My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 948: Current Pharaoh

Wang Dumei Galanry

It has developed the same technology tree as Han Dong’s lifetime, and has entered the era of electronic information.

Thanks to the assistance of Destiny Space, Wang Duli’s technological progress has been extremely rapid, and at the same time, based on the main technology tree, some special technologies have been derived that conform to the conservation of energy.

Similar to the Royal Thirteen Knights of the Holy City, Wang Du also has a corresponding organizational structure, referred to as the High-Tech Ten League.

Including the currently known Tesla Energy, Schrödinger Mechanics Research Institute, Curie Chemicals and Mendel Biotechnology, a total of ten top companies with core technology and core military power.

As for the "Great Expedition" being carried out in the Holy City, Wang held completely opposed views.

Wang Du believes that mankind is in a period of rapid development.

Only chain investigation tasks and appropriate small expeditions are required to eliminate the threat of the main city.

There is no need to risk the loss of half of the core troops and carry out the so-called big expedition...the harm is greater than the benefit.

In their view, with the existence of a space of destiny, the speed of human progress is greater than the alien.

As long as the main city is not breached, sooner or later, the total combat power of mankind will be equal to, or even higher than that of aliens... Only then is the best time to launch a great expedition, or even a world war, to regain territory.


All the people in Wangdu are shrunk in the city of science and technology they built.

Similar to the holy city, there is also a distinction between high and low within this country-level city, even compared with the holy city, it is more than that.

The lowest civilian areas are subject to intelligent machinery, and even unmanned reconnaissance aircraft strictly monitor the daily routine of every civilian, and the other side is strictly controlled.

There is even a policy of ‘eugenics and multi-breeding’ to ensure that a sufficient number of engineers can be produced each year.

at the same time.

The engineer area is a computer building directly under the Turing model of Shilian.

A manager here is immersing his body in a "data pool", which is buried in tens of millions of data cables, and his body even shows a discrete state of data.

Ed Luis, project manager and senior engineer at Turing Models.

His rank and identity, converted into the holy city, is almost equal to a deputy commander of the unit (one level lower than the general commander of the puppet guards such as Charlie Knight).

However, the Ed manager is only 36 years old.

It broke through the fifth-order engineer three years ago and reached a higher level... It can be said that it is talented and future-proof.

At this time.

Special training in the turbulence of data was suddenly interrupted.

Just because in Ed's consciousness, he felt a slight disturbance of the power of the world.

"Huh? Who's doing things!"

Directly integrate the flesh into the data line, and transfer itself to the computer branch closest to the entrance of Destiny by means of data transmission, and use the right at hand to query the Wangdu team that has recently entered the real fate.

Soon, two documents were handed back to Han Dong, "Tesla’s son, and Novikov researcher of Mendel Bio...

The former is almost impossible.

But Novikov is quite suspicious. This guy is an engineer with a bad personality. According to the information recorded in the data, there are more than ten deeds that directly caused the death of other human participants.

Indirect events must have been broken.

Moreover, "Prometheus" corresponds to the fourth-order level.

As a fifth-tier engineer, he deliberately brought low-level teammates, and he was also a high-priced bionic. He lowered the overall level to the world of "Prometheus"... obviously it has been a long time.

For things involving world sovereignty, I didn’t report to me in advance, I just went in and got’s really interesting.

Although my return to "Prometheus" will be limited by the world and my ability will be limited to the fifth order, but this kind of person can never be shaken.

When things are settled, I will personally talk to your Mendelian executives. "

That's right.

This Ed Luis affiliated with Turing Models has another identity, the current pharaoh in the world of "Prometheus".

About seven years ago, he was a fourth-order engineer. He passed the identity assessment set by God, squeezed the former npc pharaoh, and controlled the real node of the medium-sized world Prometheus.

Just renting out can earn a lot of points.

Such a real node is far more powerful than the ordinary node "Strange Talk" that Han Dong once mastered, and it also corresponds to a more complicated management mechanism and world rules.


Participants who master the "real node" will reproduce the second consciousness by means of "reproduction of consciousness".

Then the second consciousness and the power of the world are merged into the self-made flesh to create a management avatar specially used to manage the node world.


Even if the ontology leaves the world of destiny, it can manage the operation of the world with this same conscious avatar.

This is also the case with the head of Malone. In the world of hell, there is always a demon avatar that looks the same as Malone, but has a red body, with goat hooves and demon horns.


The current pharaoh in "Prometheus" is the black pharaoh consciousness of Ed Louis.

This is why he belongs to the top talent in Wangdu and enjoys the highest level of training After querying the participant's information, Ed immediately went to the gate of destiny.

Like the Holy City, the portal that symbolizes the future of mankind is sealed in a special building and managed by professionals.

Wang Du built an underground fortress that could isolate all energies to seal, study and manage the gate of destiny.

The administrator is not a single person, but an engineer management team with time or space capabilities that has been selected layer by layer.

"Manager Ed, you have detected a slight turbulence in the node of the world that you master...but it is far from threatening your status.

We have applied for the transmission channel of the bunker for you, and monitor the data fluctuations of the Prometheus world in real time for you.

Once it is determined that your status may be at risk, you will be notified as soon as possible. "


Half a month passed.

Gods Black Pyramid

Because he returned from the restricted area again and handed in a sufficient number of white giant props.

All members of the Han Dong team accepted the permission and ritual of the priests and became a black slave. The ability limit was increased to 50.

"You have reached the highest level of slaves in the gods, and you are eligible to participate in the selection of gods... different from the promotion contests you have participated in.

The assessment can be participated at any time.

If you are ready, please sign up through various organizations, or go directly to the Black Pyramid to find a priest who wants to participate in the appraisal of the gods. We will arrange it for you as soon as possible.

As a high priest in charge, I kindly remind you once.

This assessment is different from the promotion competition, there are almost no security measures, must be prepared before 1000 to consider. "

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