My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 942: exchange

"Earl, this guy is still something... Even if the physical level is very different from Novikov, it can still die for ten minutes.

Basically, yes.

Professor Novikov's self-proclaimed perfect body, which can heal the wounds of the holy sword, is not unsolvable...the occasional attack by the earl will also actively dodge, even flashing a dreadful look between the pupils of the eyes .

The information collected now includes:

1. The healing speed of any part of the body is the same, even if multiple injuries to the same part will not slow down the healing speed, I estimate that the focus of regeneration is not energy but frequency.

2. Will actively avoid some attacks.

No matter the attack on the deadly or non-lethal parts will be avoided, compared with the attack on the deadly parts, Novikov is more afraid of some powerful attacks released by the Earl.

3. Zero magic, Novikov has not released magic once. Except that the biomass shell can play a certain role in resisting magic, he is completely an layman completely excluded by the magic world.

4. Not too much intelligence.

Invikov was interrupted by the last step of the plan.

In addition, the Earl is like a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. It is still difficult to kill the Earl under almost complete suppression, causing Novikov to become more impatient, turning part of "defense" into "attack".

about there……"

With a slap, he slapped the Earl's side with a crushing fracture of his left arm... The body fell heavily after tumbling in the air for several laps.

A pool of thick fleshy blood sprayed on the ground.

Since the continuous serious injury has touched the "foundation", this kind of injury cannot be repaired by the regeneration ability, and it must be recuperated for a long time.

The count was also obscured by a layer of blood mist, and his vision became blurred.

Even so, the earl still gritted his teeth, reached out and stuffed the scattered organs back into his body, trying to stand.

"Count, you have worked hard...the information collected is enough. I will deal with this guy."

"kill him……"

The Earl who was beaten all the way left only three words, and the consciousness slept completely.

Too tired, if the count was not supported by a strong self-consciousness, he would have passed out during the beating.

Fragments of ribs are inserted in the body,

The internal organs are messed up,

70 muscle breaks,

Comminuted left arm fracture,

The flesh has endured too many lethal attacks and has buried a large number of hidden dangers. It may be completely broken by a single blow at any time.

You can use "end of death" to describe Han Dong's current state.


"On the verge of death" is Han Dong's second purpose for the earl to completely take over the body.

It is not just for the count to find Novikov's physical secret through close combat.

In the same way, Han Dong wanted to use the earl's ability to bear wounds and willpower to let his body fall into a "dying state" under repeated serious injuries.

Of course, this process must not be undertaken by Han Dong, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out the follow-up battle... Of course, Earl White will not be allowed to work, and he will definitely thank the Earl afterwards.

"It's this feeling. It is difficult to reach death with your own feelings when your abilities are completely limited.

Only rely on physical means to get close to the edge of death.

Dust to dust, earth to earth..."

It is worn on the **** of the left hand, and the'finger sleeve' forged together by the boss Kurosawa and the high priest of Tutramon with the original embryo technology is slowly turning.

Its quality reaches "unique", far surpassing the current slave-level related equipment.

Although Novikov was full of smiles, he looked at the elders from time to time, deliberately showing his perfect body... but his heart was not very calm.

"Why is this guy not dead yet? Change to someone else who has died at least five times!"

Nicholas, staring at the ground like a sludge, still exudes vitality, and the accumulated impatience in Novikov's heart slowly evolved into a hatred.

"Why don't you die!?"

The generation of anger increases the blood flow rate throughout the body.

Explosive acceleration, ready to dare to completely tear the target before regenerating.

Grabbing Han Dong's neck tightly, his eyes locked on his head.

"Since your head is so hard... I'll smash your head directly, see how you can regenerate!"

Intensify the flesh.

Lifting the fist in the air, a multi-layered carapace condenses on the surface,

The outermost layer of the carapace protrudes a small spiked structure,

The corresponding arm muscles are continuously added and superimposed, the next fist impact will be more than twice the previous,

The remaining hands were pressed on different parts of Han Dong's body to ensure that they could not make any resistance.


When this fist was thrown, even Marithis, who was fighting two aliens in the corner of the temple, sensed danger and looked at the center of the field with anxious eyes.

"Nicolas, don't die..."

The venue was trembling and dust was everywhere.

Being able to exert such physical power under the limit of 20, Novikov can be regarded as the strongest person in all participating teams this time, and there is no one.


No skull debris could be seen between the ground where his fist broke.

Han Dong, who was pressed by him, was still alive, and his head was indeed bombed... But why is there no flesh residue?

In addition to the broken ground, there are only scattered sand.


Novikov, as the perfect life body, is also top-notch at the level of ‘danger alertness’ The body retreats spontaneously at the moment of smelling danger, and decisively discards the headless body he suppresses.


"what is this!?"

Novikov noticed a sting and looked at his fist.

However, it was found that the fist was protected by three layers of carapace. At this moment, it was actually disintegrated inward due to the attachment of black sand, and it has penetrated into the bone layer of the fist in just ten seconds.

It feels like a scarab is trying to get into the body.

Novikov was quite decisive, aiming at the area eroded by the black sand and shaving off the belt.

When he looked back at the center of the field.

The headless body, which was originally smashed by his head with a punch, is undergoing "self-desertification"... At present, only two legs are still intact. Every few seconds, they are all converted into sand particles and are scattered in the air.

The black sand dissociated from Han Dong's body first constructed the image of a jackal head in the air.

Converge towards a point.

If in the promotion game, it is Han Dong's first attempt to enter the "death pose."

This is the "form of the dead" in the true sense.

Black Sand focuses on performance.

The main body of the body is mostly yellow sand, gray dry skin, and worn bandages... the inner structure is completely hollow, and some parts are still completely perforated.

The black sand only appeared in three positions.

1. Form a black cloth on the face, tie a circle to cover the eyes, only reveal the magic eyes of the forehead,

2. The grieving black sickle behind him,

3. And the black finger sleeve that is still worn on the left middle finger.

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