My Cell Prison

Chapter 730: Cooperation reached

Knight Headquarters-Building 3.

A private room where you can sit down and discuss on your own without revealing privacy.

Vino Sileste and her team are discussing the upcoming investigation mission here.

Alas, the captain in the team is not Wino ...

I was a black hair on shoulders, silver chain mail, moccasins.

He carried a heavy crossbow (stained with a silver skull logo on the surface, exuding a pure air that made the devil tremble), and wore two strange short swords around his waist.

Vino has formed a deep friendship with this group of people since the trainee knight stage.

Due to the two-year retreat and selected special forces-[Battle Nun], in addition to Wino itself is an all-around holy knight, and has been recognized as the deputy captain in the team.

Squad name: Silver Edge

Number of members: four

Squad Rank: Thorium (Fourth Grade)

Captain Puppet: Popular Knights-Diz. Marilas, titled the heavy silver black hawk.

重 This heavy crossbowman is different from other popular knights who are accustomed to reconnaissance, long-range support or agile super fast shooter. He is used to killing the enemy at close range.

"Weinuo, you said that a group of newcomers and knights who have just graduated for six months intend to perform" investigation missions. Yuan ", but do we want to join?

No matter how good the performance of this group of people in the Cavaliers Conference is, how good they are, they are just a group of newcomers without much experience outside the city.

The murmurs in Yong Yong night will make them unable to play 50% of their strength.

Except for [Blood Knight-Lucius], everyone else will only drag our hind legs. "

When he heard Wino's proposal, Diz immediately showed an unwilling expression.

It is not that he did not recognize the strength of Han Dong and his party.

Only, he personally values ​​"experience" ... and, this time, he will perform a long-distance survey task that has never been done before.

Joint team, you have to consider the problems of each member.

Once any of the Cavaliers is even worse, the group efficiency will be lowered.

Once an individual's mental problems occur, they may fall into the whispers of Yong Ye and turn into the deadliest enemy-[traitor].

"Captain, Nicholas is different.

This large investigation happened to be discovered by his teacher, and he could provide additional information.

In addition, he himself has been confirmed at the Cavaliers Conference. Does he belong to the same "pollution immunity" constitution as Captain Hugo?

Even if it is far from the holy city, there will not be too much pressure.

Captain Didiz, since we can't choose a better investigation task now, why not cooperate with them? Anyway, large-scale investigation tasks are phased.

If they show serious lack of experience during the mission, they cannot adapt to the night environment far from the holy city, we will apply for return to the city after the first stage is completed. "

Captain Dizzy's firm attitude surprised Captain Diez.

"Okay ... then implement it as Wino thinks this time."

"it is good."

After a short while, Wino pretended to be indifferent and called the party waiting downstairs.

Captain Dizzy was sitting in the corner, wiping a sterling silver arrow with a length of nearly one meter with special silver water.

Since the dominance had been given to Winnow, he remained silent, his eyes only staying on the blood knight Lucius for a while, and he never looked at anyone else.

When the three teams meet, it is naturally a brief introduction.

There are two Cavaliers in the Silver Edge squad.

[Icing division] -Manny.Ice axis from the Knights of Witch God,

And [benign pharmacist]-Lilynhia Scholes from the Plague Knights.

The reason why the two members of the team did not have much opinion on the joint team.

It was because Manny had contacted the Wizards of Demps very early (Demps had trained in the Knights of the Witch God in advance), and Lilynhia had heard of Han Dong ’s name from the Great Plague Chief and knew Both Han Dong and the Great Plague Chief belong to "Shuang Xiu". She adores the Great Plague Chief from the heart, and she also acknowledges that Han Dong can do this.

that's it.

The unity between the squads was reached quickly.

Because the team of Silver Edge has the highest level, after discussion, if the large-scale event is successfully completed, the final reward will be distributed according to the ratio of [5: 3: 2].

Han Dong has no opinion here, after all, they want more knowledge points.

As far as Han Dong is concerned, he is not too interested in material rewards ... but he is full of interest and heresy for the deep sea evils landing at the port.

Moreover, Han Dong, a mystic scholar and black magician, has a unique intuition.

This incident predicted by Mr. Black and White will be an ‘effective’ warm-up exercise before setting foot on the expedition ...

"The incident has been submitted to Knights Headquarters with immediate effect.

预计 We expect to leave at [City Gate-West] on time tomorrow morning ... During this time, everyone will prepare for the investigation.

Nicholas, you mainly get more information from Mr. Black and White.

Others prepare various medicines, scrolls, seals, long-acting lighting devices, etc. by themselves.

This is our first contact with an investigation mission greater than 100km away. I hope everyone can take it seriously. If during the first stage of the "investigation period" we have identified some potential dangers that we cannot fight, I will consider giving up and return. "

"it is good."

The basic explanation was completed, and the teams also dispersed separately to prepare for the necessary materials.

"Nicholas, I have something to talk to you alone."

As the Veno Knight gave this sentence, it was n’t Han Dong ’s response at the first time, but Mia ’s hostile look ~ ~ you ... "

Mia, who was about to speak, was immediately stretched out by Han Dong, covering her mouth, and pushed out the door of Building 3.

After explaining a few words with a very tough attitude, I asked Ms. Wen Li to accompany Mia with a strong and powerful arm, and go back to prepare the supplies needed during the investigation mission, and also let Mia prepare a large number of herbal preparations .

Wait until all members leave.


Tong Wei Nuo struck Han Dong's back with a slap.

The situation is different from what Weinaw imagined.

她 In her impression, Han Dong, who was fragile, was supposed to be shot a few meters away by this palm.

Actually, Han Dong just took a step forward.

It seems that the palm force was absorbed by Han Dong's [torso].

Yunuo Nuo buried the shock in her heart, and still said indifferently: "Nothing will not be connected at all, and you will send me a message when you have something ..."

"I've contacted before, I just heard that you are retreating from Winnow, so ..."

"Let's get straight to the point ... this time it was my idea to form a joint team, and Captain Deez didn't agree very much."


所以 "So you need to make some [contributions] in advance."

知道 "I know ... As an apology and thanks to Sister Wino for being willing to help, would you please invite Sister Wino to dinner tonight?"

"Tomorrow is about to leave the city, so don't hurry to prepare yet ... but it's ok to add some food sources in advance."

"Well, I just wanted to ask Sister Winow about the" Sisters of Battle. " "

:. :

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