My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 793: 4th Army

"This whip really hurts ... I can't carry my body before."

Holding the stone wall, Han Dong walked out of the bat cave.

But recalling the experience of the night before, I have harvested several months of hard work, especially the "Holy Cross" imprinted on the right wrist.

"An hour left before the rally, borrow the head of Xia Ya's office to take a good rest. If the expedition starts without rest, I will definitely not be able to keep up with my mental state.

Because he holds the key card, Han Dong can walk through the hospital headquarters at will.

Of course, in order to avoid some gossip, Han Dong pretends to be a doctor's service.

Go to the head of Xia Ya's office as quickly as possible, borrow the private bathroom inside, and wash away sweat and stains.

"... Hmm? How can this scent not be removed? Is the shower gel specially made by Head Xia Ya? Forget it, go to [between the thrones]."

Han Dong walking between the corridors is about to leave the hospital.

A familiar breath came into the nasal cavity, Han Dong immediately looked downstairs ... The other party also looked up from the bottom.

"Nicholas, why are you here?"

Even though Han Dong was dressed in an airtight costume, he was still seen at a glance.

Is standing in the hall of the hospital. It used to be fighting side by side, and its strength is not weaker than that of Han Dong's [Blood Knight-Lucius].

Compared to the armor costume of the scene on weekdays, Lucius today wears a white coat and seems to work in the hospital.

"I ... um ... I had something to do with Head Xia before."

"Should it be your necklace?"

Lucius had seen the blood skull in the last "Investigation Action. Far", and it was reasonable that such a special prop was noticed by Head Xia Ya.

"Yes ... Senior, are you working here?"

"Scarlet Knights will be required to intern in various Red Cross hospitals for a period of time.

Moreover, the "surgical operation" originally helped me to control the blade slightly. I have been following the "Second Commander-Dr. Langdon Kastinov".

Today is just coming over to hand over the last job, after all, the Great Expedition is about to start.

Wait for me, let's go together. "


Replaced with dark red light armor.

The two have collaborated several times and are both shareholder of Scarlet Mountain Villa. Lucius is no exception, putting his arm directly on Han Dong's shoulder.

However, because of this closeness, Lucius smelled a smell ... an smell from the head of Xia Ya.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the head of Xia Ya?"

Han Dong scratched his head quickly and smirked for a while, "Haha, it was okay ... Because of this equipment, the head of Xia Ya personally directed last night for a long time."

"You'd better keep some eye on it, the title of [Duke of Horror] is not vain."

"Got ... Luxius Senior."

Outside the hospital.

[Black Battle Wheel] carriage belonging to Lucius Squad is waiting at the door.

Sister Jin and Senior Lengze are already waiting in the carriage.

Pull the curtain of the carriage.

"Tell me something ... Nicholas, [Scarlet Hills] Can you follow us?"

"I can carry it with me, but there are still certain restrictions.

"Mobile title deed" is a type of title deed.

Can be unfolded in the general area outside the city for us to enter and exit ... However, if we are in other land deed coverage areas, we cannot expand as we like. "

Lucius nodded, "It's pretty good to do this."

"Relax, if you encounter some irresistible danger.

Senior Lucius, depending on your identity as the third signer, can lead Sister Zhen and Renze students to the manor to avoid danger.

If I really encounter a situation that will cause the entire expedition to collapse, I will also try to transfer the expedition to the manor. "

Lucius shook his index finger and whispered: "No ... I don't want to ask this.

If you encounter the danger that you can't deal with it at the commander level, it's useless to hide.

Nicholas, what I want to know is ... you should have prepared a stronger "Manor Guard", right? "

Han Dong faintly heard the purpose of Lucius' question.

"Well, compared to the" Crimson War "... indeed, it has accumulated more troops, and the lowest ranks have also received technical support and optimization training.

Arms are more than before. "

"Hahaha! I knew ... Your kid's motivation to participate in the expedition must be impure.

Do you want to continue the "land title war" during the expedition?

When the time comes, as the third signer, do I need to join the war? "

Han Dong did not conceal, "I had this idea, but Senior Lucius assured that some wars of title deed that I was not sure would never be provoked.

Once the war wins, Lucius Seniors will also get the corresponding loot. "

"Don't play too crazy, focus on the big picture."



【Between the thrones】 Outside, a large number of carriages belonging to the various expeditionary teams stopped here.

Han Dong got off the bus and also joined the team members into the magnificent square area.

The number of formal knights gathered here has not included the "special forces" that have developed in the past year. At least Han Dong did not see the "combat nuns" to which the knights of Vino.


The front of the throne square is above the eternal castle with a height of 100 meters.

The bird's eye bronze door corresponding to the bird's eye view platform is slowly opened from the inside to the outside.

One handsome and four generals.

Stepped into the bird's eye view platform as a king, overlooking all the expedition knights under his feet.

Standing at the front of the head of the big demon, slowly opened its large white gum-like mouth, a deep and loud voice covering the whole square.

"Before the official launch of the Great Expedition.

According to the strength, attributes and related characteristics of each knight, you will be organized into four different legions in units of squads.

During the expedition, the array between different legions was not required.

It is allowed to carry out free activities in the size of a squad within the corps ... Now please line up according to the corps you belong to. "

Discourse fell.

The knights gathered here all received information ~ ~ The clockwork device worn by Han Dong, through the folding of the copper sheet, revealed the number [4].

"We belong to the Fourth Army? The army under the command of Xia Ya ... Is it considering that we still belong to the rookie knight, as far as possible to reduce our danger during the expedition?

fair enough.

Lucius, they are also in the Fourth Army, to deal with some unexpected situations. "

Is when all the knights received the information from the legion and the formation was completed.

Rumble ...

The sound of heavy gear rotation and the tremendous vibration sensation came from the soles of the feet ... The underground machinery hidden in [between the thrones] is undergoing high-power operation.

As the thick steam rises.

The sealed cylindrical metal container rises in front of each knight, and the "power armor" prepared by the gold master for the expeditionary force is loaded inside.

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