My Cell Prison

Chapter 244: Last day


Not necessarily.

Han Dong can be sure that there is absolutely no problem with his 'work report'.

As for "pretend", it is even less likely to go wrong.

After all, even the doctor himself has difficulty distinguishing between true and false. When looking at Han Dong posing as himself, he was speechless in shock.

If the "faceless head" traces its roots, it seems to be related to an old king, which is naturally far higher than the lord.

Han Dong calmed down his mind, calmed his face, and wriggled his tentacles against the giant stone seat where the big lord was.

The distance is close.

Some of the details and features of the Great Lord are more clear.

The density of the bone layer covered by tadpoles is terribly high.

Such a defense layer is difficult to crush directly.

战斗 When fighting with the great lord, you must look for bone gaps or some parts that do not cover the bone layer, or it will be difficult to hurt him.


Under the white hair, corresponding to an old, fierce beast-like face, yellow bean-sized eye pupils stared at Han Dong.

Ka Kaka ...

The gears inlaid between the dorsal spine began to turn, and the mechanical auxiliary device pushed the big lord, leaning forward.

The terrible face was stuck with Han Dong, less than a finger apart.

This oppressive positive gaze, even an experienced trainee knight, will definitely have some small moves.

But Han Dong, who has seen various big men, and even snooped on the Yellow Robe, had face-to-face confrontation with the head of Kaimon, completely indifferent.

He learned what a servant should look like, and bowed his head slightly, listening to the Lord's instructions.

"[Maternal] What's the recent output?"

"All indicators are normal, and the selection rate of high-quality ghouls is above the qualified line, and there has been no instability."

The Great Lord seemed to be relieved.

Ka Kaka ... The gear assists the body to move backwards and rests on the stone chair.

"Okay ... you go up and make food first. It tastes great, and the long-lost hunger is here again.

As for the ghoul factory, as long as human invaders don't enter the main production room ... I allow you to call two cadres to ensure the safety of the production room. "

谢谢 "Thank you Lord."

Han Dong found a detailed message from such a conversation, a smile flashed.

In this way, the first meeting with the Great Lord will be passed without any risk.

Follow Barbara and take the elevator to leave the main hall.

After returning to Barbara's room.

Han Dong consumed a part of energy and released a large bottle of bacterial solution through his right arm.

Barbara only needs to add the bacterial solution in the appropriate proportion during the food manufacturing process, and does not need Han Dong's assistance ... These bacterial solutions are enough to make food for several days.

I was just when Han Dong was about to leave.


He exerted a force on Han Dong's body and pushed it down on the soft big bed.

Greasy fit.

Ms. Barbara stuck directly to Han Dong's body directly, and reached out and stroked the swollen head.

"Thank you for today ... Doctor! Let me express my gratitude."

Although Barbara's outer body is really good, it's too greasy.

Han Guang stuck to Han Dong's body in this way, and the spilled oil soaked all of Han Dong's clothes, which was really heavy.

"Wait a minute! I didn't bring‘ thing ’today ... Besides, the factory still needs my supervision, next time.”

I don't appreciate Han Dong.

Barbara naturally lost interest, "I may not be in the mood next time. However, I still want to thank you today ... if the factory invasion is serious, I can go down and help you."

"Thank you."

When leaving the greasy room, I have never felt refreshed throughout my body ... After such an experience, Han Dong may not want to contaminate meat food for several days.

When I returned quietly to the blacksmith's room.

Miss Wenli was still sleeping on the bed, snoring constantly.

Ye Yin Han Dong exudes a strong oily scent, which introduces the smell to the entire room.

Wen Li, who was asleep, stopped snoring after a while, saliva flowed along the corner of her mouth, and whispered in a dream: "Really sweet!"

Han Dong, who was soaking in the bath, recalled the barren appearance of the "family area" on the top floor, and increased the state of the lord's illness and his concern for the "maternal body".

"Mother body ... is positioned higher in the manor than I thought. However, this does not affect my plan. As long as Mia can succeed there.

Whether I succeed or not depends on tomorrow. "

When Han Dong threw away his clothes full of fat and lay back on the big bed.

May be due to slight shaking of the bed, or some oil that penetrates into the skin and is difficult to wash off.

Wen Li in her sleep dream seemed to regard Han Dong as a fragrant big chicken leg, slowly moved her body and leaned over, reached out to hold Han Dong, and even put her thigh on ...

"So heavy ..."

Han Dong tried to move, but found that Wen Li held her tighter ... If she moved again, she would probably be bitten by Wen Li.

"Forget it, just sleep."

Han Dong used the fungal layer in his body as a supporting link, slowly adapted to Wen Li's weight, and just slept like this.

Uh ...

The next day.

I was the fourth day of training.

Although no sunlight will enter the window, the biological clock makes Wen Li wake up on time.

Her head was completely resting on Han Dong's shoulder, and there was even a spit of water flowing in Han Dong's shoulder socket.

Not only that, Wen Li's hands also hugged Han Dong tightly, and her legs clamped it tightly.

A scent of meat from nowhere came from the air.

Unfortunately, it is.

Han Dong also just woke up at this moment, opened his eyes and just met Wen Li.

For a while, Wen Li's cheeks became as hot as her hair ...

About ten minutes passed.

Wen Li blushed and crouched in the corner to organize her giant backpack. She was afraid to talk to Han Dong at all.

As for Han Dong, he leaned on the bedside and closed his eyes.

I seem to be thinking about some issues, and have no intention to act for the time being.

I continued to wait for a while, and Wen Li was really frustrated. She blushed and asked, "Vice ... Vice Captain, when are we going? My things are packed."

不 "No hurry ... it's not time yet."


莉 Wenli sat silently on the bed, eating beef jerky alone.

Han Dong is actually waiting for a turbulent time.

The "Old Castle District" was fully opened yesterday. Some elite teams have made a preliminary exploration of the lower level of the Castle. They have even killed cadres to obtain keys.

必然 Deeper exploration is bound to be carried out today ~ ~ The ancient castle district will start a full-scale war.

Boom ...

The loud noise accompanied by a violent shaking seemed to touch the foundation.

There was a lot of footsteps between the towers.

A large number of guards and awakened family officials rushed to the lower part of the castle to check the situation.

Han Dong was also surprised by such a violent shaking.

We need to know that the area of ​​the entire castle is quite wide, and it is not easy to shake the entire castle.

I waited until the footsteps between the aisles gradually disappeared.

Han Dong got up.

"Wen Li, let's go!"

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