My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 772: Death Sand

Four full hours have passed.

After affirming the power of the target, Han Dong first handed over all his right half to the earl for management.

The purpose is to better control the "dark blood" ... with the count's understanding of the bright red, he can better play the right half of his combat power than Han Dong.

As for Han Dong, he focuses on the control of black magic.

`` Bleeding Dog Arm ''

强度 The melee intensity shown by me is really terrible.

Any gaudy move has no effect in front of it, and it breaks.

伯 Under the earl's control, the entire right arm can be long, short, large or small, and it can change rapidly ... It can respond to any situation, shred any attack from the flower of flesh, and bite the defense line formed by multiple layers of meat.

As for the left half of Han Dong, he only needs to do a good job of disturbing the enemy and causing death.

Appropriate timing, perfect release of black magic, giving the earl an excellent opportunity to attack, while at the same time consuming the flesh and blood residue scattered on the ground with the power of death.

Even if the two cooperate perfectly, they will completely suppress Mariahia.

However, after four hours, he still failed to kill the target.

The flesh scattered in the 'broth' can be regenerated in the broth without restriction even if it is chewed up and swallowed into the earl's body, even if it is annihilated by the black sand from the pharaoh's origin.

Although the breath is weakening, it still cannot fall below the lower limit.

At the moment, the earl who started the mass killing felt the invasion of "tiredness", and the speed of blood dog activity was obviously reduced.

"Count, how did you do that? Didn't you say you can solve it?"

Now it looks like this meat lady can continue, but you are about to die. "

"Cut! It's not because this guy has died once, some characteristics have changed ... She seems to be able to make her breath of life unable to fall below a certain lower limit, and be able to regenerate indefinitely by using a certain death trait.

If it was normal, she would have died.

If it was my original body, I would definitely be able to kill her with the "Holy Sword". "

"That means [you can't do it], do you understand me right?"

喂 "Hello, can you make it clear, who can't do it anyway? It's not your body that can't do it. If you replace it with the former Count's body, you can casually fight this meatball lady for 300 rounds!

Don't give me nonsense, hurry up and find a way ... Count Ben doesn't want to die here.

[The Great Expedition] is coming soon. Earl Ben wants to have a good experience. "

Since the earl has a little convincing tone in words, Han Dong no longer ridicules, the topic turns back to:

"I have been watching, I guess, the reason why the vitality is kept to a certain limit is that she is resurrected from a high-purity death spar.

Maybe it was the [degree] that we killed her, which was not more than the [degree] that she was beheaded and killed by the head of Alex.

I must kill her with a more powerful means of killing.

This is exactly what the fallen knights choose to avoid as much as possible. "

艾 "Elix ... the danger that this human knight brought me is almost catching up with the king ... Are you sure you can do it?"

能 "Yes, but I need the earl to help me get some time."


The words have just fallen.

Han Dong took the initiative to cut off his right arm, and temporarily separated the "blood canine arm" from the body (the soul is still connected)

The corpus callosum is split into multiple tentacles and woven into four legs.

A blood dog with a long mane and a blood crystal structure will stand alone.

Staring at the growing flesh group growing in the broth, swooping up.

Stops the regeneration of Flesh Flower, stabilizing it to the "killed" boundary.

Staring at the blood dog's independent battle through multiple divisions, tentacle attacks, and biting teeth, Han Dong whispered: "This count ... this person is reliable.

Strive to be able to use the promotion of the artistic conception of death to instantly show the strength beyond the initial killing of the leader of Alex. "

Han Dong, who is incarnate as a one-armed man, is holding the Raven's staff horizontally and sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the broth field.

Closed eyes with meditation with absolute trust in the count.

With the aid of ≮Darkness Knowledge≯, and the increase provided by the staff.

Let Han Dong's thinking quickly settle in the deeper part of the mood of death. Try to go to the crow tribes under the jurisdiction of the "Crow God" and borrow some powerful death forces again.

Accompanied by sinking consciousness.

Han Dong failed to get in touch with the Crow God this time, and his consciousness is still sinking deeper into death.

Just when Han Dong didn't feel right and wanted to interrupt the process.

The camouflage of the left arm was forcibly lifted.

The dried-up mummy arm with a little rag was exposed, and at the same time, the “regular sanding” condition appeared on the skin surface, and some weird Egyptian characters were hollowed out.

圣 A scarab beetle crawled in and out from the hollowed out text.

Han Dong's consciousness seemed to sink into the yellow sand and came to the lowest level of an ancient tomb in Egypt.

When he saw the text in the tomb, the energy of the talent tree in Han Dong's head was almost drained instantly, and a powerful pharaoh filled the body ...

"The realm of sand" naturally formed.

In the short time, the realm of broth broth was forcibly covered by ancient sand grains, and the realm released by Han Dong suppressed Marcia.

"this is!!"

When she opened her eyes again, Han Dong's eyeballs had evolved into a kind of sand ball structure, and the pupils were still flowing with fine sand particles.

The count is also embarrassed, and is fighting with a group of half-flower and half-human beings wrapped in sand.

Since the formation of the talent tree, Han Dong has not encountered the situation where the energy is exhausted for a long time ... Quickly picked a red fruit, swallowed frantically and replenished energy, so as not to faint himself.

"This is the strength of the [Undead Sacrifice]?

It seems ... the next destiny journey ~ ~ must have to fight for "Mummy" or the related world ... Pharaoh, Goblin, Ancient Secrets.

The knowledge system contained in these ancient Egyptian civilizations must be studied in depth! "

When I thought of this, Han Dong's energy in his body was unstoppable, and he continued to pour out ... With the special state of his left arm, his palm was aimed at the fleshy flower that he was trying to regenerate.

"Count, get out of here!"

Ye Wang! (The actual answer is [OK], through the blood dog carrier, the dog bark is emitted naturally)

The moment the blood dog retreated.

"Grip of Death"

间 Between the hollow holes on the surface of the left arm, a large amount of black sand overflowed in an instant, and each grain of sand possessed the terror power of sucking life.

The sand is reconstructed, the arm is enlarged more than ten times, and the target is directly grasped. The palm of his hand is transformed into a horror face of Imorton, devouring the flower of flesh and blood ... the moment of death contained in the sand Inject it and kill it.

this moment.

The cricket kills more than Marijah was killed.

No screams, no roars ...

Everything dissipates in the sand.

What was finally caught in Han Dong's palm was a pure and flawless spar spar ... The rich and dead spirit contained in the interior will be used perfectly for Han Dong's own practice.

:. :

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