My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 920: Negotiation

The Dragon City squad that came here has just changed from a tense state of escape to a combat state, and it seems that the battle may be triggered.

Han Dong showed a kind expression, saying in standard Mandarin:

"There is no danger on this floor, you can rest here for a while.

We fled to this level about ten minutes ago. We have conducted a thorough search here to make sure that there are no "horror monsters". "

Most of the members of the Dragon City team did not believe Han Dong’s remarks, and regarded them as ‘a strange lies’.

That's right, Han Dong is indeed lying.

He deliberately concealed the fact that he and his team killed the terrorist monster, saying that they had escaped to this level... but there was no attempt to frame the Dragon City team.

In the case of having an enmity with the Wangdu engineers, if they are completely opposed to the Dragon City team, it will be really troublesome.

Because he had some contact with the monk Guxu in advance, Han Dong tried to establish a certain relationship...even if he could not establish a friendly relationship, but as far as possible to stay neutral with each other, mainly through customs clearance.

"Alien lies, drive them out..."

When Xuanyuanyu, who was upright and armed with a three-pointed spear, was about to wave his weapon and challenge Han Dong.

Who knows, an invisible and powerful arm stopped her movements.

In an instant, the ancient virtual monk as the captain had stood at the front of the team, thanking Han Dong across the channel: "Thank you."

Immediately turned around and signaled to the teammates to rest in place.

Continued high tension and fearful invasion of the bone marrow, as well as monster attacks when leaving the security door.

The state of the Dragon City Squad can be said to be extremely poor, and even Gu Xu himself has left a serious injury enough to affect his strength...just blocked by the monk robe.

If you are now fighting with the ‘Alien Squad’ in good condition, it is them who will suffer.


Gu Xu and Han Dong had been released in advance, and verified Han Dong's "Alien Pose" with a kind of heart and eye, but also identified the "human heart"...

There are true and false in Han Dong's remarks just now, but Gu Xuneng can tell that this layer of non-hazardous information is true.

That being the case, it is just time for the team to reorganize.

Han Dong continued to say kindly: "Yes, the penultimate ward right in front of you is the safety zone... If you need water supply, you can go there and rest."

"Thank you, we can just stay here."

In this way, the two teams separated by a passage of about 30 meters to sit down and rest.

Han Dong first looked at his teammates, "I will come to all the next have a rest.

Especially Miss Mary, conquer your hostility. If you want to get something useful for Toad, you must not set up too many enemies. The two teams in Sam's Kingdom are already troublesome enough, and if they get into this team again, they are likely to be killed early. "

"Um..." Maridis, who was glaring at the whole time, also a little converged because of Han Dong's words.

Demps was very supportive of Han Dong’s approach and added: “Just in the reserve area, through the eyes of this group of Dragon City players, we can probably see that they and the Wangdu’s engineer team also seem to be prejudiced. Works."


to be frank.

Han Dong itself is not biased towards ‘summation’... after all, when this monk finds himself in a dream, the other thing is the suppression of Buddhism.

This made Han Dong very unhappy.

But the discomfort returned to the discomfort, but the intensity of the monk was in front of him, tearing the blood dog with his bare hands, and terrified the count.

Moreover, the other people in this Dragon City team are not simple characters.

Once confronted... The difficulty of the world of "Prometheus" will rise to a new level, which is not conducive to Han Dong's profit.

"Huo Ziping said that his seniority is lower than yours?"

Han Dong directly opened the topic with an acquaintance in the Dragon City... Huo Ziping, who was wielding his sword endlessly, also paused a bit in the Dragon City, which was separated by different dimension universes.

"How do you know Brother Huo?"

Xuanyuanyu looked at Han Dong with a surprised look, and discussed the foundation. Xuanyuanyu and Huo Ziping both belonged to the building.

After all, Huo Ziping can be regarded as a benchmark for the younger one, a rare kendo genius in a century.

Only once experienced the true fate.

But something went wrong in the event of fate.

Although they successfully cleared the customs and survived, they lost in the team confrontation and failed to maximize their benefits.

This can be regarded as Huo Ziping's first defeat...According to Huo Ziping's description, he lost to a'special knight' from the Holy City. The details are not much discussed.

It was also because of that experience that Huo Ziping's arrogance was mostly cut off, and he returned to the city to enter a long period of closed-door practice.

Han Dong also continued to add: "They happened to meet Huo Ziping and Yu Wu in the chain incident "The Clown's Soul" last time."

Seeing Han Dong directly report the corresponding fate events and the equally famous Xiao Di listened to Yu Wu's name also made Xuan Yuanyu more puzzled.

He even suspected that Han Dong, as an alien, devoured the memory of a certain knight.

In other words, the entire holy city has been contaminated with the monsters.

After all, the toad girl standing next to Han Dong is an out-and-out alien... The water secreted from her has a clear atmosphere of pollution.

"Actually, the four of us are participating in the expedition.

A medium-scale battle broke out on the way... due to the sudden space distortion in the battlefield, we were connected to the portal in the alien city, and was forced to label the alien.

Miss Mary, as a member of the strange monster, is in a similar situation. At the same time, we were sucked into the gate of fate and forced to form a team.

However, we have reached a cooperation agreement in advance to help each other through the fate event, and the rewards we get are also five to five points.

Without waiting for the other party to doubt, Han Dong took the initiative to add:

"I know it sounds suspicious...but I really don't want to be against you.

In addition, we had a conflict with Wangdu's team of engineers while passing through the desert area.

Mr. Tesla’s team, like us, belongs to a bright and elite team with strong strength... but the other team exudes a weird atmosphere. People are very uncomfortable. "

At this time, the monk Gu Xu accepted the words, "The engineers in Wangduli are all based on their own scientific and technological interests... You should say Novikov, this person has been blacklisted by our Dragon City.

He had killed our warriors in Dragon City. "

Han Dong was very happy, and successfully shifted the contradiction, and his face immediately became gloomy, substituting a trace of anger and doubt, "Well? Why kill himself?"

"Interested interests.

However, the warrior on our side also had a certain responsibility for that incident. He belongs to a more irritable character... But Novikov's is even worse, this person must pay more attention.

He came here as a fifth-order engineer, certainly with a personal purpose in mind. "

"I will pay careful attention to this person..."

"Be careful, the fifth-tier engineers must squeeze us in terms of strength."

"Um... thanks for the reminder.

Since everyone meets here, it's also a fate... Should we share the information we have obtained with each other and jointly search for exports? "

Han Dong found the right time and tried to build a relationship bridge.

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