My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 904: Full preparation

The reason why Han Dong directly asked the price.

Not only is he seeing through the material of this ring, and the shopkeeper’s ‘reality’.

More importantly, at the moment when the metal box opened, the left arm trembled slightly... An extremely rare resonance phenomenon occurred, and the props recognized by "Undead Sacrifice Emerton" must be won by Han Dong.

Although the price is too expensive, as long as you can get a 50% discount, it is also within the acceptable range.

"Well, I try..."

This ring, inherited from ancient Egypt's bone refining process, was made of thousands of special deceased and dead beetles as a material. When it was put on the finger of Han Dong's mummy, it immediately caused a strong resonance.

For a moment... Han Dong's image was somewhat similar to the death of Alex, but it was very different in nature.

About an hour passed.

Kurosawa's nerves reopened.

"I really look forward to your performance in the promotion competition. Matching your creations with your qualities will definitely surpass the level of the promotion competition and make you the most dazzling slave.

If you are lucky, you may be fancy by Pharaoh.

But... it's better to be careful. "

"Thank you Boss Kurosawa!"

It was an unexpected gain. Han Dong was also in a good mood, giving the guide girl five times the cost of the guide.

In addition, Maridis also bought a neuro-embedded device "Connect Neckworm" in this store.

A nerve worm similar to the effect of a chip. When attached to the back of the neck, it can automatically drill into the skin and connect with the nerves of the cervical spine... A small thumb-sized mass will also be left in the neck area.

This "connected neckworm" can strengthen the nerve sensing of the brain and body, making the reaction faster and the movement more agile.

The last bit of money, also bought a priest's spellcasting armor for Maridis in another store.

that's it.

Han Dong spent all his money in just one trip in the "trading area".

The warden had some doubts about whether Han Dong was pitted when he learned about this matter.

But when he learned the name of the shop that Han Dong went to and the equipment he bought, he immediately determined that the 5000 liters of black water were worth it.

Before the game starts, as long as there is spare time, Han Dong will conduct ‘unequal’ discussions with the jail officers to improve his own strength as much as possible and become proficient in the newly acquired slave equipment.

Han Dong never thought that what equipment he had got, he would be invincible.

The participants in the world of "Prometheus" are also elites, and some of them must be better than themselves.

For example, Demps, who was accompanied by a black-skinned hostess, also participated in the auction.

The hostess also spoke directly. Demps had something to watch and bid directly... There is no need to worry about the price, as long as he can survive the promotion game, it is better than anything.

Han Dong was valued as soon as he came to God with his ‘Egyptian attributes’.

Seems to have an advantage.

However, compared with other teams, the advantage is not much, and it can even be said that there is no.

The two teams from Wangdu Meigalan basically have "level 4" personnel ranks, among which Professor Novikov has reached "level 5".

It is difficult to obtain two fate points at one time for real fate (except Han Dong).

This group of people has experienced at least four events of true fate, and has a lot of experience.

They came to the world of "Prometheus" not completely random, but took advantage of the fate rights they had previously won, and knew some information about the world in advance... Therefore, they made sufficient preparations beforehand.

The Particle Radiation Squad has completed the confluence of all members within one day.

The shrine of God Nout

One of the nine buildings close to the pyramid belongs to Shendu's largest renovation and embedded equipment manufacturing company.

Tesla is undergoing a high-risk transformation experiment here, and also needs to integrate a bio-power generation equipment into the body perfectly.

When the experiment is completed.

An assistant doctor was burnt to death on the spot by a strong current due to operational errors.

Although the operation was quite successful.

However, Tesla, who has undergone this high-risk operation, is not in good health.

During the time before the promotion game starts, they will spend in the lounge, and Miss Eva, who is used as a "mobile power", is also accompanied by Tesla throughout the journey.

"Tesla, will you be too hard..."

The weak Tesla slowly raised his arm covered with stitches, and even a suture squirmed between his palms.

However, with a snap of Tesla's... snap!

The strong current directly shredded a metal ornament in the room.

"The ability was greatly suppressed and returned to the initial state of the trainee knight.

This will cause the gap between us and the group of low-level fallen knights to become almost non-existent. Of course, the gap between the ancestral body and us will become very small...

You have also seen the kid's ability.

If we do not take risks, we may lose when we meet them again.

"Prometheus" is a world with a biological background.

This operation gave me full control of the power of biological power generation... as long as it can be successfully upgraded, it is bound to be able to reach the upper level of Shendu with the special material that does not exist in Shendu

In this way, I am one step closer to the myth in the current world.

By the way... How about Watergriff's remodeling surgery? "

"It is still in progress. It has been 31 hours... I heard that six doctors and reconstruction engineers have been seriously injured during the operation, and one of them has died.

However, Water's condition is fairly stable. "

"Normal, Walter's arms are called "hands of the devil" by Mr. Nobel. The existence of these hands is against the rules... as long as the operation can be successfully completed, the probability of our team winning the final victory will also be greatly improved. . "


Sun Temple

In Shendu, the second building after the Black Pyramid, it is also the largest energy company in Shendu, supporting the life energy supply of about 80 in Shendu.

The company even created a perfect biological sun, so that the city of Shendu, which is located in the body, also has a normal day and night alternation.

Inside the Sun Temple, an inscription room that needs a certain identity to be visited.

A young monk with a scar on his head had been sitting there for three days and three nights without eating or drinking.

"It's a deeply ingrained deity culture... even if it was taken to an alien planet, its deity culture has not been changed in any way."

Just as the monk got up, a burst of weird energy in the inscription room flowed into the monk's body along the seams of the ground... A thin layer of sun glow covered the monk's body.

Different from other participants who take the technological route.

The monk seems to have gained a little power of God through a special way of understanding.

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