My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 916: Decision and escape

Viewpoint switching.

Dragon City Squad Killing Demons

Facts have proved that Han Dong's team is not'lucky'.

The situation of the Dragon City team on the other floor was also encountered, and it was also stared by something almost irresistible from the beginning.

Bell Bell Bell

The urging metal bells rang through the passage.

Chasing behind him is a man suspended in the air, holding a metal bell in one hand, and his face is completely sunken inward like an abyss. For the time being, he is called the "invader."

Whether you look directly at the sunken face or hear the bells, the fear value will accumulate.

The youngest girl in the team, who was proficient in the Five Elements technique, was pale and scared.

No matter what kind of attack is thrown in the past, it will be absorbed by the deep hole in the face of the "invader"... At the same time, the shaking of the bell will also hinder all close attacks.

Just when all kinds of hidden weapons, five elements and even road obstacles are difficult to block the "invaders".

A ray of sunlight directly hit the target, causing the "invader" to cover the deep concave face with his hands, and a drop of black water continuously flowed out of the concaves of the face.

Also because of the use of this high-level ability, the monk Guxu immediately fell into a state of weakness.

"Found it... right here!"

The leader is the dark-haired brother who is better than most girls.

Smart and fast, keen and insightful in details.

Silver light flashed.

Brother cut the door lock of the medicine room with a dagger and quickly found the "security door" inside the medicine cabinet.

All the staff immediately fell into it.

Xuanyuan Jade, holding a three-pointed spear, leaned against the wall and gasped. "How many teams can hold such a difficult start? The reason why we didn't reduce staff depends on the magical power that the captain has gained in God Capital."

"Don't underestimate the others... at least that team of monsters can also hold up.

For now, the issue of promotion games is very big, far from what we originally thought.

I hope you won't collide with other troublesome teams. "

Perspective switchback

Demps' memory ability is quite amazing.

During the escape process that was affected by fear, I could memorize all the roads I walked through, and then use it to deduce the corresponding floor map.

And Demps also specially selected the peripheral route, almost walked through the peripheral channels of the hospital floor, and then deduced the floor plan based on a part of the internal route...The map drawn clearly showed four key nodes.

The operating room where everyone woke up was at the very center of the floor.

The horizontal distance between the safe house and the operating room is less than ten meters.

On the left and right sides of the floor, there is a "staircase structure".

However, the stairs here are strange.

The leftmost staircase can only lead to the upper level, and the last staircase can only lead to the lower level.

There is no information about "export".

Now a question is before everyone, is it going up or down? Once the wrong choice is made, it may be further and further away from the "exit", but there may also be an exit both above and below.

"Up or down?"

Mary Tess, who likes to take the initiative, also looked at Han Dong at this moment.

Perhaps it was because of the contact of the past few days that she had re-understood, or perhaps Han Dong had just taken a fatal blow for her.

"Xia... Whether it is the planet or God itself, Xia has a special meaning.

But it is also possible for us to fall into extremely dangerous situations.

Based on my ten-day life in the **** capital, it is probably determined that the horror existence involving the origin of the **** capital is buried at the lower end of the **** capital, and it is set as the top secret by the managers and pharaohs in the deep upper level, that is, the black pyramid.

Conversely, thinking upward may represent escape, more in line with the theme of escape, and the exit may also be on top.

Demps, any ideas? "

Temples also shook his head. "Maybe there are exits for both up and down, but I can't make a decision."

When neither of the two wise men in the team can make a final conclusion, Mia's voice came from the bottom of the mask: "Since there may be exits at both the top and the bottom, shall we vote to decide?"

Han Dong nodded, "Okay, just use your finger to show... I count down three times and make a decision based on your first instinct. Once you make a choice, you can’t change it.

All the index fingers are facing down, without exception.

"The formation remains unchanged, and it is still up to me and Miss Mary to break it.

Everyone is almost at rest, ready to go! Although there is no clear time limit, if you can finish the game in the first place, the Black Pyramid may give some special rewards. "

When all the staff exited through the security gate, they were taken aback by the clean and tidy ward in front of them.

The ward was intact, and no traces of being flipped were found, and even the iron door uprooted by Abel was restored to its original condition.

Han Dong carefully opened a slit in the door, slowly extended a finger, and then used the distortion ability to grow a visual nerve eye at the end of the finger to observe the external channel.

"No one is outside, let's go..."

Just when Han Dong waved to the teammate behind him.

The sound of crunching and familiar nails rubbing and scratching passed through everyone's ears, and the fear immediately overflowed.

The source of the sound is not an external passage, but inside the ward... When Han Dong turned his head, he saw a terrifying finger quickly crawling out of the nearest hospital bed.

The woman wrapped in a white medical gown and covered with heretic finger structures was kept in the ward where everyone disappeared. She even spent time tidying up the place without leaving a half step.

Currently, location is a big issue.

The woman hid under the bed closest to the ward door.

Except for Han Dong exploring the passage at the door, the other teammates are hiding inside the ward... If you want to leave the ward, you must cross the woman.

Of course, you can also choose to return to the safe area.

But Han Dong, who was at the door, also needed to pass over this woman...and even if he succeeded in hiding back to the safe house, he wouldn't know where the woman would ambush next time, UU reading www. danger cannot be ruled out.

Think of here.

Han Dong then reinforced his right arm with "John's Spine" alone, and put the ring of death breath on the ring finger of his right hand, and grabbed the woman who was trying to climb out of the bed.

"see through"

At the cost of a drop of blood from the magic eye.

Han Dong succeeded in avoiding most of her nails. While the right arm was barely intact, she grabbed the woman's head... not to let it stand.

"Go away!"

Opportunities are not easy.

The four teammates ran out of the ward as quickly as possible...

Han Dong is also preparing to flee.

How do you know the moment you withdrew your hand...ah! ! Han Dong's cries filled the ward.

More than ten sharp black fingers pierced the right arm, the skin and skin of the pierced area immediately turned black, and the bones quickly corroded... Even with the flesh, the entire arm was torn alive.

This kind of pain mixed with fear, almost let Han Dong fainted.

The firm willpower allowed Han Dong to hold on.

When the pupils of the eye were completely congested, Tata Tata escaped from the ward with his broken arm covering the dripping blood.

Mary Tiss, who was in charge of the offense, was also shocked when she saw it.

"Don't care, let's escape first... as long as the ability is restored, it can naturally be regenerated."


Recalling the previous picture of Han Dong reaching out to block the lethal attack for her.

As soon as Mary gritted her teeth, she suddenly threw out the slippery tongue in her mouth and shot it into the ward with precision.

The broken arm was successfully rolled back...

The pale pink soft tongue surface also left several black holes through the nails.

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