My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 939: red

"Having said that, it's not easy to beat this guy... I have almost zero intelligence on his ability.

Count, are you there? "


"Do you want control of the body, 100 permissions are given to you."

Earlier this kind of "generous" must be quite happy.

He himself is a scarlet lord who is extremely bloodthirsty and likes to kill. Although it is very clear that he cannot take away Han Dong’s body, after all, there can be several old kings behind Han Dong, and even the original owner of the count You must admit it.

The same is true, one day it is possible to hold Han Dong's body and play with him and become the earl's dream.

But... when the dream suddenly came true, the count was difficult to adapt.

After a long period of physical custody and various cooperation with Han Dong, Piaget, to a certain extent, has the deepest understanding of Han Dong in a short time.

At present, Piaget is quite puzzled and feels that Han Dong has any conspiracy.

At this time, Han Dong quickly asked: "Why?

"Will the Earl counsel? I'm just too excited. I didn't get used to it for a while... Leave it to me! You just watch the show."

"Remember, the ability is limited by 20 and there is no blood for you."

"...Dry, what about blood?"

"Don't you tell me? All fate gears are sealed. I only have two slave gears on my body. If you don't need the "finger", you can make good use of "John's Spine". "

"Anyway, this guy on the opposite side is also restricted. Give it to me."

"Don't die."

Han Dong withdrew all his consciousness and gave the count to the count for the first time.

The lens cut back into the temple.

Novikov, who was about to attack again, smelled a distinctive smell.

Looking at the young knight on the opposite side with an incomprehensible gaze, Han Dong initially gave him the feeling of being a mysterious magician. Now, Han Dong's eyes are full of blood.

Bite your finger and use blood to outline an exaggerated smile on the face.

The original upright posture leaned forward slightly, arms folded in front of him, and five fingers bent... A burst of blood was continually emerging, and blood was stuck to the surface of the skin. The whole person was like a bloodthirsty monster.

"Restricted abilities are really unpleasant... However, it's been a long time since I've experienced a healthy and complete body.

Nicholas's devil's eye, coupled with my ability... Combat in close combat, I can't find my opponent in the same rank.

Practice with this old man. "

Because the Earl's consciousness took over the body fully.

The talent tree for smiles has also shifted to the main consciousness and has undergone a certain change. Most of them are based on crazy smiles and blood.

The attributeless tentacles from the head of the faceless are also dyed a reddish earl special edition with the fruit.

Hands together.

Earl's mouth was chanting a mysterious mantra that Han Dong had never heard of. It came from the source of the blood brew, the red giant, and the old king of the same level as Chanzu.

"Blood Secrets. Blood Dog Stripping"

A blood dog of the same size as a shepherd dog separates out.

Blood gem-like eyes,

The hair on the back fluttered like ember dust,

The fangs composed of tentacles are hidden in the mouth,

It is completely different from the "Dung Blood Dog Arm" used by Han Dong... by creating secret consciousness, the completely separated blood dog can fully fight alone.

And can continue to grow stronger as he tears the flesh of the enemy.

"Oh? Earl, are you still hiding this hand?"

Han Dong, who is an "audience" in the body, is quite surprised. He can feel that the blood dog is completely independent, and he does not need the earl to distract and control, so he has perfect combat capabilities.

"The Earl's ability is much more... Unfortunately, the repression is too strong, otherwise there are other tricks for you to see."

Immediately, the count used slave equipment to "John's Spine".

Due to the influence of crazy laughter, the count also has certain crazy characteristics.

The purpose of the spine setting is to build a bone armor that adheres to the whole body, or to strengthen the bones of a certain part...However, the earl's usage is different, even exceeding Han Dong's imagination.

"Earl, this guy is really something." Han Dong exclaimed.

The spine embedded in the back of Kaka Kaka was uprooted, and the entire "John's Spine" was put in the right hand by the earl, and then the power of the Holy Blood was activated.

Due to 20 restrictions.

Relying only on a small amount of holy blood, it is difficult to condense a physical holy sword of sufficient size.


Based on the spine,

Condense the hilt and sword body with the earl's own blood,

Finally, with holy blood alone as the blade, you can cast a weapon suitable for fighting and killing the enemy,

The grunt flows with the plume of blood.

A "spine blood sword" with a large size that can be classified as a epee has been dragged to the ground...

When this kind of weapon similar to **** weapon was formed, Novikov smelled a strong sense of threat and also smiled.

"The blood of "mythical contact" is flowing through you... what are you thinking? This constitution is not very good, and also uses such a thick giant sword, which seriously reduces its own sensitivity.

I took your blood. "

The same finger shooting moves.

The difference is that this time Novikov used burst shooting.

A series of fleshy bullets fired quickly. UU reading books

Different bullet paths blocked all the gaps that Han Dong can use to dodge... plus the weight of the spine giant sword, it was impossible for Han Dong to escape.


A meat bomb hits the target, and a mist of flesh erupts in the air, and the organisms wrapped in it will be decomposed by the cells.

"Huh? Not yet dead?"

Just as Novikov was preparing to make up for the looming figure in the mist.

His attention was attracted by the spine sabre and the blood mist that exploded when the meatball hit.

I couldn't find the body of the blood dog separated by the tentacles of the faceless, quietly blending into the environment.

When the meatball hit Han Dong, the blood dog was already around him.

The mouth of hundreds of teeth of different sizes, bite down, and directly crush the palm of the shooting.

at the same time.

In the mist of the meat bomb explosion, a figure swept out.

Due to the decomposition of cells, many parts of Han Dong's body showed erosion of meat flesh...Unfortunately, the cheek skin was also subjected to the action of cell decomposition, and two crooked mouths that extended to the earlobe were cracked.

Such a look is more in line with the count.

"Hahaha! It hurts..." The Earl was immersed in such pain, and his actions became more rapid.

Drag the spine sabre in his hand and wave it out.

The sword was hacked directly on Novikov's head.

The sharpness of the holy sword can not only kill evil spirits, but also tear apart all hard objects.

The blood mist spread.

Professor Novikov, who was sloppy, was directly split in half.

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