My Cell Prison

Chapter 293: Awa Onsen

One of the most favorite things in a country like Dongying is the hot spring.

There are countless various hot spring hotels.

At the beginning, Han Dong thought he was going to a run-down hot spring hotel that was quiet, and few people even went there. After all, there were rumors of haunting.

Who knows.

Wait until the taxi ride arrives at this homestay hot spring built on the mountain.

There are cars parked outside the hot spring hotel.

Several clerks in kimono were welcoming guests at the door, and they felt like they were too busy.

"Is there a reservation in advance, sir?"


"If not booked in advance, all the vacancies tonight are full, I'm really sorry."

"Oh ... so can we wait here? If someone checks out temporarily, let us move in."

The clerk replied awkwardly:

"Sir, under normal circumstances, there will not be a temporary check-out situation ... Walk down this mountain road, or Mr. drive to Kurikawa Valley, seven kilometers away, there should be a good hot spring hotel."

"It's okay, let me wait ... maybe somebody will check out later."


At the same time.

Hotel interior.

A college student couple walking between the bustling passageways has completely forgotten the horror rumors about this hotel.


As soon as they opened the door, a cold wind blew across their faces.

"Strange, why didn't you close the window?"

The pretty-looking girl took off her shoes and immediately ran to close the window.

Crunch ...

The closed window could not be locked, and there seemed to be something stuck in the keyhole.

"Hirano, come over and see what's going on with this window?"

"let me see."

The man turned on the mobile phone's lighting mode and looked at the window keyhole, looking pale and scared.


Under the light, a large amount of hair was stuck in the keyhole and even slightly moved.


Just when the little couple was scared and ready to call the clerk to deal with it.

The girl tilted her head to look at the side of the dress.

The mirror happened to face the dead-end area where the closet of the room was separated from the wall.

A woman in red was standing against the closet, staring at the two through the mirror ... There were a pair of dark red lips between the gaps of black hair.

"Huang ... Hirano ... has ... has a ghost!"


It took less than ten minutes.

A pale couple of college students hurriedly checked out.

Leave the hotel as fast as possible at a trot.

The young couple who left just happened to pass Han Dong waiting at the door.

I saw a woman in a red dress waving slightly beside the window of the room where the two lived ... not to continue to scare the couple, but to signal to Han Dong that the request had been fulfilled.

"Sir ... come with me."


"Wow! This room feels good!"

Wenli, who grew up in the holy city since she was a child, has a sense of freshness that makes her temporarily forget the danger of this action when she stays in this Japanese-style room.


When spider Mia stared at such a warm room, her cheeks gradually became rosy.

Unknowingly, the scene of crossing the two-person world with Han Dong has been illusioned.

But ... Mia still makes a point.

When I just put the cloth-wrapped demon knife on the ground, preparing to set up a cobweb enchantment in the corner of the room.

Hum ...

The demon sword that touched the hotel ground slightly trembled, and seemed to activate something.

For a while, four people are on full alert! Eyes were locked on every corner of the room to prevent enemy attacks.

Ten minutes passed without any exception.

Mia releases the little tarantula shared by the field of vision, crawls out the window and outside the door for investigation, and finds that everything is normal in the hotel.

"Is it normal ... But since the monster knife itself has responded, it means that we have found the right place."

"What to do next?"

"Hot springs."


In the open-air hot spring.

Leaning together could not help attracting the attention of others.

Except that Han Dong has no special characteristics, the other three people have a very high turn rate.

Although Abel was not as handsome as Cass, his white hair like wolves looked ‘very cute’.

And, when Abel soaked in this pure natural hot spring.

The acupuncture points of the body were stimulated, and a lot of white fluffs grew out of the pores. Although they could not see clearly when soaked in water ... However, Han Dong who was attached to Abel's body could clearly feel the furry silky touch.

Not to mention the two girls in swimsuits.

Such superb foreign girls are rare, and even make some members of a certain organization who are taking a bath take their will.

Seeing that the two teenage boyfriends were not too strong, they immediately stepped forward and forced a conversation, and even directly stretched out their salty pigs.


There is no need for Han Dong and Abel to do anything.

Wen Li grabbed the man's salty pig's hand and threw it slightly!

I saw a big light buttock flew directly into the dark mountain forest, but no trace was found.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Li, who had completely immersed her body in the bath, slowly raised her upper body to the surface ... In fact, she was very shy. After all, it was the first time to wear such a tight-fitting swimsuit.

Staring at Wen Li's ‘thousands of hammers and hardened’ muscles without losing beauty, all the outsiders with bad intentions dispelled them.


"Wow ... so comfortable!"

Wen Li sinks her head into the hot spring and spit out bubbles to play.

Then I remembered something and asked:

"Vice Captain! What do you mean by" bionics "at the store entrance? "

"Wen Li, your" perception "is not strong enough, Mia and Abel should be aware of it.

The humans we see in the paradise, although they behave exactly like normal people, will go to work, have their own families, have emotional changes, and will encounter strange talks and be killed, but they are not real humans. "

While listening to Han Dong's conspiracy theory, and then staring at someone who was laughing and joking in the hot spring, Wen Li was pale and frightened.

"Yeah! Deputy Captain, you are scary again!"

Timid Winry hugged Mia.

"Without scaring you, this group always feels a little less. It's like ..."

Han Dong swallowed back some words that "gene culture" and "3D printing" Wen Li could not understand.

Suddenly remembered the "human body refining" that I saw during the battle with Demps

"Just like human beings made through" human body refining ", there are few things that are really necessary for human beings ... but their existence stabilizes the paradise ~ ~ human refining ... The master said that it seemed to be a kind of alchemy that was included in the forbidden law by the holy city. "


Han Dong was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this guy from Demps is not only affiliated with the city, but the skills he has learned are actually prohibited.

"Mia ... did the sword react?"

At the command of Han Dong, Mia carried the demon sword with her through the spider silk.

"No ... need to go to the forest area to see? But we haven't heard the women crying."

"No ... continue bathing."

Han Dong watched everything silently.

I always feel something is wrong ...

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