My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 784: 1 handsome 4 generals

Even if Han Dong is well aware of Newton ’s intentions-through the vestment marked with "Mechanical Deity", the Han Dong profile is tied to the church to deepen Han Dong ’s outsider ’s connection with the Steam Knights.

But Han Dong is still willing to accept this "unique" quality, and equipment that incorporates the core technology of the Steam Knights.

And put on the "Holy Magic Garment" in front of him.

The chaotic braid woven with chaotic wires is gently attached to Han Dong ’s body.

The embedded energy source is activated, and Han Dong can achieve "floating" and "basic flight" without entering the crow stance.

At the same time, the magic seal embedded in the vestment can effectively assist the magic circuit in Han Dong's body and realize "spell resonance".

(Spell Resonance: When the main body releases magic, the loops inside the vest will work together through grafting to reduce spell consumption and quickly cast spells.

Moreover, defensive spells can be applied directly on the surface of the vest, and the defensive effect is significantly improved. )

Han Dong, dressed in a vest and suspended in the air, really looks like a priest in a church.

The first trip of Steam City came to an end almost here.

Before leaving, Han Dong asked curiously:

"Mr. Newton, I heard that the final preparations for" Eve of Expedition "are closely related to the preparations for the Steam Knights. How long will it take? I am here to prepare in advance. "

"It's only two months at most, yes ..." Newton looked at the pocket watch in his hand. "The time is right! There is a project in the holy ring that happened to be completed today. If you go and see it in person, you will naturally understand the progress at this stage. . "

Newton is also in a good mood today, and immediately took him to Han Dong to another secret area in [Holy Ring].

Along the way, in addition to seeing the engineers of the mechanical gods, Han Dong also saw another group of knights, mostly women, dressed in white robes with gold trim and a "prayer mark" printed on the armband.

"Nun of the Holy Knights?"

As Han Dong passed through the secret passage embedded in the inner wall of the holy ring, he came to a "sky church" that had just been built.

A cardinal is conducting a final inspection of the church.

"You are in luck, today is the day when the" Mobile Sanctuary "is completed and commissioned. "

"Mobile Sanctuary?"

Han Dong had heard this term before.

Seems to be a kind of 'church' that can be propelled by power and follow the legions for an expedition.

This project is of great significance to the Great Expedition, because the Expeditionary Army needs to be exposed to the night environment for a long time, and even some elite knights dare not guarantee that they can withstand years of pollution and erosion.

Therefore, the necessary sacred baptism and pressure relief are required during the expedition.

Ensure that when the Expeditionary Force reaches the Old King's territory and the largest war breaks out, the whole army can be in a normal state without mental stress.

As Han Dong looked into the steam system embedded between the walls of the church ... booming!

The high-efficiency steam engine started to operate. A large amount of steam was discharged from the pipes inlaid on the outer wall of the church. At the bottom, hundreds of small propellers were installed to start synchronous work.

Break away from [Holy Ring].

The sanctuary, which can accommodate 700 people at one time, was successfully tested.

Standing on the mobile sanctuary, overlooking the grand work of the people in the Steam City, Han Dong had a glimpse of the prototype of the expedition.


One month later.

The peak of the holy city. The summit of Olympus. The highest parliament hall.

The heads of all thirteen knights came to the meeting in person.

Today will hold a very important meeting-"About the Expedition-the appointment of commanders and generals".

According to the information deciphered by "Old King Slate", comprehensively consider the strategic goals of this expedition.

Parliament decided to let [five] commander-level characters as the core leaders of the expedition, as far as possible to achieve strategic goals.

The remaining heads stayed inside the holy city to ensure that the holy city was not captured by other old kings during the expedition and the normal operation of all knight affairs.

Among them, the highest position in this expedition-[Commander].

Got the result in the preliminary discussion two months ago, and was held by the great devil of the Knights of Doom.

The first item of the conference, the participants will vote again.

As a result of a nearly unanimous vote, it was determined that the Great Demon Commander would serve as the "Expedition Commander."

The head of the Great Demon Commander also immediately got up, with his right arm pressed against his chest, expressing his willingness to dedicate everything to the cause of human freedom.

The second item of the meeting.

From the remaining heads of knights, select four generals who will serve as expeditions and cooperate with the commander to jointly manage the expedition.

In addition to their strength, the four generals are more important in their own functions.

As a decisive ‘gear’, maximizes the potential of the expeditionary force.

Among them, the two regiments who had just returned a few years ago, representing the highest fighting power of the Holy City, had long been internally designated as [General] ... It was precisely because of the return of the two that the expedition plan was determined in advance.

"First General"-Reaper. Alex.

"Second General"-Hell King. Malone.

As long as these two people exist, the combat power of the expeditionary force will rise to a large level, and the capital will face the "old king" directly.

In addition, the fantasy magic from the space of fate will also be an important force against the old king, and it is also the most powerful range killing method in human hands.

The chief commander of all the magic forces of the Expeditionary Army will be headed by the head of the Knights of the Witch Gods and the oldest magic elder in the current head-Jelos. Midam Om ~ ~ as "the first Three generals. "

At last.

The Expedition must be a heroic epic battle.

Injury is inevitable ... In order to ensure that the injured can get the most effective medical assistance in the first time, they can return to the battlefield in the shortest time.

Will be headed by the Scarlet Knights-Xia Cromwell, as the "fourth general", to provide the most effective treatment and blood supply for the entire army.

After deciding on the "one handsome and four generals" personnel, it took eight hours of discussion.

Even if there are many leaders who want to participate in the expedition, the safety of the Holy City is also important.

There are also ‘types of prophets’ outside the city, sending a large number of heads out of the city, the Holy City will be in danger.

But at the end of the meeting, I added a little.

Due to the successful construction of "Mobile Sanctuary".

Head of the Holy Knights, Olivia Christian, will be the administrator of the mobile sanctuary and participate in the expedition together.

that's it.

The preparation work on the eve of the expedition basically came to an end with the selection of the six core heads.

Special forces have all been approved.

All members of the expeditionary force were also co-ordinated and completed by the Cavaliers Headquarters.

Various expedition facilities are ready.

The expedition is about to start!

:. :

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