My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 898: Biological Technology

Recently this chapter said that it was blocked, and it was unblocked in two days. But I can still see it in the background.

Some people went to ask questions about how the population of Shendu will lose 5 (most subordinate slaves) every day, how to supplement the population.

In addition to the **** capital, there are a large number of humans living on this planet, such as those who are just beginning to train.

These human beings living on the periphery all take the "qualification" of God as their lifelong dream.

Once in God, they are subordinate slaves and will die due to various extreme events. Moreover, in the urban society of Shendu, which is mainly based on biotechnology, it strongly encourages childbearing and even receives black water subsidies. The specific use will not be described in detail)

Black Gold Inn in Binodis

As Han Dong paid the ten-day advance deposit.

Get a "Boneworm Key" from the owner.

The half-living key can be automatically attached to the surface of the "wallet", when used, it is drilled from the palm of the hand and docked with the door lock.

Opening the door is further subdivided into several steps:

"Biometrics" and "Lock Type Adaptation"

When the bone worms are inserted into the keyhole, they secrete a hormone to stimulate this variably fleshy keyhole.

Only certain hormones can expand the keyhole to the size of normal unlocking, and then match the shape of the bone to complete the door opening.

"This kind of security door is much more advanced than the anti-theft door in the original world..."

of course.

Such advanced biological door locks are not everywhere.

It is related to the hotel that Han Dong chooses. The price of 1.5ml per day can not be paid by anyone, it can be regarded as a medium hotel.

When pushing the door open.

A light fragrance smelled from the guest room.

The layout and decoration of the guest rooms are considered to be'comparative' luxury.

In addition to the bedroom, it also has a private bathroom, a small balcony area and a slave compartment.

Han Dong saw this for the first time in the slave compartment.

The social nature of God Capital determines that people who can afford to stay in a hotel must carry slaves with them... Slave compartments must be set up.

The cubicle area is small and equipped with upper and lower beds.

Using an adjustable one-way glass, the slave owner can observe the situation in the slave compartment at any time.

For the overall layout of the guest room, in addition to a soft and luxurious bed and dark bio-style tables and chairs, it is also equipped with a set of entertainment facilities... similar to the TV in the real world hotel

However, there is no electronic information product in God.

The entertainment facility installed here is called a cranial instrument.

There is a rib cage in the middle of the head of the bed. The hollow skull helmet hanging above it is the so-called cranial instrument.

The back of the skull is bordered by dense fleshy nerve cables, connected to the central sensor of memory signals in the hotel, and then connected to the brain server of a "memory company" in Shendu.

Once the skull helmet is worn, the internal synapses can be superficially connected to the wearer's brain.

Through the "biosensing" method, connect vision and hearing to the brain server of the memory entertainment company.

You can watch various memory programs for free.

You can also choose to connect to the brain of a "subordinate slave" equipped with a receiver to watch the thrilling first-person duel between slaves, make a death show, and some restricted-level programs that require additional recharge.

If the accessor wants to experience more stimulating intracranial activities, first of all, he needs to sign a contract to give the cranial instrument more brain control.

Once you get all the control.

That is, through the cranial instrument, the consciousness is fully connected to the flesh of a "subordinate slave" and personally participates in various brutal and **** duels.

Even if he died halfway, it was only physical death.

Of course.

In addition to paying high access fees for such conscious access, it is necessary to purchase the corresponding slave in may cost tens of milliliters or even hundreds of milliliters of black water at a time.

Holding a cranial instrument, Han Dong said softly:

"If the "faceless head" is not sealed, it may be able to reversely access the memory company's brain server, so as to obtain the information of all the accessors, and even directly control the thinking of those who are consciously connected.

It's no wonder that the fate system limits us. "

Han Dong did not wear a cranial instrument because of curiosity. After all, there is a risk of his mind being stolen, and the brain is the lifeblood of Han Dong.

The scale of the God Capital is quite huge, and it is not easy to find a companion.

"Wait a minute to see if in the name of the Colosseum, go to the slave market to ask Abel about their information... However, they should be able to survive.

This opening is also a good growth challenge for everyone.

Don't worry, let's take a break first. "

After a series of events and the positive acceptance of the bio-tech city of Shendu with his brain, Han Dong was slightly tired.

When he walked back to the bedroom to prepare for sleep, he found that Lord Maridis was gone.

"Miss Mary?"

no respond.

After finding the entire bedroom and finding nothing, Han Dong, who realized that something was wrong, pushed open the bathroom door.

A different view of the beautiful scenery.

Mary Tis, who was also tired, had fallen into a deep sleep in a bathtub full of water. She, who had long been "lack of water", found the bathroom because of hydrophilicity the first time she entered the guest room.

The rag coat that was originally put on her was thrown on the ground at will.

Although the beauty is good, Han Dong didn't feel much, but instead sighed:

"I haven't been able to see the power of Maridis, but I was limited by the system... This level of repression put almost all the participants on the same level.

Mary Tiss’s advantage as a ancestral body also disappeared. Improve your identity.

The Demps guy should be a bit of a tactic too. "

When he thought of this, Demps, who was eating in the mansion, sneeze loudly.

"No more time is wasted, one minute and one second must be seized... The teams that came to "Prometheus" are also elites from all countries."

Han Dong immediately got up and went to the nearest bookstore to buy more comprehensive slavery books, and also bought recent newspapers to improve his understanding of the city.

Read the lights at night.

As Han Dong gradually sorted out these slavery systems, his brain could no longer support it.

Without the support of the "faceless head", Han Dong is also just an ordinary person with limited energy, directly planted on the table to sleep.

I don't know how long it has been.

Bilibili! Bilibili!

A weird ‘phone tone’ awakened Han Dong.

The sound comes from the "talk bug (snail shape)" placed on the bedside table.

Grab the snail shell and let its soft parts stick to the ear... The snail's nerve synapse automatically connects to Han Dong's hearing system and connects to the'phone'.

"Nicholas, one day of rest should be enough.

There is one thing in the arena that needs your assistance, hurry up. "

The source of the sound is the jailer who gave preferential treatment to Han Dong yesterday.

Obviously, the warden directly found Han Dong's residence and communication number through the senior authority of the arena.

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