My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 927: Strong buy strong sell

Particle Radiation Squad.

Tesla and others have established contact with the physical transformation of the Temple of Nuot, one of the companies of the Nine Pillars.

Originally intending to snipe Han Dong's team in the promotion game, this influence factor was eliminated in advance, and it was also reported as a revenge in the alien ruins.


Escape-themed games are far more difficult than they expected.

Due to the high pressure throughout the game, they were forced to abandon the idea of ​​squads... Finally, under Eva's perception and analysis, suicide was the exit.

It is worth mentioning that during the escape, Tesla had a powerful discharge effect, which successfully injured a horror monster, and even caused a deep lightning burning effect.

However, because of the escape subconsciousness implanted in their minds, they did not have the idea of ​​killing the monster at all, but took the opportunity of the monster's injury to escape quickly.

This performance also made the Temple of Teslaut confused with the status of the trainee envoy.

20 ability to unblock.

Tesla is also prepared to continue to use the transformation technology of Shendu to perfectly combine its body with bio-discharge technology in order to efficiently perform "contribution tasks."

This dedication to science is very similar to Han Dong.

Because some special transformation materials need to provide by themselves.

Tesla summoned his teammates to go to the "trading area" to find rare materials that can be used for bio-power generation.

"Have you discovered the whereabouts of the Alien Squad? I used the privileges in the Temple of Nut to find no information about'Nicholas'...His current position should not be low, or be protected by God."

"There is no news for the time being, this group of people hides deeply."

"Only ignore them first. Focus on the accumulation of contribution value... Once you surpass the other teams in progress, the advantage is in our hands.

By the way, is there any contact with Professor Novikov? "

Eva, who was in charge of communication, shook her head. "No... Since the end of the promotion game, I can no longer contact.

Captain, the reputation of Novikov’s teacher. You know... he must have a personal purpose this time, if..."

"There is nothing if... Mendel, where Novikov is, is in a deep partnership with Tesla Energy.

Besides, no matter how crazy Novikov is, it is impossible to do something that threatens us.

In case we had something wrong in the event of destiny, he could only be imprisoned when he returned alone.

Since it's impossible to get in touch, just continue to act for our own purposes. "


When the team came to the trading area, they also hired a slave who was familiar with the road, and the slave led the way to the shop that sold metal equipment or materials.

However, just after a pedestrian had just walked a street in the trading area.

Eva, who was capable of unblocking 20, smelled a familiar breath...from the European youth who had put it behind her and absolutely suppressed it.

"To the southeast, the fallen knight was found in twenty meters... he was alone, no other teammates!"


This kind of pie in the sky was actually encountered by them.

According to their observations, Nicholas belongs to the captain of the Alien Squad, and once he can be killed, the entire Alien Team will become a mess.

When looking in the direction where Eva was pointing, she really only saw Han Dong, who was thin, and no other teammates (Maridis bathed and slept in the hotel).


Next to Han Dong was a humpback old man wearing a white metal mask.

When Eva's perception spreads past, she doesn't notice anything too strong... But under the 20 limit, "perception" can only capture some superficial information.

Due to the setting of guide slaves in the trading area, this hunched white mask old man was naturally recognized as a slave employed by Han Dong by Tesla and others.

"Sure enough there was only one person.

However, killing people in the "trading area" will cause a lot of trouble.

For the time being, follow him first... When he enters a shop, we will follow along.

Try to solve this person inside the store as much as possible, and then give the store owner a certain sealing fee. "

"it is good."

The original plan to purchase materials was changed to hunting.

But... Eva in the team was always a little uneasy.

Such anxiety stems from her previous contact with Han Dong.

I can think of a strategy to get out of between two teams,

I can subdue her in a fight,

Moreover, he can talk with the ancestors and laugh a lot. Eva does not think that Han Dong will expose such a big flaw.

"Tesla, be careful.

"Well... it's a bit weird. Under the emptiness of knowing that many teams are staring at it, I actually appeared alone in this public place.

Eva, as soon as she notices something abnormal, report it to me immediately. "

that's it.

The goal of the squad changed, and it was mixed with the crowd, tracking Han Dong.

Bypassing all the streets, he eventually stopped at Kurosawa's nerves in front of a quirky shop.

"This shop feels a bit strange, Eva, you are waiting outside...if something unexpected happens, contact the Temple of Nuut immediately."

"Okay, captain, be careful.

In fact, I feel that this person may not necessarily be a fallen knight, but for some reason can coexist peacefully with the alien. Captain, you..."

"I will discern myself."

A burst of electric light jumped between Tesla's pupils.

Leading the decomposition engineer Water and Richard Richards, they entered this dull and silent shop one after another.


At the moment when the three entered.

A group of nerve lines immediately built an old man at the door of the store, quickly closed the store door and locked it, and even a strong seal blocked the storefront, prohibiting anyone from entering and exiting.


Upon seeing this, Eva decided to get in touch with the company...but it would take some time for the company staff to come over.

Inside the store.

Han Dong has been sitting on a sofa made of ribs, fat and special leather.

Smiling at the three people who just entered the door, a friendly tone briefly introduces the characteristics of this shop.

"Is Captain Tesla also coming to this store to buy things?

The equipment here is quite good, but the price is relatively high... I hope you bring enough money.

Here, you must consume at least 10,000 ml per person to leave the At this time.

Sitting on the sofa on the opposite side, the old man who was mistaken by Tesla as a "leading slave" clasped his palm on his face and slowly removed his white mask.

Han Dong bowed his head and closed his eyes for the first time.

I didn't know how dangerous the next picture was. Tesla and his party naturally did not evade, staring at the process of removing the mask.

A picture that caused deep fear was branded in the heads of the three.

Disintegrator Walter and Richard, who was strong and muscular, shuddered and immediately vomited.

Tesla was also trembling all over, cold sweat permeating his back, and the current circuit in his body was completely disordered.

When the three people were deeply in fear, a nerve line attached to their bodies.

It is the boss of Kurosawa who is performing a physical examination.

This is the rule of Boss Kurosawa. As long as his body can meet the requirements of his customers, he can buy suitable equipment forged by him.

"Boy, his body is special..."

After a round of praise, the equipment adapted to the three-person attribute was delivered in their own hands.

"Pay it, ten thousand per person."

Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to bargain, and all the funds that Tesla intends to use to purchase the transformation materials are completely emptied.

At the end of strong buying and strong selling, a strong fear struck and the consciousness was paralyzed.

When the three men recovered, they were already standing outside the shop door, and the wallet embedded in their arms was gone.

Apart from panic.

When Tesla looked at the props he bought in his hand, his eyes lighted up...this is exactly the biological power generation device he was looking for, and he also wore a complete neural connection system.

"what's the situation?"

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