My Cell Prison

Chapter 289: The beast

Old building-"shop".

A man with permanent blindness in both eyes spent three grotesque talk points in exchange for a katana.

It was not long before he took the katana from the 'boss'.

What seems to be heard in the ears ...

"Ivanov lost !? One-on-one battle ... Ivanov, who is proficient in Sambo, should not be defeated so quickly, and his physical action will be completely lost.

We seem to run into stubble as soon as we start.

On the bright side, only one person came to the old building, and actually three people were lurking in the dark. "

The leader of this death row team has nearly abnormal hearing ability and seems to be able to hear everything.

"Take out your 'means'.

While the young man who fell on the floor had not been able to take it easy, he quickly dealt with it ... life and death were not important. Weaken the combat effectiveness of the opposing team.

As for the three in secret, I will watch them. "

"it is good!"


Han Dong stares at his opponent who has become a vegetative.

A delicate needle with a gold pattern border was quickly sacrificed from the palm of your hand to extract "Cell Essence (Death Prisoner-Ivanov)".

Han Dong is going to find a spare time to study the cell structure of this guy with laboratory equipment.

A series of strengths just showed by Ivanov, not to mention the problem of combat, physical functions have completely surpassed normal people.

There is a feeling of being in the world of fighting anime "Blade Tooth" and fighting against various fighting monsters.

This fighting monster, if Han Dong does not show special skills ... extremely difficult to deal with.

Hidden visual insight, Han Dong felt that there was another death row.

"Are you here ... one? No, the breath is restrained! There are two ..."

Just when Han Dong's attention was just attracted by the footsteps upstairs.


The door of the household on the side was kicked open!

The thick security door hit Han Dong's body heavily.

Immediately after that, a hand longer than the average person suddenly protruded behind the security door, grabbed Han Dong's neck and lifted it in mid air.

"Strange ... Ivanov would be defeated by your mercy? It seems you should have some 'special' means?"

Mentioning Han Dong is also a death row from a Russian prison.

Unlike Ivanov.

This person's body is not so strong, but the hands and feet are surprisingly long ... the rough face gives a person-like feeling.

At the same time, a Russian who was significantly smaller than Ivanov walked down the stairwell, holding two claw knives in his hands ... There was a kind of evil spirit in his eyes.

"Apsch ... hands on! The boss said, don't have to stay alive ... this kid is a bit weird."

"Know it!"

Apushi, a prisoner with different hands and feet, found a hand axe from his waist and chopped it directly into Han Dong's head.

crucial moment.

White shadow flashed.

One claw!


Ding! Fire flames splashed!

The hand axe about to fall on Han Dong's head collided with the side of the claw.

An inner force passed along the handle of the axe, forcing him to fly away.

The hand-footed prisoner Apushi was shocked, blocking his arms in front of him for the first time.


The front side blocked the side kick, but the strength made it take three steps back.

A very obvious contour of the wolffoot was burned on the surface of his arm, and some blood dripped to the ground.

"Oh ... Isn't Boss saying that he was going to block three people in the dark? Why put one over."

Apushi stared at the white-haired young man who was suddenly in front of him. He didn't dare to be indifferent, and immediately put on a fighting posture.


That's right.

The crucial moment came [Abel Rain].

Although entangled by the "no-eye death row" upstairs, he arrived on time to protect Han Dong.

"Abel ... these guys are proficient in all kinds of 'right-to-person' skills, and monsters are different from the out-of-city life we ​​have encountered ... be careful."

"It's okay, I'm good at this too."

Abel's white hair has grown to the back of the neck area, and the white air covered by the body surface has faintly appeared two virtual images of white wolf and giant bear.

On 'to people', Aberco is not bad at all.

Abel, who receives ‘one-on-one’ training every day, feels the most in combat.

Members of the Beamon Knights did not like the theory, they preferred to use combat to teach directly.

In the first few months of Abel ’s admission to school, he learned almost every day, his face swelled with several bales, his body was broken in many places, and sometimes he could only rest in the nearest stable. With his unique beast constitution, he quickly Repair the body.

The discussion with the teacher is limited to not killing Abel, and will never show mercy

It is normal to break bones and pierce the body.

Although Abel couldn't say it, he insisted on it ... he developed a fighting ability.

Proficient in 'skills' to fight with others.

"Haha ... you have such a skill at such a young age! You should have been cultivated by a killer organization ... But unfortunately you haven't lived long enough and lacked experience.

For example! Once you have an advantage ... don't give the enemy a chance to breathe. "

With different hands and feet, Apphi suddenly took out two hand axes from behind and threw it at Abel with a unique throwing technique.

The path of the spinning axe is very weird.

While forcing Abel to turn around and dodge, he also needs to resist directly ... oh! A cut, not deep or shallow, appeared on the back of the right hand.

While Abel was concentrating on avoiding the hand axe, the dead prisoner Turgenev, who was standing in the corridor and holding his claw knife with both hands, moved his steps.

The two death rowers were close to each other, forming a pinch-to-back attack, locking all deadly parts of Abel's body.

"Heavy killing ..."

It does feel a little different.

When Abel and the Cavaliers discussed with each other, he could not feel such a killing intention, nor would he face the deadly methods of recruiting.


For the beast, the situation is the same.

That is, the question of who is the prey and who is the hunter.

White hairs floated on the surface of the abel body.

`` Wolf Shadow ''

Cooperate with beast perception and dodge at high speed! On the basis of the original, some disturbing ghost images were produced.

With incredible moves, dodge the front and back pinch of the two death rowers.

At the same time, fierce counterattack.


Blood splattered on the spot.

The claw knife dropped.

Death Prisoner-Turgenev's wrist meridians were completely cut off by ~ he lost his ability to grip the weapon ... and had to temporarily retreat to stop bleeding.

Miss one death row attack.

Abel, who was under pressure, jumped up and grabbed the prisoner Aphi's collar with one hand.


A giant bear ghost appeared behind him.

Three consecutive palms bombarded the head of the death row.

Several cracks in the skull,

Eye congestion,

Severe concussion.

After falling to the ground, Apphi slipped again when he tried to support his body many times.

This is the melee strength of [Beast of the Beasts], known as the strongest in this trainee knight.

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