My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 935: Novikov's purpose

When I heard the noise from the top and smelled a strange smell.

Han Dong took Marithis immediately and hid in a refrigerated compartment that can hold two people, blocking the injection ports of air-conditioning and sleep aids, and quietly hid inside.


A sturdy iron fence was broken and dropped, and the air duct opening at the top of the room quickly dropped three figures.

First, the two physiques with huge bodies and heads with crown structures descended.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a slender figure also fell in the room, and Han Dong immediately identified the person.


...But Novikov's is worse, this person must pay more attention. He came here as a fifth-order engineer, certainly with a personal purpose in mind.

For a time, the words of the ancient virtual monk echoed in Han Dong's mind.

As early as when the alien ruins in the desert met this person, Han Dong had already smelled a strange danger in advance.

When Han Dong succeeded in holding Ms. Eva, when this person came from the outside, it directly caused Han Dong to overflow a lot of cold sweat... It was all because of the appearance of Maridis that eased the pressure.

Han Dong has positioned it as the most dangerous participant.

"Strange, I remember this guy's teammates should be three strong humans wearing rubber did they become two pure white alien life? And this alien is obviously much higher than the black alien I encountered. .

Could it be that this guy chose to invade the temple from the front side intentionally, wanting to obtain higher-level alien genes?

Once you get high-quality genes, you can walk freely between the temples... and there is no need to continue the frontal attack, which led to the sudden disappearance.

This guy ran here from the beginning, the purpose is to get some key props in the "White Giant Temple", maybe I felt the mythical atmosphere at first.

He wanted to use high-end destiny cards to name his name and choose "Prometheus". He had already prepared everything.

Hope not to be aware of me and Mary... our only advantage is ‘not yet discovered’.

In the event of a conflict, all advantages will fall to Novikov. "


Handong has not been so nervous for a long time.

Once discovered, the outbreak of conflict is inevitable... The most important thing is that the heavily armed White Giant and the Alien Legion in the temple will also come immediately.

Novikov can escape as easily as before.

Han Dong is in trouble, and he will be buckled to kill a large number of aliens and white giants, and will be in a state of total chase.

"Damn! If it's heyday.

In conjunction with the spatial restraint ability of the ancestral body Mary Tess, I released Togu and Nicole again, and should be able to instantly bombard the target... Now that his head is blocked, Togu and Nicole can't be connected at all. "

Thinking of this, Han Dong suddenly made an unbelievable request.

"Miss Mary, should your "toad swallow" ability work? Can you swallow me and store it in the abdomen? "

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"Fifth-level engineer, and specializing in biological engineering... is similar to me to a certain extent. Like us doing biological research, he observes the details of living creatures very carefully, and pursues perfection. No problem at all. Let go.

We have collided with him on the alien ruins, and our features and breath should be remembered.

Only this can reduce the probability of being discovered. "


After a long period of cooperation, Maridis has been very convinced of Han Dong's decision.


"Engulfing" is indeed the signature ability of the Toad.

Even though Mary Tess only had the strength of the first-born monster, it was also a sip, and Han Dong was dark in front of her eyes.

Although the spatial ability is not expressed in vitro, it is still in the body.

Otherwise, a woman with a slight flesh and a good figure like Maritese cannot swallow a big man...

"This is Miss Mary's body? Does the space between the digestive tracts have the ability to shrink? It's really strange... And the way to digest food is not only dependent on gastric juice, but more directly through the space tearing method, directly phagocytosis Torn to pieces.

Once swallowed, it can hardly survive unless it is good at space ability. "

Han Dong came to the stomach area along the digestive tract.

Similar to a pale pink cave, there is a little acid water stain between the ground.

At this time, a piebald toad jumped out of the stomach pouch, and someone said in his mouth: "This is my body space, corresponding to the stomach... You stay here, I will try to avoid revealing my identity as much as possible. "

"Miss Mary, can you take my senses out of the body, maybe you can hear some of this guy's plans."

"it is good."

As the piebald toad landed on Han Dong's head, his senses docked.

At present, Novikov is holding two bionic aliens and is investigating this host cold room to determine that there is no potential threat here so that he can take a rest here.

A positive attack consumes a lot of his physical energy.

Staring at a large number of human hosts being refrigerated here, Novikov can't help but sigh: "It seems...God is deliberately sending slaves of good quality here.

The rulers in the **** city are well aware that the essence of "Alien Technology" is in the hands of this group of aliens.

Therefore, when fighting against them, a group of white giants with high IQ were deliberately left unkilled, while still retaining this temple.

It's as if the White Giant went to earth thousands of years ago and took away a group of high-intelligence ancient Egyptians... It's an interesting causal cycle.

Indirectly regard this as the alien cultivation ground of the **** capital, hoping that one day this group of aliens can cultivate alien ancestors with divinity. UU reading

And this thing is exactly what I am after, the perfect life body in a pure sense, with its own divinity... I can ingest "the power of the world" by this kind of thing to achieve the most perfect transformation. "

at this time.

Alien teammates smelled a distinctive flavor.

Novikov came immediately.

Staring at the woman in the freezing cabin, the details of her face immediately faced with the Alien Squad's ancestral body... However, there was a slight difference in breath.

In addition, the woman's abdomen swelled and squirmed slightly, and she seemed to be pregnant.

No matter how Novikov thinks, the ancestral body should not appear here.

After all, they finished the promotion game together... And Novikov had almost no gap, just rushed to the penalty area after two days of rest.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible that the returned body is in the refrigerated compartment.

But Novikov must evade all threats that might prevent him from realizing his plan.

A spike is formed between the palms of the hand and aimed at the woman's head.

Just about to puncture.

Kaka Kaka

The woman's chest exploded, and a larval shaped head was drilled from the inside, and the hissing sound was unusually loud.


Novikov decisively gave up the kill and turned to leave with his teammates through the ventilation duct.

There is a thinking connection between the aliens, even if the new-born aliens are killed, other aliens may be aware.

Seeing Novikov leave, Han Dong finally let out a sigh of relief... At the critical moment, it was Han Dong inside the body, imitating the scene of a new-born broken-shaped cavity.

"Alien with a this your purpose? Professor Novikov."

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