My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 901: Warden's inspection

The wormhole is a rewarding trip.

Not only did they fully understand the essence of God Capital, but they also vaguely found a secret area involving the core of God Capital.

Han Dong is also not entirely sure what black vortex induction represents.

If there is a "runaway" underneath, you have to wait until the strength is completely restored... simply compare the strength of Pennewise to see how strong the runaway is, at least it is extremely difficult to kill, not to mention Say you want to catch alive.

If he can really catch an out-of-control person, Han Dong will get 100 rewards from the Black Tower World, which will affect Han Dong's overall development in the space of destiny, and is of great significance.

As it was the first time to come to the wormhole to pick up garbage, Han Dong also suffered a lot.

It took more than seven hours to finally find five healthy bodies, which is considered to be the basic work of today.

Only half a day.

Warden Bazaar has already received the information Han Dong wants.

"The three people you are looking for, I only got information from two people through various channels.

Abel Ryan was picked up by the Blackwater auction and later bought as a special "human and animal breed" by a slave owner who was above me. Because of the buyer’s confidentiality mechanism at the auction, I don’t know who he went to.

Mia Seminovich was picked up by God’s largest life company, "Lean Creatures", and no information should have been found.

Unfortunately, about ten hours ago, your friend actually broke free during the production process, and is currently being chased by a reward from "Ryan Creature".

But don't worry, the slaves who can escape from "Lean Creatures" show that they are extremely talented. If they are met by other companies, they will definitely take the initiative to hide her and secretly cultivate.

As long as she became a "white slave" through the promotion game, Lane creatures automatically lost their dominance over her slaves.

As for Temples Martin, I have not found any information here. "

"Thank you Mr. Basa..."

After receiving such information, at least it means that everyone is in peace and arrived at God Capital.

Han Dong is the least worried about Demps, he does not believe what this guy can do. The reason why I couldn't find the information, maybe Demps had erased all the information about him.

Mia's situation is worse, but it is also a kind of hone... In this way, Han Dong will not worry about the situation of his teammates, preparing to focus all his attention on the promotion game held ten days later.

"The promotion contest is the only way for individuals to improve their status after they reach "high-level slaves."

If you want to get rid of the lowest slave status, you must take part in a certain position in the **** capital...If you miss the game after ten days, wait for next month.

I believe that no participant of fate can wait for so long.

Abel, they are also the same, must have learned about the game... No need to actively find them, then naturally meet in the promotion game.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to use the existing flesh to get the maximum power upgrade and slave equipment. "

Not waiting for Han Dong to take the initiative to find the warden Bazaar, the other party has already pointed to an empty small colosseum, ready to try Han Dong in person.

Reach out to Han Dong and Maridis beside her.

"Since you all have the "priest potential", let's go together... Generally speaking, the promotion competition allows teaming and cooperation between different slaves. "

"it is good."

Han Dong also wanted to bring Mario Tisi, wanting to see how the regenerative body could play in the event of its ability being suppressed.

Before learning.

The warden also deliberately took off the biological skeleton armor and reached out to Han Dong and the two.

"Go straight."

"it is good."

It was at this time.

After a whole day and night of adapting, and soaking in the bathtub for a whole night...Marytis fully adapted to this weak body, slowly recalling how she felt when she was a pagan.

"Bouncing Power"

Mary Tess jumped up and jumped easily to a height of ten meters. The speed was extremely fast.

I saw his throat swell and spit out a mass of water polo from the body... It seemed a very ordinary water bomb, but it was very different from the ordinary water magic.

The warden also noticed a slight abnormality and frowned slightly.

At the same time, Han Dong attacked from the front.

The slave equipment "John's Skeleton" has been fully activated, and the softened bones immediately wrapped around Han Dong's hands and feet.

Completely abandon the defense against the trunk, used to increase the sensitivity of the limbs.

Just when the warden considered to deal with Maridis on the head first, or to deal with Han Dong who was attacked head-on... the situation changed suddenly.

Han Dong made an incredible move.

A series of black sands of death were released from the left arm, but the target was not a warden, but a water polo released by Maritice... When the black sand and the water polo touched, a "magic fusion" actually occurred.

The already weird water polo was completely dyed black.

Immediately turned into a very sticky black net, completely covering the warden.

The saliva of Mary Tess is already very corrosive, combined with the death magic of Han Dong... Destructive qualitative changes occur, forming a type of death corrosion that can cause "ultra-fast gangrene".

Zizizi black smoke rising

Masses of necrotic tissue fluid flowed along the body of the warden.

However, Han Dong didn't think that it would be so simple to deal with a middle-class figure in the **** capital.

Immediately control "John's Spine" with consciousness, and change from strengthening the limbs to focusing on the strengthening of the right arm... The result of such a single strengthening is beyond Han Dong's expectations.

"Um! Is that still possible?"

When acting on the right arm The spinal bone is derived from dark gray bone, which is higher in hardness and toughness than normal bones.


Not only attached to the surface, some gray bones directly drilled into the skin of the right arm and became part of Han Dong's arm.

Don't say it.

This gray skeleton that runs through the flesh, with the pale zombie arm is quite good.

Even the structure of the "claw" has changed.

Sharper and more stable.


Just when Han Dong aimed at the warden and prepared to give this claw.

Suddenly a weird feeling invaded Han Dong's thinking. Although no phenomenon was observed, intuition told Han Dong that this paw could not penetrate.

Change the way of thinking and jump forward.

A hug of Maridis, who was about to attack from the air, landed firmly about ten meters away from the warden.

Han Dong was frightened with cold sweat when he turned to look back.

A strange black arm grew out of the corrupted head of the warden, and a giant sickle was connected between the arms.

The ground in front of him has been cut with a deep scar several meters long.

"Very good... that's what I want to test.

You will also encounter a similar uncontestable situation in the promotion game. It is the best choice to predict the danger and decisively abandon the original plan. "

The hyperplastic sickle arm retracted the skull.

Uncle Warden took a more elegant action and gently opened the hair in front of her with her little finger. With the completion of this action, the corrosive injuries suffered by his body were all repaired.

It looks like a normal human, but it is actually one of the scariest monsters in the Colosseum.

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