My Cell Prison

Chapter 287: Prisoners

Crossroads, in front of the kiosk.

Abel was the first to return after receiving "store" information.

Immediately after, Mia also led Wen Li across the street.

Mia's face was bulging, and she seemed to be upset.

"Are you all right, Mia?" Abe asked.

"We found nothing and were insulted by some inferior races!

Nicholas wouldn't let me get into trouble, otherwise I would have to swallow the little gangsters. "

While looking for a store, a group of coquettish hooligans got involved with the two.

Not to mention that the two belong to extremely rare exotic beauties, Mia's long legs are enough to stand out.

Although the group of words provoked and even tried to reach out the salty pig's hand, the lunatic had been stung by Wen Li on the spot.

But Mia was still out of breath.

According to her character, this scum must be executed.

Wen Li has been calming on the side, "Sister Mia is calming down. It seems that the people here are all equipped with a sophisticated mechanical device called 'mobile phone'.

The hooligan who was just beaten by me tried to use my cell phone to send a message to my companion.

I always find these things useful? In case the magic array in the clockwork device doesn't work, we can use this kind of thing to make a connection. "

In the cloth bag in Wen Li's hand, there were a bunch of mobile phones retrieved from the hooligan.

Captain Abel was not sure, "Okay, wait until Nicholas comes back ... he seems to understand something.

In addition, I have found the "shop", Mia, you don't have to worry about these little things.

The people in this "paradise" don't smell like real people ... indiscriminate killing may cause trouble. "

"I'm just mad and want to find a place to vent ... It's not that you snatched Nicholas last night."

Mia angrily, finally told her inner thoughts.

Abel didn't respond, only a smirk.

Mia squinted her mouth, squatted on the fire hydrant beside the road, and supported her chin with both hands.

"Why didn't Nicholas come back, and he was not punctual at all."

Just while Mia complained.

The spider hair growing on her body suddenly erected.

Danger alert!

Hissing ... Several filaments spit out of Mia's mouth, her eyes locked in front.

"Nicholas !? What's going on ..."

Mia rubbed her eyes deliberately, thinking she was wrong.

Because a large number of spider eyes can accept light of different wavelengths.

Therefore, Mia can clearly see that Han Dong came out of the crowd except for carrying a weird red umbrella.

A pale and terrifying Kabuki head was still on his shoulder.

Umbrellas and human heads exude a dangerous and deadly breath ... If such a human head grows on Mia, she will do everything possible to get rid of her head.

Mia couldn't understand how Han Dong coexisted with such a terrorist individual.

"Did Nicholas be 'controlled by mind' ?! Impossible ... if he would be controlled by mind, I would not be an opponent."

at the same time.

Leaning against Abel on the side of the kiosk, the beast vigilance was fully aroused.

"Owl Guardian"

A flash of green light flashed through Abel's eyes, and he also saw the horrible human head on Han Dong's shoulder, which was also incomprehensible.

Only Wen Li, who lacks the ability of 'visual', cannot see anything.

Upon seeing Han Dong return, Wen Li immediately stepped forward to greet.

Ticking ticking ...

A tongue sticking to the rain, slowly growing from the head and mouth, trying to lick at Wen Li.

"Wen Li, keep me two meters away."

"Ah ... OK." Winry looked frustrated, thinking she had done something wrong.

Who knows, Han Dong is just observing.

as expected.

When the extension of the tongue reaches 1.8 meters, the target is automatically regarded as 'too far' and retracted into the mouth.

"Did you find the" shop "? "

"It's been found, in an old residential building ... but it seems that another squad of prisoners also found it just now."

"Prisoner? OK ... let's hurry.

As for the umbrella behind me, I said as I walked. "


Guided by Abel, the team quickly rushed to the store.

Wen Li deliberately kept a distance of two meters because of Han Dong's words just now.

"Sister Mia, did I do something wrong?"

"Look at it for yourself, the deputy captain has‘ dirty things ’on him, but he ca n’t approach it at will.”

"Dirty things !?" Wen Li quickly realized what the master had said, and there was a terrible existence in the space of destiny that was not visible to the naked eye.


The pale and terrible kabuki's head happened to stare at Wen Li, and saliva was seeping from the corner of her mouth like rain ... It seemed that she wanted to eat Wen Li.

"Ah ... people! Head!"

Immediately scared Wen Li hid behind Mia.

At the same time, Han Dong also explained the origin of the head on his shoulder and talked about the situation that "Strange Talk" can be stimulated without clues. He used English throughout the process and the head did not understand.

"Will ... too dangerous?"

Whenever Abel saw the head completely rooted on Han Dong's shoulder, the white hair on his body would float slightly.

"Risk and benefit coexist ... This thing seems to be afraid of" chaos equipment. "

In this regard, I'm still quite sure ... as long as I stay in this state for 24 hours. "

Although it is clear that Han Dong is different.

But this "bold" approach, Abel was really convinced ...

"By the way, Abel, you said just now that when the" shop "was found, the" Death Captain "also came to the door ... did they find you? "

"Theoretically, they wouldn't be discovered unless they had amazing sensations themselves."

"I have a plan ..."


The building where the "shop" is located corresponds to an old street.

Compared with the previous pedestrian street, it is obviously 'clean' a lot here ... And most of the pedestrians walking in this street are elderly people.

Han Dong, carrying a red umbrella, walked on this street alone, with extra conspicuousness.

As for Abel, Winry and Mia, they were arranged on the roof for covert operations.

The first step is to characterize the "dead prisoner."

In the end, it is just a group of ordinary people, or an extraordinary individual who can pose a threat to Han Dong and others.

According to Abel, the "shop" is on the fifth floor.

Stepping on the old, dirty stairs.

When Han Dong reached the fourth floor, the corridor in front of him was completely blocked by a man with a golden inch hair on his back. The POLO shirt worn on him had a feeling that he could be burst at any time.

The black scalp shoes on his feet reached fifty yards.

This physique is obviously a bit exaggerated.

"I've seen you on the train ... I remember that your teammates had two exotic girls in the water! Where are they?"

When it comes to Wen Li and Mia ~ ~ the prisoner looks very excited.

"What about your teammates?" Han Dong asked back.

"Boss asked me to try your skills ... It's brave, but dare to go to the" shop "alone. I'll interrupt your hands and feet first and bring it to the boss.

I hope you can draw two beautiful chicks through you.

My name is Ivanov! From the Black Dolphin Prison in Russia ... I still like a little boy like you. "


One foot out.

Fifty yards of huge leather shoes broke the reinforced concrete stairs with one foot, spread his arms and flung to Han Dong.

My cell prison

My cell prison

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