My Cell Prison

Chapter 720: Hidden road

Just one hour.

With Dr. Swelling and taking West on a full circle in the manor experimental area, after a thorough scientific discussion of the existing experimental equipment and research projects, they have found common topics.

During the discussion, he slowly returned to the core laboratory and forgot about the existence of Han Dong, the 'big boss'.

Upon seeing this, Han Dong no longer worried about the situation of "one mountain can't stand two tigers".

"Doctor, can you please provide me with some recent research reports, I will go back and study.

If there is any new experimental direction, or if there are any difficulties you want to overcome, try as much as possible ... It is expected that in a year or so, the [Expedition] will be officially launched.

需要 I need a large number of special arms to follow me.

In addition, I will also try to communicate with Jinzhu in depth and introduce some steam technologies, such as prosthetic limbs, power cores or automation devices.

After all, the world has completely abandoned the [electricity] technology line, and has now reached a higher level of technology through [steam].

After a while, I'll talk to you in detail. "

Han Dong took West to the manor for the first time and met with the swollen doctor because Han Dong firmly believed that 'science and technology are the primary productive forces', and he could not delay for a moment.

At this time.

教授 Professor West in the glass jar also gave a positive answer to the laboratory:

"Except you don't have [electricity] here, everything is very interesting.

Alas, my brain is still far from the level of a computer.

Lu Guang's calculations relying on the human brain are time-consuming and distracting.

If the world on your side is dominated by steam technology, the "differential machine" may have reached the level of a transistor computer, or it may be even higher.

机会 If possible, bring a few very large computers. "

"Well, if you ask anything ..."

In the remaining hours, Dr. Han Dong, Dr. Swelling and West discussed a relatively superficial scientific discussion and basically set a research direction.

But the final research direction still needs to wait until Han Dong and Jin Zhu meet.

that's it.

After leaving West completely, Han Dong returned to the Holy City alone.

The time for scientific research discussion is really fast, it is late at night when returning to the holy city.

Fast forward along the familiar Darkmoon Avenue, bypassing the tower and turning into the backwater swamp ... Mia's little tree house is inside.

A few hours ago, Mia was standing by the window.

Although she was often deceived by Han Dong in the past, she still believes that her sweetheart will not lie to her ... Moreover, Mia is also looking forward to the gift Han Dong brought back for her.

"The real destiny" is dangerous. Nicholas also deliberately brought me a gift from the space of destiny. Does he really ... "

I was also in the period of Mia's self-illusion.

A figure quickly stepped onto the suspension bridge between the swamps, and before Mia's response, the wooden door was pushed open.

"Mia, let's go."

"Ah ... where are you going? Are you talking about the tree house?"

There is about 1/2 of the space in Mia's head, and she is fantasizing about the scene of two people lingering in the tree house.

"Just let you wait in the tree house, did not say to stay here all night tonight.

Let's go to the Witch School ... I have a special gift for you! "


When the two of them jumped quickly between the crooked trees in the swamp.

Han Dong can obviously feel the change of Mia ... Much faster.

Suddenly, Mia had opened a distance of fifty meters.

"Dear, should someone wait for you?"

Just as Mia slowed down, trying to wait for Han Dongji who was physically deviated from the impression.

A tentacle mixed with the attributes of the void, transparent, almost invisible under the night, shot quickly, and touched the branch beside Mia ...

Uh ~

Han Dong has appeared on his side.

"Space ... move?" Han Dong's new ability demonstrated directly scared Mia in place.

Fast speed and space movement may be two concepts, like things on different levels.

Han Dong praised: "Mia, your speed seems to be a lot faster ... The potential of the" worm mutator "is fully excited, it seems to bring you a great improvement. "

"What's the use of fast, how can it be compared to your ability ... Can you let me experience what it feels like to move in a short distance?"

I still do not wait for Han Dong to respond.

Mia jumped directly on her back, and the thin black silk was stuck on Han Dong's waist, hugging her tightly.

I have to say that Mia's body is really very light, only about seventy pounds in her early childhood, which may be related to her physique as a mutant.


A series of transparent tentacles shoot out.

Touch and transfer.

No need to even take a boat to the center of the swamp.

Using the tentacle extension ability, he touched the central island 100 meters away ... directly to the Witch Academy.

At present, a group of mysterious students who specialize in witches happen to be gathered in the academy to take the course of Witch Kelongya, and they need to perform witchcraft one by one in front of the witch, and they are not allowed to leave until they meet the eligibility criteria.

Mia Xueer ~ Mia Xueer ~

In the eyes of these trainee knights, Mia, who won the last knight election [Top Ten] as a witch, is their role model ... one by one, they respectfully called each other when they left the school.

Can't stand it.

Whenever the eyes of this group of elementary school girls turned to Han Dong, they immediately felt the killing intention from Mia.

Even if the trainee witches recognized Han Dong's identity, they could only bow their heads and leave quickly.

At this moment, the witch's voice suddenly came: "Mia, what are you doing here? Is everything okay over the Knights of Doom ... Um? This kid is here too."

"Have met Teacher Kelongya." Han Dong bowed his head respectfully and met the witch in black satin.

"Obtained [two points] talent points at one time, Mr. Black and White really recruited a good student ... Huh ~ ~ What's wrong with me? The Great Plague Chief is not here today. Hurry up and leave. "

"Teacher, Nicholas ..."

She Mia was trying to explain something, and was immediately stopped by Han Dong, and she said her purpose directly.

"My destiny trip, I accidentally got an ancient witchcraft that originated from the Nordic islands. It would be very helpful for Mia ... However, this witchcraft also has a certain anti-biting effect on the individual.

So I'm going to let the witch see if this witchcraft is suitable for Mia. "

"Nordic island? Show me."

I got permission from the witch.

Han Dong directly met with the witch through the magic eyes, and passed on a piece of ancient witchcraft knowledge from Miss Jane.

"Three Witches' Secrets ... The Secret Road ... Where did your kid get this thing !?

Impossible, how can you bring out such a high-level witchcraft cipher from the space of destiny, the material transmission between the world needs to pay the "price", which is the destiny score.

Although these witchcraft essays are far from interpreting the route to the hidden country, they are also enough as a starting brick. "

The witch was wide-eyed and couldn't believe that Han Dong could bring out such high-value witchcraft secrets and even give them to Mia.

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