My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 788: Scarlet Knights

The Duchess Xia Ya knows Han Dong's particularity and her performance at the Cavaliers Conference is also very good.

Her experience in the library gave her a new perspective on Han Dong ... more interesting than she had expected.


Because the two were in the past, it was just a space created by the mixture of reality and fate.

In reality, the library has not been affected.

The picture seen by other people's vision is-"When Xia Ya reached out and touched the special necklace worn on Han Dong, the two immediately turned into blood and disappeared."

Because it is the exit drawn by Han Dong through the tentacles of the void.

The corresponding location is also the high stone wall of the library.

The moment they left the exit, the two fell at the same time.

Due to the influence of crossing the space, both of the brains are also in a state of stagnation.

Poof ...

First, Han Dong fell heavily on the steps at the front door of the library.

Han Dong just woke up, followed by a light and soft body with a hint of smell on his body.

This picture also happened to be seen by the library staff passing by.

Plus the head of Xia Ya did not wear a hood, and her identity was exposed.

Immediately afterwards, there were some rumors about the head of Xia Ya hooking up a little boy in the library.

It's just that the object involved is Xia Ya, the terrifying duchess, and no one dared to mention it for only a while.


Scarlet Knights.

It is also a knight group with special positioning, which is derived from the "blood lineage" loved by knights in [Fate Space].

It ’s like most of the knights in the Bimont Knights are mixed with orc blood,

Some knights in the popular knights and the witch **** knights are mixed with elf blood,

Most of the knights in the Hell Knights are also mixed with demonic blood.

and many more

[Bloodline] Redeemable by points.

Or in some fateful events, the ability to change personality by completing hidden missions, contacting core NPCs, or awakening through oneself.

The introduction of descent is mostly gaining.

Taking the previous example, the beast lineage allows the knight to possess the advantages of the beast, most of which is reflected in the athletic ability.

Elven blood is to enhance sensory abilities and elemental affinity, so that the individual is better at aiming and casting magic, but it will be weakened to a certain extent.

The demon lineage gives individuals greater strength, defense, and adaptability to harsh environments, but individuals are more prone to irritability and have a certain tendency to abuse.

However, in the space of fate with the horror culture as the background, "bloods" are indispensable.

Obtaining the corresponding bloodline of the blood family can transform the individual into a legendary familiar vampire, inheriting the corresponding characteristics.

Although the blood races will also be subdivided into different types, as long as the blood races have all the common characteristics suitable for combat outside the city:

1. Like to be active at night.

2. Replenish any energy and repair injuries by drawing blood.

Just because of the commonality of these two blood groups, it has been favored by many knights.

Compared with ordinary knights, knights with blood lineage are under much lower pressure in the environment of the night, and they can reduce the pressure by satisfying the blood.

Therefore, the formation of the Scarlet Knights is also in line with the pressure of the night environment on humans.

The number of knights in it can also be ranked in the top three in the thirteen knights.

The original Scarlet Knights were used by the Holy City as a 'vanguard' due to their excellent nighttime movement and pressure resistance.

But with the Duchess-Xia Cromwell as the head of the regiment, gradually changed the entire Holy City's view of the Scarlet Knights.

The blood of Commander Xia Ya seems to be not the same as the average blood.

In addition to her strong blood ability, she also possesses a powerful medical method, which may be related to her own interest in surgery.

With the Duchess in charge.

In the name of the Scarlet Knights, a number of hospitals were built in the holy city, and at the same time, some knights focused on medical treatment were started in the Knights.

The "advanced surgery" and "blood supplement" method can be used to quickly treat the injured.

Some high-level scarlet knights can even achieve super fast amputation.

In this way, the positioning of the Scarlet Knights slowly and the vanguard transformed into a paramedic knight.

In the general expeditionary activities, cooperate with the Holy Knights.

Let the nun first perform the necessary purification on the injured individual, and then immediately effective treatment.

According to statistics.

Five years after the leader of Xia Ya, the death rate of knights and trainee knights has dropped significantly. Everyone will politely suffix [Doctor] when they see some scarlet knights in white coats.


The Scarlet Knights-St. Dephier Central Hospital, Dean's Office.

The head of Xia Ya, the white coat, corset, and short skirt matching each other, is tilting her long legs, staring at Han Dong opposite the desk, and the skull necklace on the chest.

"If I want to repair this divine broken skull, there are two ways I can think of."

Head Xia Ya bit her finger.

Through a special induction method, the high fate plane corresponding to the skull is determined, and the blood automatically arranges the corresponding English letters on the desktop-[Cairn (Kairn World ~ ~ enter the original world, go to the blood The base of the oath, find the ritual book about the resurrection [Roger Horion], collect the corresponding resurrection materials, and use the necklace as the core medium to resurrect the demigod in the world of Kane.

And kill it to peel off the complete skull. "

"Resurrection and then killing ... or demigod? Is there any other way?"

"2. Find the blood **** outside the city, he should have a way to restore the skull ... There are only two methods I can think of, after all, this level of treasure is far from what a second-tier knight like you can have."

Han Dong laughed for a while, the above two methods are basically impossible for him at this stage.

If Han Dong, who killed and seized Scarlet Manor, found the original boss of the count, the blood **** outside the city ... I am afraid that in a few minutes it will cause the other party's anger and be killed.

"In other words, you really got such a treasure in the true fate of your first experience?"

"Well ... The chain incident that started during the apprenticeship, because I reached the [perfect ending], the system gave the equipment that was opened in the treasure chest."

"How perfect is it?"

"The system prompts 100% ..."

"It's a pity that you didn't choose to join [Scarlet Knights] ... Forget it, anyway, the scum man of Malone could not win you.

I speak well, and I will take special care of you during the expedition.

If you have any need, please contact me directly, don't go to Malone ... "

"Got it, Commander Xia."

"Tomorrow, the council will call on all expeditions to gather at the top of the holy city to make the final army assignment ... you will stay here today.

I have some things to know about [Scarlet Manor] and the ability of blood dogs.

Tomorrow, we will go together. "

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