My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 922: Unblock

Following the example of Han Dong, teammates also committed suicide.

Success returns the consciousness to the subject.

The teammates did not wake up in time because they did not carry the "believers".

At the lower end of their corresponding flesh-shaped cabins, a chute was formed, and they were transported to the game settlement area in the Black Pyramid to receive rewards for customs clearance games and promotion of their status of efforts.

That's right.

The whole promotion game is conducted by means of "conscious transmission".

When all the contestants fall into a coma in the reserve area, the referee responsible for this game is'connected' to his horror world with a face bug, using his body parts as the foundation to create a whip between each floor The horror source monster of the individual's primal fear

Unexpectedly, in the space of fear he created, there were actually external slaves who could resist the fear, and beheaded and killed a monster of terror that represented the "finger".

"Anubis's death attribute is critical, otherwise it is impossible to complete the beheading.

Of course, what is more important is that your willpower is higher than all the slaves I have ever seen. I am curious, why can you think of anti-terrorism?

Before the game, I have implanted some ideas of escape for you at the subconscious level.

Except for you, other teams basically follow the subconscious of escape, and have no intention of killing the horror source monster at all. "

Han Dong knows why.

Because of the support of "crazy laughter" and the particularity of the head, it is difficult to implant foreign subconscious... even Han Dong was thinking about whether the horror source monster could be killed at the beginning of the game, but he was not too afraid to take it. The outcome of the game and the life of teammates are joking.

It wasn't until a head-pressing contact confirmed that the monster could be injured, and Han Dong was completely determined to fight back the monster.

"Because of that contact, it was judged that the monster will also be injured... Intuition tells me that the monster can be killed."

"Intuition? Really interesting stranger... Your brain structure seems to be a bit different from ours.

According to my rules here, because of your performance, which exceeds the preset level of the game, you will get the opportunity to work under my leadership.

You will become a "practice priest" while gaining a slave promotion.

As for cultivating your organization, you will also get a "good slave training commission" that will satisfy them.

Do you want to? "


"Very well... you go to accept the promotion ceremony of slave status, and come to see me in the Black Pyramid tomorrow."

After all, a succulent channel that can transport Han Dong’s body is formed under him, and it is immediately sent to the settlement area of ​​the pyramid.

Main story line (stage one): Imhetep's Great Escape has been completed

The level limit of the advanced "White Slave" will be adjusted from 5 to 20. The fate equipment is still unavailable. Please continue to use the slave equipment you obtained in God Capital.

With the prompt given by the system, the black shackles worn by Han Dong and others were slightly loosened, and a steady flow of power was injected into the body.

The most natural change is that of Mary Maris, who was originally the ancestral body... The liberation of 20 brought her back to the intensity when she first became a magic, and a water-stained field has already formed.

"It seems that the space of destiny is intended to allow us to fully adapt to the slave equipment in "Prometheus". Through such a growth method of restricting equipment and gradually unblocking, we are given a "second life"... really the right choice."

Now Han Dong can control the bone ring completely by himself.

The restriction of the g virus has been relaxed, and the body's various regeneration capabilities have increased dramatically...The most important thing is that the tentacle system has been fully activated, and it has been able to construct a relatively primary "blood dog".

Because the suppression was too strong at the beginning, the count in the body was also sleeping, and now he was awake.

"Wang Wang!"

A primary blood dog with the size of an arm was formed. Due to the limited vocal system, the earl's idea was expressed in dog language.

The slightly embarrassed Earl also immediately changed to conscious transmission.

"Nicholas, what's going on? Where is this place? Why is the ability so limited? And what is the white slave just said, you are willing to become a slave, is it too garbage?"

The waking earl was a beep.

In other words, Han Dong, as the main consciousness, must have given the earl ‘forbidden’.

However, now that Han Dong is in contact with the inner layer of the Black Pyramid, he is in a very good mood... In the following process, he will also borrow the power of the Earl to a great extent.

After carefully explaining the current situation to the count.

The Earl's center of gravity immediately went off course. He didn't care about the situation of the God Capital or the Black Pyramid at all, but his Maritis' attitude.

"What? This female toad was so obedient... actually ran with you all the way in the **** capital and lived together? Also provided therapeutic assistance? to say, she is also a ancestor.

This kind of spying on the existence of the gate of truth essentially despise the inferior human knight.

Earl Ben can be sure that this female toad must be pretending, pretending to assist you, and letting you die if you are in danger! If I guessed right, she would not be willing to take out the "toad" to provide treatment. "

"Oh? Toad Pearl? The taste is pretty good... used as my second energy, the effect is really good."

The Earl is just talking casually, UU reading www.uukanshu. com he is well aware of the importance of toad beads to the toad monster, comparable to is impossible to take it out.

Speaking of this, Han Dong patted Maridis with a hand on the shoulder.

"Miss Mary, shall we return to the Colosseum to report to the Warden?"


When answering the question, Mary Tis deliberately opened her curly hair in front of her eyes, and after licking the water droplets from her face with her tongue, she nodded friendly... It was greatly reduced when it first met.

"What... did you do?" With his understanding of the alien, the count could not understand the situation in front of him.

"Just build a relationship.

To return to the truth... Count, how much power can you use now? "

"It's very weak, which is about the strength of what I just became a "newborn". "


Han Dong turned his attention back to his teammates who gradually unblocked their ability to adapt.

"Everyone will return to their respective organizations first, and use the status of "white slave" as much as possible to internally mix to a higher position... When I reach a sufficient height in the Black Pyramid, then I will call everyone to act together.

Treat this fateful event as a second life and polish yourself.

I hope we can catch up with the first phase of the expeditionary battle of the expeditionary force when we return...

"Um... how to contact you?" Mia still feels reluctant. After all, she found Han Dong.

"Relax, I will use the identity of the Black Pyramid to secretly establish contact."

When Han Dong finished this, Demps had already reached the exit of the Black Pyramid, and it seemed he could not wait to go back and enjoy his luxurious life.

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