My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 929: Eligibility for restricted area

Black Pyramid, Fear Factory, Internal Office

"Non-pyramid slaves, it is difficult for me to qualify for the restricted area.

In addition, it is not a good thing for people to explore the restricted area.

I just applied for the qualification of exploring the restricted area for you and your assistant.

As for the companions who cooperate in the promotion game, let them find ways to get their contribution value.

The entry time is 2:00 tomorrow morning. You must rush to the exit of Shendu Wormhole in advance and present the restricted area pass to the staff. "


Some trouble.

If only Han Dong and Mari Tiss accumulate the contribution value through the'forbidden zone'.

The contribution of other teammates will be slower, and the final selection of the gods will become out of sync.


According to the information currently obtained by Han Dong, the selection of the gods should be regarded as an important turning point in the world of "Prometheus".

Once the assessment is passed, it may be able to completely get rid of slave status, so as to meet the benchmark requirements, and can choose to leave and settle the destiny event.

Of course, you can also choose to continue in-depth.

Just like what Han Dong once did in "The Clown's Soul", after meeting the benchmark requirements, he continued to choose to stay and help the townsmen to kill the clown completely to get the final reward.

"Okay! I will go on time."

"Be more cautious. After gradually adapting and exploring the restricted area, try to find a way to bring something out."


Although the high priest did not tell too much.

However, Han Dong went to the Pyramid Library to learn related knowledge with the privilege of "practice priest" for several days. Among them, he also tried to inquire about the information about the restricted area... Although most of the information about the nature of the restricted area was kept confidential, Han Dong Still found something interesting.

Basically sure.

The earliest alien race white giant who survived on this planet and developed biotechnology is the "creator of humanity" under the world view of "Prometheus".

Has been completely repulsed by humans.

The ancient Egyptian humans brought to this planet by the White Giants, after generations and generations, multiply the White Giants for some reason.

With the knowledge of science and technology granted by this group of aliens, the remaining technology products and the energy contained in them, create the God Capital.

But there are also some white giants who have escaped human backlash and hid in the temples they built in the past.

And these weird temples set in hidden areas of the planet are so-called forbidden areas.

However, when reading this information, Han Dong had a big doubt in his heart.

No matter how dangerous these temples are, it has been hundreds of years since humans repulsed the white giants. Humans themselves have gained great power from black water and biotechnology, claiming to be higher than God.

The Black Pyramid itself should have enough power to completely destroy these restricted areas, so that the exploration rate of the planet reaches 100.

Why didn't you do this?

Han Dong speculates that the temples in these forbidden areas may be White Giant's production workshop, hatchery or similar material production area.

Perhaps the temples in the restricted area can produce some special products that cannot be obtained by humans.

Therefore, every once in a while, the Black Pyramid will review and send some slaves with considerable strength to the restricted area to bring back to the Black Pyramid something that only the White Giant can produce.

As long as you can come back alive, even if you don't bring back anything useful, you only need to provide some geological information about the restricted area to get the contribution value beyond the ordinary tasks.

However, what is hidden in the restricted area, Han Dong itself is also very interested.

Han Dong summoned his teammates to explain the situation in the restricted area.

In particular, the high priest's instructions were spoken, and it was not recommended for more people to go.

Mia was the first to raise objections. In her thoughts, compared to the dangerous restricted area, she was more concerned that her man would stay alone with a strange woman.

Temples said with a smile on his face: "We cannot intervene in the application for quota.

Since the high priest only applied for their places, we can't change anything... You can seize such a good opportunity, Nicholas, don't care about us.

Following the name of the high priest, there may be a chance to touch the highest "identity assessment". "

Demps is in favor, or as long as he is in favor of Han Dong, he strongly agrees.

The same is true for Abel.

"That's it, Miss Mary and I went to the restricted area... The speed of getting contributions may be faster.

You have also started to accept contribution tasks in the near future, as much as possible to increase the contribution value and slave status simultaneously. Only then will you be able to participate in the selection of the gods. "

"Why...I want to go..."

Although Mia wearing a mask could not see her face clearly, her left and right index fingers circled back and forth.

"Mia, you just follow Demps for a while, it's not a long time apart... OK! I still have to prepare, the difficulty of the penalty area may be higher than I expected."

Time is pressing.

Han Dong, who had finished explaining the matter, did not mean to have a dinner with his teammates, but instead returned to the hotel, preparing to sleep directly into the early morning, and went to the restricted area with a full mental state.

Just as Han Dong turned around and left, Maritese sideways stared at Mia with a pensive look, deliberately stretched out her wet tongue, and made an ambiguous licking...

Angrily Mia almost fainted on the spot.

Field of view switching.

Laboratory 03, Black Pyramid and Blackwater Experimental Zone

A familiar figure is conducting experimental research It is Professor Novikov who suddenly disappeared from the Wangdu engineers.

Similar to Han Dong.

Although he did not have a particularly outstanding performance in the promotion competition, he was selected as an apprentice researcher for a certain characteristic and stayed in the pyramid laboratory.

All this is in Novikov's plan.

It can even be said that Novikov is very clear about how he will be selected by the pyramid... The reason is simple.

As a fifth-order engineer, he didn't come here randomly, but specified the world of "Prometheus" through a powerful fate card. He had already learned about the situation in this world through various channels.

He intends to use the current world as a pedal, draw the power of the world, and break through the fifth order...

Just as the seed of destiny allocated with five points of talent will reach saturation, it needs to be broken.

When five unique talents are assigned to the talent tree, it will also enter a saturated state... It takes a special way to break through to the next stage and become a unique force in humanity.


The application for going to the restricted area has been approved. The time is between two and three o'clock tomorrow morning. God will stop at the entrance of the restricted area for one hour, don't time out. "


"Your three slaves are powerful and tall. It is not recommended that you take them to the restricted area, which is easy to expose."

"The priest of Zaluo is assured that these three slaves were meticulously "trained"...their presence will increase my success rate in exploring the restricted area."

"Well, try to bring back some useful things for our experimental department."

"for sure."

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