My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 945: Talk about conditions

The task of defending the heroic palace has been completed

Rewards have been issued

1. Prestige White Giant: Friendly → Respect

2. Important plot npc alien god. Deacon, attitude has changed: coldness → trust

In the last battle of life and death, Han Dong boldly used an inducement.

Unsure of how many times Novikov can regenerate, and Han Dong can also guess that when the number of regeneration is about to run out, the other party will inevitably come up with extraordinary means... Therefore, Han Dong must keep his own hand.

This hand will be the key to victory.

In the early stage of the battle, even though Novikov was hit several times, Han Dong still used the black sickle as the only means of attack.

In the battles again and again, Novikov's attention was focused on the sickle, slowly ignoring Han Dong's own threat.

This is the end of Novikov's naive thought that he could kill Han Dong at close range by flying a sickle.

Finger of death

End Novikov's life, completely wipe out the mythical contact that exists in him.

"Make the deadly parts and the ordinary parts completely equal... The purpose of doing this is to suppress the destiny participants with low levels.

Participants with a level lower than his, it is difficult to cause attacks beyond the limit, and can not consume the number of regenerations.

Even if the hole card bursts out instantaneously, it will consume no more than three chances of regeneration.

It is through such "myth-level contact" that Novikov pitted one participant after another as human beings, and even teammates who were both kings.

Of course, he also knew the problem of the limit.

If Novikov was granted Prometheus' divine creation, he might completely erase the limit, and only complete death would consume his regeneration.

When he meets him again, there is really only one way to go. "

The battle is not over, and Novikov's two teammates have not yet resolved.

Beckoning room.

The black sickle that fell down not far away flew back to Han Dong's hands.

When looking at the edge of the playing field, the two bionics imitating the crown prince's abnormity were paralyzed on the ground and seemed to have been dead for some time.

Mary Tis leaned against the pillar and waved with a smile.

It was at this time that the public information announced by the system was transmitted to the ears of all teams.

Han Dong was also shocked. He didn't expect that the team's elimination information will be announced.

Once knowing that Han Dong killed Novikov, the hatred between him and the king was even greater.

However, that is also the future.

Now Han Dong has seized the absolute opportunity, as long as the opportunity is seized, it can definitely surpass the other teams.

By then, you can meet the benchmark requirements of the fate event in advance and touch the truth and origin in the world of Prometheus.

There is no need for Han Dong to travel to any area.

The elders of the White Giant in the temple have shown a pious welcome posture... placing their hands on their chests, closing their eyes and lowering their heads, it seems to be welcoming the arrival of a supreme being.

The current Han Dong has lifted the form of the dead and stood side by side with Maridis.

At this time, a distinctive alien slowly descended from the top of the temple.

Without any help, it is obvious that it has an anti-gravity system.

Tick ​​tick...sticky drops.

The profiled body is covered with mucus, and it seems that he is always in the mucus tank on weekdays.

Only one meter and five heads, the body is also thin, only half the size of ordinary aliens...without obvious shell structure, the whole is a very ordinary flesh and blood life.

The breath of divinity keeps pouring out of this little thing.

This is the alien **** that Novikov seeks, as long as he eats the flesh and blood of this thing can make him a truly perfect life.

The palm covered with mucus stretched out.

Han Dong understood the meaning of the other party and immediately stretched out his hand to stick it with the other party's palm.

When palms touch, consciousness is connected.

Communicate directly on the level of consciousness... In this way, there will be no lies, but also a private conversation between the two, and the elder Bai giant will not know what the two are talking about and can speak freely.

"Thank you for your help, and help me clear out the "outsiders" who are mischievous. In return, I am willing to give you some prop materials in the temple.

However, there is one more thing I need to confirm with you.

The reason why I gave you the seal, allowing you to enter the temple... is that you carry a force of ancient Egyptian deities, and this force also helps you defeat outsiders who are much higher than you in the temple.

If you can take advantage of it and continue to grow, it may help you to take the position of Pharaoh.

I hope you can replace the black pharaoh in the gods and build a new empire... can you accept this important task? If it doesn't work, I won't force it, and I will welcome you in the future. "

This question directly asked the idea.

The idea of ​​the alien **** is already very clear. He wants to push Han Dong into the position of Pharaoh.

If Han Dong can replace the current pharaoh, he can greatly change the law and the original settings of the gods, and even change the minds of the slaves, and re-give the white giant and aliens the right to live. UU reading www.uukanshu.cco


The difficulty of being a Pharaoh is ten times, one hundred times, or even more difficult than the duel in the temple.

However, Han Dong had this idea long ago.

"Oh? I happen to have this idea too. Don't know how much help you can provide?"

Han Dong's answer surprised the other party, but because of his consciousness, Han Dong obviously didn't lie.

"If I determine that you are qualified to sit in the position of Pharaoh, I will use all the power in the temple to assist you... Until then, I will not accept a large number of personnel calls, but will provide related supplies."

"Yes, now I'm still far away, still in a state of being sealed, and it takes a long time to prepare.

In this way... I need to bring back some of the things in the temple in exchange for contribution value in order to get rid of slave status as soon as possible.

Take some useless things first and let me take them back to try.

If it works, I will assume the role of a'garbage porter' and bring back all the garbage that is useless here but looks a little valuable to God.

In addition, I will arrange for three friends to come to your'tourism' and let them bring some things back to turn in... They are very important to me and belong to the right assistants who support me. "

"Well." Alien Deacon readily accepted Han Dong's request.

Han Dong arranged the teammates directly.

The progress is obviously much faster.

However... The message of the elimination of the allele team has reached the ears of the teams. Not only is Tesla immediately changing its thinking, accelerating the idea of ​​getting contributions.

The Dragon City team is also alert.

A racing battle has been fully launched.

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