Underworld" with the biological space technology of the White Giant.

After all, the completion and normal operation of the Hades and the Underworld maximize the "value" of God's slaves, which is conducive to the overall development of God's slaves...I don't want it to disappear like this. "

"What does the high priest mean? Hades and the earth are bound to our Osiris company, how can it be plain and for no reason."

The kobold was puzzled, and continued: "We have tested the stability of the [Underworld"] countless times. Even the pharaoh deity has set foot on this land, personally verified the stability and the reusability of the dead. .

I do not quite understand you. "

"That's what it means on the surface-Nicholas's entry may make [Hades of the Underworld] out of control.

You should feel it too?

There is a breath of true God hidden in this young man, although it only exists on one arm and the strength is not high enough, which is essentially different from the "false god" we created.

As the high priest corresponding to the appraiser, I naturally have to bear this responsibility.

Let me go in. If there is anything unusual about Nicholas, I will stop it in time. "

As the high priest said so, the kobold also recalled the corpse variant just now.

"【Underworld" is a milestone in our expansion of the God Capital, and there can be no problems.

I have to report this to the chairman... I have received the kindness of the high priest, but the matter involving the underworld cannot let you intervene directly, contrary to the company's regulations. "

"Hey, what a rigid..."

See invalid persuasion.

The high priest gestured to Chief Kurosawa beside him.

The latter, as the former chief manufacturer of Osiris, is also a kobold's physical designer. It is natural to know where the kobold's weakness lies.

Whoosh... a nerve instantly connected to the back of the neck to gain control.

"Tutrameng, once this matter is discovered... you and I will accept the [trial] from Pharaoh, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Nothing to hesitate.

Pharaoh actually arranged the assessment of this nine-door journey directly in the real underworld, and must have smelled the threat from Nicholas.

Knowing that he carries [Anubis]'s true **** attributes, he wants to eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

I estimate that the difficulty of this assessment is no longer nine, but the final weighing.


I have found out the things in the restricted area. This kid can really pretend to return. Every time he returns with a gray face and even broken limbs, he deliberately returns with a pile of useful and useless garbage.

In fact, he should have established a connection with the White Giant in some way, and it is a deeper connection.

I have never seen such an interesting "foreigner"...Since the current pharaoh is also as "foreigner", it is better to support him.

Kurosawa, you should have made your choice early? Otherwise, they will not voluntarily abandon the status of chief engineer and hide in civilian areas. "

Boss Kurosawa nodded. It is undeniable that he has great opinions on the power management of the current pharaoh.

"Then let's get started.

As the person in charge of Nicholas, I naturally have to be'responsible' for this thing...Never let [unfair] things happen to him. "

Say it.

Kurosawa controlled the kobold and thrust the dagger into the chest of the high priest.

Put the high priest in the coffin in the same way, UU reading sent to the world of the dead.



Stare at the ships carrying the dead away, and then follow the instructions of the fate system, as well as what you see and hear along the way.

Han Dong also speculated about the nature and use of the underworld.

"I didn't expect that Shendu's biological technology has reached this level, and it can create a'nether world' by itself.

In other words, this [Underworld] is essentially a space of consciousness.

The so-called ritual is to remove my soul.

In the absence of soul defense, the consciousness device at the bottom of the coffin transports my consciousness to the space of consciousness.

Design such a dark soil.

Seemingly obey the gods of ancient Egypt.

In fact, it should also be a ‘screening mechanism’... after all, after human death, the brain will continue to survive [five minutes]. With such time, it is entirely possible to separate the consciousness of the dead and transport it to the underworld.

Through the experience of traveling in the underworld, to determine whether the consciousness of the dead is of value to God.

If there is value, it can continue to be used by the gods... The deceased will be eligible for ‘eternal life’ in the final “weighing judgment”.

In fact, it is to "export" their consciousness to the underworld, and then "introduce" consciousness into a body through the technology of God Capital, and continue to contribute to the development of God Capital.

If there is no value, the individual will die in the judgment, and the body will also be made into a mummy, stacked in the [macro tomb area] to suppress the following things, and it will be considered the final value after death.

It is worthy of the focus on the development of biotechnology and the **** capital against the creator.

Even the value of the deceased must be fully drained... What a "beautiful" country, I must take over here. "

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