My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 932: Planting and cultivation

"This thing is a bit powerful, let's be more careful..."

The source of isomerization is the special tentacle posture obtained by Maritis through her own perception of water properties, combined with toad tentacles and some genes derived from humans.

Through the combination of water properties, the tentacles appear to be a translucent arm shape that is immune to most attacks.

Under normal circumstances will not be hurt.

But when he just grabbed the alien brain, it seemed to be very smooth, but in fact it was affected by a kind of corrosion that is also unavoidable by clean water.

A small portion of the tentacles were slightly burned.

"Um... we hurriedly left here.

There may be a certain connection between these alien life, so that the news of the alien death just killed by you has been spread. "

Before fleeing, Han Dong first stimulated the cells to proliferate indefinitely with the g virus, and separated a large mass of meat and left it in place.

Immediately, she pulled Maritsi and quietly left against the open cave wall, blending into the environment as much as possible.


Facts have proved that Han Dong's conjecture is completely correct.

Just five minutes before the two left, there were dozens of aliens crawling towards the exit position, apparently receiving the news of the death of their companions.

The mass of prosperous meat left behind by Han Dong exudes a strong flavor of meat, which attracts this group of aliens to a large extent.

Han Dong's head cooperated with Maridis to cover the atmosphere and hid behind a giant mushroom-like tree, successfully avoiding these batches of aliens.

Han Dong, who was secretly observing in secret, also found several aberrant species with a strong and dangerous atmosphere, which may be dangerous when faced up.

"No wonder the survival rate of the restricted area is so low... It turns out that there is a connection between the aliens.

Once chased and killed by aliens, even aliens will attract more aliens.

The only way to escape is to kill the target in a short time, quickly evacuate the incident and hide.

There is no lack of hiding ability, enemy killing ability and thinking ability. "

Just as the aliens ate nibbling meat, Han Dong took the opportunity to go deeper.

On the way, I occasionally encountered some aliens wandering between the caves. Han Dong chose to circumvent... I was forced to stop for about an hour before secretly walking in the cave.

The cave road at the front has been completely blocked.

The densely covered face-worm eggs are embedded in the cave, and the walls and the ground are full. The only thing that can pass is the gap between the eggs, which is less than one meter apart.

According to the description in the original movie.

Once a living creature approaches, the egg will immediately activate.

The face worm leaps from the inside, forcibly injects the host, and the horrible alien is hatched by the host's body.

Since there is a large area of'planting' face-bearing eggs, there are naturally people responsible for management.

"This is... White Giant?"

It is the appearance race that appeared at the beginning of the movie "Prometheus" that is responsible for the oviparity, and is designated as the "white giant" of the creator.

However, the white giant who manages the egg here is obviously different.

The characteristics of the two creatures "White Giant" and "Alien" can be found from him... their basic form (white skin, humanoid appearance) remains unchanged.

But he was wearing it, to be precise, it should be "fitted" with a solid black shell,

The left and right arms are also followed by a shaped oval head, which can shoot out "tongue" or "spit acid" like a special shape,

The head is also wearing a biofilm helmet, allowing them to see through the inside of the egg.

The white giant walking between the eggs is carefully watching the state of each egg, and seems to be comparing the face-bearing worms bred inside.

After a period of observation, Han Dong discovered that the white giant was indeed conducting a'fine screening'.

Behind the white giant is a large glass container. Once he finds a high-quality face-worm, he will put the container on the surface of the egg.

By injecting an oxytocin, the faceworm was forced to detach from the egg and was contained in a glass container.

It seems so.

The white giant living in the restricted area has fully mastered the alien technology, and can even live in harmony with this brutal life in some way.

Han Dong guessed some information.

"As long as you cross this egg area, it should be the temple of the inner white giant in the restricted area.

I estimate that this group of white giants must be thinking of revenge on humanity.

In this way, eggs are planted on a large area, high-quality face-worms are selected and brought back to the temple, and then injected with high-quality hosts.

The combination of excellent and excellent will naturally get a more powerful alien.

After such a large area of ​​cultivation, cultivation and selection, it gradually accumulated into an alien army, and once it reached a large enough scale, it would attack the Gods. "

Maridis asked softly aside:

"In other words, who do they put face-bearing bugs on to form aliens?"

"Alien explorers, or themselves..."

The thought of being able to hold her head with such disgusting things and inject disgusting foreign bodies into her body, Maritese is also not very comfortable...After all, now she can only exert her strength as a "newborn" .

Compared with Han Dong, it was a completely different reaction.

When he saw such a beautiful biological planting scene, Han Dong was shining with both eyes, full of excitement... He even conceived a scene of planting a face-bearing egg in his own manor.

"In the movie "Alien", aliens are produced by "injecting pregnancy" into mammals.

In the movie, humans, dogs, white giants, blood-blooded warriors, etc. have all been conceived by the face-worms, resulting in aliens with corresponding characteristics.

What would happen if these face-worms were brought back to my manor to merge with the ghouls? Of course, first of all, let the swelling doctor cultivate the egg, as long as the best quality face-worm.

I believe that Dr. Swelling and Professor West will be very interested.

This restricted area, the only remains of the White Giant, I must keep it..."

When Han Dong is in an excited state of thinking.

Mary Tess asked softly, " Are you going to fully explore, or are you just aiming to earn points? If it is the latter, we can just do something or go back with alien samples. , There is no need to continue to take risks... I always feel that we will be in danger if we go further."

Han Dong’s answer was exceptionally firm, "Go deeper!

And I guess what the high priest wants me to pay attention to must exist deep in the restricted area, that is, in the temple of the White Giant...

Explore in depth, maybe we can use the living body here. "

"Use? What do you want to do?"

"I want to be old..."

Entrance No. 3 at the other end of the cave

The starting point for exploring the highest mortality rate.

There are a lot of poisonous plants here.

The aliens in this active area also exhibit a weird posture, some of which are even covered with pustules on the body surface, and can even throw explosive sarcomas that take into account both toxicity and corrosion.


The alien piece was dead in front of Professor Novikov.

The three large teammates wearing rubber jackets seem to be designed as "alien killers"... but any aliens found can be quickly killed.

One of them also pinched the profile of the brain that was completely exposed, and acid-resistant gloves made them ignore the profiled body fluids.

"Sure enough, like intelligence!

No matter what alien it is, its weakness is the same.

This kind of chitin-like shell can be quickly degraded by actinomycetes, and then the brain can be easily solved by brute force. "

Along with Professor Novikov's massacre, the aliens who came to them are getting less and less.

Through his "special lungs", he smelled the flow of material in the air, and came to the temple of the White Giant through a frontal killing.

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