My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 924: contribution

The next day.

Han Dong went to the Black Pyramid as scheduled.

The attendant immediately recognized Han Dong's identity and took him to the independent stone chamber of High Priest Tutramon.

As for the accompanying Miss Mary, she also got permission.

It should be noted that when stepping on the Black Pyramid, there will be a sense of spatial confusion, which makes the individual unable to remember the internal route, even a straight passage will be remembered as a winding road with multiple forks. Serpentine passage.

At the same time, at each node of the channel, there stood a black guard holding a epee, exuding a terrifying breath.

Occasionally, we will encounter some strange forms of sacrifice (severe hunchbacks, multiple arms, tail structures or face-faced worms), all of which are extremely dangerous, and it is impossible for outsiders to mix in.

Passing through several passages, I took two muscle delivery devices.

A large stone gate printed with "Centipede's skull from the eye socket" appeared in front of him. When Han Dong wanted to thank the guide, the other party disappeared.

With the attachment of the palm, the stone door slowly sank.

Some kind of invisible breath overflows from the inside, just like countless dead souls surrounded by Han Dong, trying to evoke the most primitive fear in his body.

However, when the 20 was unsealed, the synergy between the brain and Crazy Laugh was basically restored, and it was completely unaffected by this kind of fear in the game.

But when stepping into the area under the jurisdiction of Terrorist High Priest, Han Dong was shocked and froze in place.

"Is this... such a large dominating space?"

Unlike the expected office, it should be an ultra-large factory area.

Metal aisles similar to ribs,

The wall of the factory is protruding from many large mixing tanks similar to human skull liquid storage devices, mixing and reaction devices, and then connected to each other through a large number of metal pipes.

The gaps between the wall and the ground are covered with pipes, not wasting any space.

At the same time, there are a large number of employees who have abandoned their skin tissues and wear glass caps to work here.

Looking down the main road, Han Dong saw the fearful high priest he was about to follow in the control room on the second floor at the end of the factory.

"This should be creating a kind of black water with "fear attributes"... The workers here are similar to the corpse transporters in the wormhole, and they belong to the "dead."

It belongs to a coolie corpse that does not have the ability to think and is driven by black water alone. "

When Han Dong came to the control room.

The high priest wearing a golden mask is reviewing the last week’s generation report.

"Have you brought a friend? Yes... She performed well in the game and seemed to match you in ability. You are allowed to bring an assistant, but her salary is only 1/5 of your salary. "


As soon as he came, he allowed Maridis to be an assistant, and Han Dong was also surprised.

The high priest put down the book in his hand, and the golden mask was facing Han Dong.

"Sure enough, your brain structure and certain traits can make you resist fear, and I'm glad you can become my "practice priest."

However, the trainee priest is only your position in the pyramid. You are still essentially a white slave and still controlled by slavery.

You must follow the relevant regulations while working for me, and don’t cause me unnecessary trouble. "


God is slavery, and Han Dong has learned about it in advance through books.

The setting of the promotion game is only to let the individual completely get rid of the status of the underlying slave (lower, middle, high).

Recognized by the Pyramid, and obtained the right to change the high-quality black water, thus becoming a "white slave."

At this level, it will be subdivided into three levels (white, gray, and black).

These three are all high-level slaves, and they can enjoy certain privileges in the **** capital and can hold relevant positions in various organizations... Like Han Dong, who has made amazing performances in the competition, he will still leave special cases to work in the Black Pyramid. .

However, it seems that the upgrade of high-level slaves is not so simple, and there is no relevant description in the manual purchased by Han Dong.

"High priest, I have a question. How can I continue to ascend after reaching the white slave?"

"It's simple, contribute.

Just as you worked for the Colosseum when you were a slave at the bottom, picking up trash in the wormhole area itself is also contributing to the gods.

Because you have the potential and make enough contributions, the Colosseum will improve your identity and allow you to participate in the promotion competition.

Now that you have been recognized by the Black Pyramid, this relatively low-level contribution is not helpful for your identity promotion.

If you want to improve your status, you need to complete the "Contribution Task" promulgated by Black Pyramid or Jiuzhu Company.

Cumulative contribution value.

When the contribution value reaches a certain limit, the identity will also increase.

In the same way, when you reach the highest black slave at this stage, I will immediately submit an application to fight for a "God Chosen Exam" for you.

I believe that with your potential and the death traits from Anubis, you can meet the requirements in a relatively short time. "

"Okay, I will do my best."

Han Dong is very clear that the so-called "God Tester Assessment" should be the ability to unblock the next stage. It is estimated that it can lift 50 or more of its own restrictions.

"Right... do you want to be a pharaoh?"


Han Dong was shocked!

Such a sentence is placed in the **** capital similar to dictatorship. UU reading is an extremely serious reactionary disorder.

The fearful high priest in front of him had a normal face, "Don't worry, God is fair to anyone.

As long as you have the corresponding ability, you can sit in the corresponding position.

You can even express your thoughts of wanting to compete for power in front of Pharaoh... Maybe it will be privately targeted, but more praised.

I have wanted to sit in the position of Pharaoh more than once, but it is a pity that I always missed it.

The guy sitting in the position of Pharaoh is indeed more powerful than I am, and it is difficult for me to make breakthroughs unless I violate some prohibitions.

Your performance in the promotion game to kill the source of terror gave me a glimmer of hope... Do you have this idea? "

When the high priest initially asked, Han Dong once believed that the other party was law enforcement.

When the current high priest refers to Pharaoh by the word "guy", this concern no longer exists.

"If there is a chance, I want to give it a try."

"Very well...In that case, I have several special "Contribution Tasks" for you. If it can be achieved, you will get a lot of contribution value, and it can also help you improve. "

"What task?"

I don’t know why, Han Dong feels that he is in a set... It seems that he will be given a pit by this fearful high priest.

"Go to the restricted area and bring me something useful back."

"restricted area?"

"Yes... this planet has not yet been completely controlled by us, and there are still unknown areas of 510.

It is called a restricted area for some reasons.

The existence of these restricted areas is also one of the main reasons why the former creator chose this planet as a "civilized development zone". "

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