My Cell Prison

Chapter 734: Fall into

The squads were scattered and headed for the port from different directions.

I have seen this because of encountering Han Dong and cannot understand it.

Immediately connected what had just happened to a Nicole Claw in the head that was related to the 'deep sea'.

Nicole's existence is also the main reason why Han Dong chose the port incident when he faced a 'three choices' situation.

Not only can Nicole's ‘Deep Sea Dependent’ status be used to quickly investigate the incident, but also to try to find opportunities to improve Nicole ’s level from the incident.

Two birds with one stone.


"That man has problems with the conch, but I don't know exactly what they came from.

I have some homology with them, but not strongly. "

"Is that so? No wonder, Nicole you were born in the" Fog "system of the destiny world ... you are also in contact with family members rather than real deep sea monsters.

The proportion of the sea is much higher than that of the inland, and there are countless stranger races hiding in the sea.

During the preliminary investigation phase, you will stay in prison for Nicole.

You have royal blood from the deep sea in your body, and the sudden appearance may make me a target for criticism. "

"I see ..." Nicole's tone was reluctant, but she didn't say much.

"Don't worry, you won't be bound for too long ... The problem in this harbour city should be bigger than any of us predict."


During the act.

Wen Li in the team suddenly asked such a sentence: "Nicholas, was that man ... just a normal human?"

"It's not normal.

There was a deep change in his body that was prone to fish, but his brain showed no signs of corruption ... I can't say for sure whether he can be counted as a human.

The investigation this time was a bit strange.

No matter from the expression of Lucius, or the expression of the knights of the Silver Edge, it seems that this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

Have you ever seen Demps? "

As Han Dong threw the question to the expo group and had a deep connection with the city outside.

Demps also shook his head: "I rarely touch the field of the" sea ", and I don't know much more than you ... In the current weird situation, you really need to be careful."


After a while.

[Crow's Word] The team found a highland, just looking over the survey site-the port town of Ostia.

Under night, most of the illuminated port cities are displayed in front of everyone.

This is a wide, densely-built town. The entire city is surrounded by a port in the shape of a meniscus.

Just standing in the highland area, which is two hundred meters away from the town, has already smelled a rotting smell of dead fish.

Through the streets in the town, the original flat concrete floor has been replaced by puddles, mud, dirt, etc. The residents of the town are walking in such a dirty supermarket in a bent posture Between the streets.

His complexion was mostly gloomy.

Eyes that are widened seem to have degraded the ‘blink’ feature. They have kept their eyes open for a long time and often need to be rinsed with water.

Perhaps due to economic problems, many of the townspeople walking outside did not wear shoes, or they only wore half a shoe. Their soles were larger than the average person, and even a small number of people had webbed structures between their toes.

There are also some people who look richer (wearing undamaged long-heeled shoes), which are not much different from normal humans. In addition to being better dressed, they also carry guns and weird conchs, always guarding them other people.

In addition to the residents, the architecture of the port town is also very characteristic.

Large hotels with tentacle style and shell decoration on the signboards,

The thick black smoke emitted from the huge chimneys of the ironworks,

The entire coastline is full of dense docks, and there are a large number of people moving,

Once you cross the coastline, the entire sea will be covered by dense fog, and you can only see a dim blur of lights ... at least ten fishing boats are sailing offshore,

On the surface alone.

There was neither any evil nor evil in the town nor any sign of heresy church activity.

This human town, which is separated from the space of fate and independent of the existence of the city, is being self-sufficient in a 'strange' way.

Most of the members of the team couldn't understand the scenes they saw.

Han Dong's attention stayed outside the town, gazing at the moist and dock-filled port area.

During the first upgrade of the faceless person's head, Han Dong once lived his whole life in a port similar to this as a [fisherman].

Then he continued to look forward, gazing at the shoreline shrouded in thick fog.

"That is……"

At some point.

Dozens of lights from the cruise ship, most of them overlap, the lights overlap like the big eyes behind the fog.

Light and shadow, dense fog, and some ghost images from the deep sea form a noticeable difference between black and white, forming a huge silhouette of black shadows.

As if there is a huge existence in the dense fog than the entire port town, watching Han Dong, the **** ...

For a moment, Han Dong's brain developed a strong sense of resistance, and at the same time accompanied by a deep laugh, resisting the attack of some foreign thinking.

The port returned to normal again.

However, Han Dong has a problem here.

At this moment, the "mobile title deed-Scarlet Manor", which is controlled by Han Dong, completely lost its induction, and was unable to transfer itself to the manor and establish a connection with the existence in the manor.

And the fixed land-Stuart estate also felt far away from Han Dong, unable to call for assistance from the Ravens.

When Han Dong looked at Demps, his expression was equally dignified.

Apparently, Demps, as the second leader of Scarlet Manor, also lost his sense of consciousness ... At the same time, he also lost the contact of [Mother].

(After three hours)

Three teams assembled to integrate all the intelligence gathered on the port.

It is almost certain that the town is self-sufficient in a very strange way.

Superficial investigations could not confirm whether harbor monsters from the deep sea are hiding.

As for the pagans who may worship the deep sea, they may be hidden in ordinary people, or they may be hidden in a cave in a sea cliff somewhere to perform an evil worship ceremony. The specific situation needs further investigation.

According to the current survey, the most obvious weird sign in the town is "Conch".

All residents who sleep in the town will let the conch cover their faces.

When everyone was preparing to return this information to the holy city, they found that the clockwork device worn by everyone was disconnected from the holy city ...

"It may be more than 100km away, due to the influence of the night environment, the transmission of the French array is blocked ... please be quick to move quickly, follow me back to the Gain Forest, and pass the message to the Holy City.

Others are waiting here. "

The proposal is that Captain Diez, the highest-ranking member,, Jane Xue, has been listed with Abel.

The three formed a communication team and immediately rushed to the [Asian Security Zone] as quickly as possible.

About twenty minutes passed ... their expressions became very heavy when they returned along the road again.

"Captain Deeds, what's the next instruction from the holy city?"

"... We are stuck.

May have introduced overlapping spaces or some other unknown situation at some point ...

There is no Gane Forest on the way back, and the return along the road is just a cliff at the end.

In other words, we are currently on an unknown island, and the road back to the city no longer exists. "

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was silent.

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