My Cell Prison

Chapter 748: Urgent matter


The steam ship was basically steadily crashed into the port.

The powerful existence encountered in [Dreamland-the first floor], mature body monster-Count Denox Wright.

In reality, it was just an old guy lying dead in the mansion.

He belongs to the "crab. Deep dive" who quit the deep sea because of his irreparable injury ... he can only return to his peak state when he was young by dreaming.

It is just that the dreams of port residents are different from the dreams of Han Dong and his party.

At the surface, Han Dong chose to go to the sea by boat to reach the conch array, which stretched over ten kilometers.

It ’s because [gate] is here.

Through the eyes to enter the dream, even if you die in the dream, the consciousness can be smoothly extracted and smoothly return to reality through the [gate].

The townspeople who dreamed in the port city are different. Once forced to break dreams due to the broken ventilator, their consciousness will be presented in a disordered state.

Returning to reality, they will leave various sequelae.

Of course, there are special cases ... that is, Lord Suram found by Han Dong.

Because of considering Nicole's evolution.

Han Dong used the technique of the void level to achieve the effect of crossing the dream ... feeding his consciousness in the dream and the body in the reality to Nicole in one fell swoop.

The Lord Suram, in reality, was an abnormality produced by Earl Wright because of his injuries and his wife.

In summary []

Han Dong asked the "Old King" in the deep sea for the non-land lease port, but it was a nursing home, and it should be him who had the least license in the deep sea messenger.

A stranger who is dying or is seriously injured will come here to take care of himself. In the dream, he will find his confidence and spend the rest of his life. The biggest card is Count Denox Wright, the only mature body-the stranger.

However, due to the problems of aging and serious injuries, the combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of a newborn.

The other constituents of a port city are indigenous humans.

They cannot be classified as "pagan" because they have not performed any sacrifice at all, nor have they fallen into the level of thinking. Instead, they have relied on conch to dream and still maintain [human nature].

However, their bodies are accumulating pollution factors. Once they fail to wear conch and fall asleep one day, they will cause a total outbreak of the accumulated pollution factors in their bodies ... resulting in the ultra-fast distortion that Han Dong witnessed on the deck.

They are referred to here simply as "fishermen" or "fishers."

However, this port city, which does not even deserve to be owned, is a "treasure land" in Han Dong's eyes.

The deep dive is directly related to the sea and the old king. If you want to conduct 'legitimate' research on pure-breed deep dives, it is absolutely forbidden ... even if Han Dong is a highly emissary.

However, for the port town, the 'nursing home' has been abandoned to some extent.

Han Dong will conduct some experiments on the "miserable" mice, which will not be restricted.


After returning to the port.

According to Han Dong's deciphering method obtained from "Deep Dream", he returned to the carriage stop of Gain Forest smoothly.

(The natural mess is actually that Han Dong, as the manager here, temporarily opened the "Conch Dream Array" coverage of the port town and opened the road back to the Gain Forest).


All the knights present have different moods.

Although the investigation was successfully completed, there was something vaguely wrong, but it could not be said.

Only Demps's face flashed a smile.

"Nicholas, what's going on in the deep dream?" Captain Deez asked.

Keke ... Han Dong cleared his throat, and through his personal experience and ability to compose his story, told a small town on the sea floor and how he himself took the town's secret thrilling process from the depths of the earl's house.

There is no loophole in the story, but it doesn't feel right.

However, taking into account the safety of the whole return, Deez did not delve into it for the time being.

It is imperative to get a direct contact with the holy city and report the existing intelligence to the Knights Headquarters to see if it is necessary to 'clean up' the port town.

However, when Han Dong told the Cavaliers headquarters about his dream encounters during this period, he was immediately instructed by [Back to City].

There will be a face-to-face interview with the mission review officer at Knights Headquarters, no further investigation or clearance of the port area is required.

It seems that the "deep sea" is involved, and the holy city does not want to make too much contact for the time being.

The upcoming expedition will be dominated by 'land surface'.

that's it.

The three squadrons returned to the city immediately due to the flow speed between dreams.

The overall investigation task took just one day.

Ti-ta! Ti-ta!

Iron hoofs set foot in the woods, and three carriages galloped back to town.

"Silver Front" on the carriage.

Captain Deez frowned, thinking.

Although in the first level, they were surrounded by a small town, the situation was extremely dangerous, and now even some pollution and pressure are accumulated in the body.

In addition to the complex decryption of multiple dreams, the overall difficulty is indeed worthy of "investigation mission. Far".

But the whole has a very smooth feeling, and this ‘smoothness’ is inseparable from the newcomer he looks down on at first.

"Nicholas ... this guy must have done something else secretly."

[Knight Headquarters]

After a one-to-one review by the task review officer, it was determined that [Investigation Task. Yuan: Uneasy Voice of the Port] fulfilled the requirements.

According to the auditor, since it has been thoroughly ascertained that the life of the port is 'neutral' and lives a dream life, there is no need to clear it.

The goal of the expedition was not in the deep sea, and there was no need to provoke it.

The corresponding rewards and "Eve Expedition" points (20 points) are immediately distributed to everyone.

As for the "Crow's Word" squad that Han Dong and his team just created, they also have the lowest [Iron] level and advanced to [Silver] level, and have more mission options.

In the remaining two months, the passing line of the 60-point expedition score for the entire staff was not much of a problem.

"This investigation task, we only spent a day 诶 ... or take advantage of everyone's spirit is good, take another investigation task?"

Mia, the least-scoring, suddenly gave an opinion.

Han Dong doesn't matter, he has a good spirit.

The "Silver Front" and "Bright Red Oath" teams also said they could. Captain Deeds also wanted to continue to cooperate with Han Dong. He wanted to find out the details of this young knight through some intuitive combat tasks.

As soon as everyone agrees, we are ready to review the investigation tasks that can be performed by the three teams.

A long-haired woman with no signs of life did not know when she had appeared behind Han Dong.

The creepy sense of danger also frightened everyone else.

If this is placed outside the city ~ ~ I am afraid everyone has already shot it in the first place.

But here is the most secure knight headquarters, and naturally no evil or evil can appear.

Turned his head and looked closely.

Obvious suture lines and some non-cortical structures were found on the body of this long-haired woman, which were actually a perfect suture.

The more experienced Captain Deez relied on the stitching style and breath to immediately identify the operator of the puppet: "This is ... solicitor. Charlie."

The woman's puppet mouths closed together and made a mechanical voice, "Warren Nicholas ... Head Hugo is looking for you! Some important things are involved, come back with me."

"it is good!"

Charlie LeBron Bellmanchev.

The man who has appeared at the Cavaliers Conference, the first person at the Cavaliers Conference ten years ago, and the head of the [Slave Guard], is currently part of the Mystic Knights.

Like Han Dong, who graduated from the Department of Mystery, is also a different kind of genius.

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